

World’s biggest tourism event offers fun and good news.

Angelo Tullio Valentino        2013年4月10日


  大家好!我叫Angelo Tullio,我是一名热情饱满的格里昂学生,现在是格里昂校友协会的一员,这让我非常自豪。时间过得飞快,确实如此,但是我从格里昂学到的最好的理念是:如果我们秉持同一种精神,那么我们的联系和关系可以永存!从现在开始,我会试着与你分享一些我最好的经验,并为你的未来的事业发展提一些我自己的建议。


  今年我获得了一个特别好的机会,在同领域全球规模最大的盛会中担任一线工作:柏林国际旅游博览会(ITB, International Tourism Bourse)。这次活动的举办时间为3月6号到10号,在Messe Berlin巨大的展厅中举行,全世界有超过10万的旅游行业专业人士前来参观。在重要的节日期间,柏林这座城市本身就挤满了游客。被空气中的这种火热的气氛所感染,我一连好几个小时和酒店领导和行业内的重要人物交谈并交流思想观念。很明显,我在格里昂学到的知识让他们都印象深刻。

  我还参加了一些有趣的会议。整个旅游行业中已经展现出一些积极的信号显示这个行业正在从全球金融危机中复苏。确实,从2013年开始,行业形势开始好转,全球范围内的酒店预定数目整体上都在增加(德国旅游协会(German Travel Association)主席Jürgen Büchy证实这一点)。国际旅游博览会(ITB)也强调了酒店行业的一个新趋势:随着手机和社交媒体的普及,相关活动的数量也在以惊人的速度增加。此外,我可不能错过品尝美食的机会 — 这些美食是不同国家提供的特色美食。

  如果你有机会参加这样一个活动,热切建议你抓住这个机会。我保证你会发现很多乐趣,并且你的公司也会从你这次经历中收获一些东西,因为旅游展览会仍然是建立协议和交流思想的最重要的场所。根据世界旅游组织(World Tourism Organization)常务理事 Márcio Favilla的说法,在一个被互联网和科技统辖的世界里,“没有什么可以取代面对面交流的集会。柏林国际旅游博览会又一次为全球旅游行业提供了交流信息、达成协议和建立商业联系的平台。”


  资料引用来源:ITB Berlin Press release 
  11/03/2013 (http://www.itb-berlin.de/en/MediaCentre/PressReleasesAndNews/index.jsp?lang=en&id=287104)

Angelo Tullio Valentino

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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World’s biggest tourism event offers fun and good news.

by Angelo Tullio Valentino      10 April 2013

Hi there! My name is Angelo Tullio, I have been an enthusiastic Glion student and now I am a very proud member of the Glion Alumni Association. Time flies, that’s true, but one of the best lessons I have learned from Glion is that contacts and relationships may last forever, if we all share the same spirit! From now on, I will try to share some of my best experiences with you and, why not, give you some advice for your future careers.

Please, let me start with one point: working in the travel industry is very exciting! Meeting people from other countries, traveling, taking part in events, speaking foreign languages, and so on, are just a few of my favorite aspects related to it. And what about travel fairs and exhibitions? They are amazing events where you can talk to hundreds of people who share your same ideas. It makes you feel part of something really big and important, and I love that.

This year, I got the amazing chance to be on the first row at the world’s largest event of this kind: the International Tourism Bourse (ITB) in Berlin. It took place from March 6th to 10th in the huge “Messe Berlin” exhibition area and was visited by more than 100,000 travel professionals from all around the world. The city of Berlin itself was full of visitors, like during important festivities. Excited by all this electricity in the air, I have spent hours talking and exchanging ideas with hospitality leaders and very important industry people. Obviously, they were all fascinated by my studies at Glion.

I also attended some interesting conferences, where very positive signs of recovery from the global crisis for the whole travel industry were shown. Indeed, 2013 has started well, with a general increase in the number of hotel bookings worldwide (as confirmed by Jürgen Büchy, President of the German Travel Association). The ITB also highlighted a new trend in hospitality, with an incredible number of mobile and social media related events. Moreover, I could not miss the taste of local food provided by the different countries of the world.

If you ever get the chance to participate in such an event, I warmly suggest you grab this opportunity. I promise you will have fun, and your company will also gain something from your experience, as travel fairs are still the most important place to make deals and exchange opinions. According to Márcio Favilla, Executive Director of the World Tourism Organization, in a world that is ruled by the internet and technology, “there is no substitute for face-to-face meetings. Once again, ITB Berlin provided the platform for the global tourism industry to exchange information, conclude deals and cultivate business relations.”

I am not going to miss the ITB next year, what about you?
Quotations taken from: ITB Berlin Press release
11/03/2013 (http://www.itb-berlin.de/en/MediaCentre/PressReleasesAndNews/index.jsp?lang=en&id=287104)

Angelo Tullio Valentino


