
#GHEAC#[校友风采] 社交媒体,社会营销 … 和我们

Social Media, Social Marketing … and Us
社交媒体,社会营销 … 和我们

Eddy       2012年10月22日

  如果有机会和同行、潜在的合作伙伴等这些人建立社交关系,你会往后推吗?我想你应该会和任何职业人士和充满热情的酒店人一样都回答“不会”。那么为什么在网络互动已经如此频繁的现在,仍然有那么多人往后推迟他们的网络社交呢?Peter O’Connor*去年在巴黎的专题讨论会上正好谈论过这一点:“如果你没有往外推广你的酒店,别人就会先你一步推广人家自己的酒店了。”

  从最初青少年们在Facebook上晒他们的日常生活开始,社交媒体就已经成为不可避免的沟通渠道了。就像现在很多人开始打着“社会营销”旗号做事情 — 这成为推销综合技术中一个新的主要组成部分,并推动传统的营销技术发展成为一种综合的市场沟通。我们的客户们关注着我们的服务和内部品牌的各种资讯,以确认或评估酒店的与他们的契合度,为之后做预定酒店的选择做参考。但是在最开始的阶段帮助客人做出决定这不是我们的职责吗?社交营销的风靡也让我们的服务范围随着科技的发展扩大了许多。

  客人现在来酒店寻求的是体验,他们根据在酒店体验到的愉悦度和舒适度来对我们做出考量。建立良好的宾客关系怎么样?我们应该尽快建立起与客户的良好关系,以使得从客户入住酒店之前直至离开这整个过程我们都能与其进行良好的沟通。倾听社交媒体渠道的信息也是在倾听我们客户的需求,倾听他们最新的喜恶动向、想要什么样的惊喜,以避免那些不必要的糟糕状况的发生 … 以这样的方式分享我们的资讯并争取更多的客户!现在在客人第一次来酒店之前就与之建立沟通关系和跟进交谈已经非常容易!这不是我们作为酒店人的基本职责吗?做好这些基本职责才能让酒店朝一个更好、更健康的方向发展,社交媒体也让我们得以接触到更多的客户,拉近彼此之间沟通的距离。

  当然,也会经常遇到高管直接过来询问投资回报率的情况。难道我们在线下的社交活动中每一分钱都要用投资回报率来衡量吗?对于可以获得很多当地业务信息的非正式社交聚会,用于这些聚会上的开支很难用投资回报率来衡量,但是你仍然会参加,不是吗?虽然随着日新月异的科技发展,新工具的出现确实使我们能够更容易地计算出从客户身上获得的收益,但是Hoffman & Fodor建议我们换一个角度来考虑,估算客户预计在我们酒店支出多少。我们的宣传推广会让客户对我们酒店的投入多少时间和关注?由于越来越多的企业开始转型走“C2C”推广模式(“客户服务客户”或“客户介绍客户”),我们行业真的需要醒醒了,醒来闻一闻消费者直接互动营销模式的咖啡香。


* HVS. (2011, February 7th). Waking Up to Social Media: the Hotel Industry Response. [Panel Discussion]. Hilton Hotel, Paris.
** Hoffman, D.L. & Fodor, M. (2010, October 1st). Can You Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing? Retrieved July 22nd, 2012, from SloanReview.MIT.edu:

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Social Media, Social Marketing … and Us

by Eddy      22 October 2012

Do you postpone any networking opportunities with peers, prospects and the like? As with any professional and passionate hoteliers, I shall assume that the answer is ‘no’. So why so many still delay their online engagement when there’s been so much happening? Peter O’Connor* rightly stated in a panel discussion in Paris last year, that “if you don’t talk about your property, some else is, already”.

From the very first days of Facebook when teenagers were sharing their daily lives online, social media have evolved into unavoidable communication channels. As such they now meet under one umbrella called ‘Social Marketing’; a new major component of any promotional mix, which only complement the traditional ones toward an integrated marketing communication. Our customers are looking for cues about our services, our internal branding, in order to feel reassured or assess compatibility and thus assist with their booking decision. Isn’t this our role to assist from that very early stage? Has technology not extended the concept of services from then on?

Guests are now looking for experiences and they gauge us on how pleasant and practical these experiences are (or not). What about building relationships? We may start the relationship as soon as possible, only to follow through until well after they have left. Listening through social media channels is also about listening to our customers’ wants and needs, new trends or things they don’t expect, opportunities for surprises, to correct a situation that should not have happened … thus to share and converse! It is also so easy to pursue a conversation now that had started even before they came the first time. Isn’t this the basis of our role as hoteliers? Back to basics is always good and healthy, and social media has just enabled us to extend our reach, or close that communication bridge between us and them.

Of course, there comes a time when the C-suite lands in and asks for ROI. Do we measure every penny of ROI from our offline networking activities? Can we attach revenue to an informal gathering where you may glean local intelligence? But you still attend, don’t you? Despite the fact that measuring our audience is made easier with the availability of new tools every day, Hoffman & Fodor** suggest to think upside down and actually measure how much investment our audience is ready to make for us. How much time and engagement they are ready to put towards our promotion. Since more and more promotional content is ‘C2C’ (‘customer to customer’ or ‘user-generated’), our industry should really wake up and finally smell the coffee of interactive direct marketing.


* HVS. (2011, February 7th). Waking Up to Social Media: the Hotel Industry Response. [Panel Discussion]. Hilton Hotel, Paris.
** Hoffman, D.L. & Fodor, M. (2010, October 1st). Can You Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing? Retrieved July 22nd, 2012, from SloanReview.MIT.edu: 


