

Applying the Glion MBA beyond hospitality

  格里昂高等教育学院                      2014年11月20日


  格里昂在线课程校友John Williams — 毕业于2013年

Verizon Enterprise Solutions领导力思维&纵向理论全球活动副总监

  虽然John Williams从格里昂获得了MBA学位,他的个人履历却并不符合一个典型的格里昂在线MBA学生的情况:他不是从事酒店管理层的工作,而是技术行业的思维部门领导。John成绩优异,获得格里昂毕业论文奖。他已经在Verizon Enterprise Solutions市场和品牌部门工作了12年,Verizon Enterprise Solutions为全世界的企业客户和政府客户管理云服务、移动业务、安全服务和通讯业务。John定居在英国汉普郡奥尔顿(Alton,Hampshire, UK)。格里昂学校问John为什么选择格里昂在线MBA以及这个课程以及如何证明这个课程与他的工作相关。



  我为什么不选择亨利商学院(Henley Business School)这所看起来更符合我职业发展的学校?因为如果我选择这所学校的话班里都是和我相似的人 — 大家有着相似的教育背景,相似的工作背景,相似的国籍。我不想这样。在格里昂,大家来自世界各地,来自不同的行业,有不同的背景。你在一个在线课程中就可以体验到这些,因为你不会受到任何地域限制。这样的多样性极大地丰富了我们讨论的内容和深度。




  我的团队和哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review),经济学家(The Economist),以及牛津经济(Oxford Economics)等这样的第三方合作,我们运行的主要研究项目让我们洞悉人们如何使用科技。我们也收集Verizon在全球几亿的客户信息。我们解释我们的见解并创建研究报告,再加上信息图表、视频和其他材料以帮助管理人员形成自己的观点、创建策略及最终作出决定。




  大公司倾向于认为他们可以推出适用于全球各个国家的企业社会责任原动力统一模版,但这行不通。我发现要使员工参与进来,我们需要授权当地团队找到适合他们文化的工作动力。适用于美国密尔沃基(Milwaukee, USA)的员工文化不一定就适用于印度德里(Delhi)的员工。





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Applying the Glion MBA beyond hospitality

by Glion Institute of Higher Education       20 November 2014


Glion Online Alumnus – Graduated in 2013

Associate Director, Global Campaigns, Thought Leadership & Vertical Propositions at Verizon Enterprise Solutions

While earning his MBA with us, John Williams did not fit the profile of the typical Glion Online MBA student: He was not a hospitality executive but a thought leader in the technology industry. John excelled in the program, winning the Glion Dissertation Prize. He has worked in marketing and branding for 12 years with Verizon Enterprise Solutions, which manages cloud, mobile, security, and communications services for business and government clients all over the world. He is based in Alton, Hampshire, UK. Glion asked John why he chose the Glion Online MBA and how it has proved relevant to his work.

Why did you choose the Glion Online MBA program rather than a more typical MBA?
It’s true that the first couple modules of the Glion Online MBA are strongly slanted toward hospitality. But after that, it’s a broad services industries MBA. And I chose more mainstream modules. Instead of, say, revenue management, which is a hospitality discipline, I took a marketing communications course, or a strategy course.

Why did I not go to the Henley Business School, which is down the road from me? Because the class would be full of people just like me— people with similar educational backgrounds, similar working background, similar nationality. I didn’t want that. With Glion, there were people from all over the world, from all different industries and backgrounds. You get that with an online course, because you’re not tied to any location. This diversity added significantly to the discussions and the depth and richness of our discussions.

Also, in a face-to-face classroom, there are always people who want to be heard and people who don’t want to be heard. An online classroom levels the playing field. It allows for everyone’s point of view and voice to be heard in an identical way to everyone else’s. Which is quite unique.

Your title is Associate Director, Thought Leadership Marketing. Practically speaking, what does that mean?
My team is charged with looking at how existing and future technologies can enable enterprise organizations to grow, expand into new markets, increase productivity, better engage customers, and drive efficiencies within their businesses. We produce thought leadership materials that look at how the technologies that Verizon provides, among others, are driving change within industries and businesses.

My team works with third parties, such as Harvard Business Review, The Economist, and Oxford Economics, to run primary research activities that provide us with insights into how people use technology. We also gather data from the hundreds of millions of Verizon customers around the world. We interpret that insight and create research reports, along with infographics, videos, and other materials that help executives form opinions, create strategies, and ultimately make decisions.

How is what you learned in the MBA relevant to your job?
When I started the MBA, I had been working for about 15 years. The program allowed me to join the dots of my practical knowledge and experience with academic theory, and it gave me research-based validation for the way I think in my work.

In the Leadership course, the instructor had us keep a reflective journal of our interactions with people at work. You could bring examples to the discussion room and analyze them together. This makes you think about the decisions you make and the actions you take with individuals, and it highlights where you could do things better. So you can improve the relationships that perhaps aren’t so good. It’s about taking responsibility for your part in communication. It’s about deepening leadership qualities—empathy, listening.

Tell us about your dissertation.
My topic was corporate social responsibility (CSR). Verizon has a long track record of being socially responsible and supporting good causes. I wanted to test how engaged our employees are in different countries, and to ask whether, if employees were to get involved in CSR initiatives, they would feel more engaged and closer to the brand. I surveyed employees in America, India, Singapore, Australia, and all over Europe.

Large companies tend to think they can roll out CSR initiatives that can be applied in exactly the same way across the globe. But that doesn’t work. I found that to engage employees, we need to empower local teams to generate initiatives that appeal to their culture. Something relevant to employees in Milwaukee, USA, wouldn’t be relevant to those in Delhi.

I presented my dissertation to the president of our foundation. I recommended that the foundation team give budgetary responsibility to team members within Europe and Asia Pacific as opposed to having them always look to the U.S. for direction.

Would you recommend that your peers in the technology and other service industries take a similar educational path?
Definitely. The Glion Online MBA was an amazing experience. Really tough, but incredibly rewarding.

Classrooms are certainly not ideal learning situations in this day and age, where all of us are completely time starved. With the online MBA, no matter what comes up in your life, you’ve got the option to reorganize priorities so you can invest the right amount of time into studying. The flexibility it affords you is second to none.


