
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]纯净生活的国度:哥斯达黎加 — 第二部分

Pura Vida! – Part 2
纯净生活的国度:哥斯达黎加 — 第二部分



  我继续在美丽的哥斯达黎加旅行,这个国家有非常多服务周到的酒店。我一直记得酒店之王Conrad Hilton先生 — 纽约华尔道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria in NYC)和希尔顿酒店集团(Hilton Hotel)创始人 — 说的非常有名的一句话是:“我们承诺将酒店的温暖和光亮送到全世界”。真的,如果你把在酒店的工作看做是为顾客的生活带来温暖和光亮,并且努力让顾客有一个难忘的酒店住宿体验,这会帮助你在事业上取得成功并使你享受你的工作。酒店是一个报酬丰厚的行业,但是高薪资是要求热情和投入的。

  作为一名酒店职业人士,尤其是从格里昂酒店管理学校(Glion Hotel School)毕业,教会我如何在这个行业做到最好:我在酒店里总会留意所有的细节,从来没有停止过学习),并且去别的酒店入住有助于我明白别的酒店在什么地方做的最好以及他们是如何做的。我想这已经成为了我的职业习惯。

  但是现在让我们回归主题:我在哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)的旅行 …

  阿雷纳火山(Arenal Volcano)

  在哥斯达黎加靠太平洋一边享受过充足的日光之后,我们出发去拉福尔图纳(La Fortuna) — 阿雷纳火山之家。这个壮丽的自然景观是全球最活跃的火山之一,吸引了来自世界各地的众多游客。阿雷纳火山一带以生态旅游而闻名,这里还有很多丰富的活动,包括瀑降运动、高空滑索、急流漂流、远足、天然温泉等。我们居住在塔巴肯酒店(Tabacon Hotel),这个酒店以1968年被火山喷发摧毁的一个叫塔巴肯(Tabacon)的小镇命名。这个酒店非常独特,坐落在火山山脚处,四周被温泉环绕,为客户提供了无可比拟的体验。每间客房都能看见火山,不过只有一些幸运儿才可以看到火山顶,因为这些火山顶通常被白色的云雾环绕,很难看到。酒店所处的地域看起来就像是一个植物花园,那些花草美到夺人心魄。真是一个令人惊艳的世外桃源!


  在游览过所有的花园并体验过温泉之后,我们去参加了一些极限运动。在来哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)之前我甚至都没有尝试极限运动或半极限运动的想法。但是,不知怎么我的朋友们就说服我参加了瀑降运动和第四等级的急流漂流(如果你之前没有参加过急流漂流:急流漂流一共分为6个难度等级,尼亚加拉大瀑布(Niagara Falls)属于难度最高的那一级,于是你可以想象一下我参加的第四等级的激流漂流可一点都不是开玩笑的)。虽然我有犹豫,但是我还是想展示出我的魄力并尝试一些新事物。并且,天哪,我做了一个多么好的选择!这两次体验我都很喜欢,我尤其喜欢急流漂流,虽然它的速度确实是相当快。这9英里的漂流旅程充满了挑战,水下的岩石、迷人的山间美景、当地的小村庄、郁郁葱葱的绿草地 … 真是一次宝贵的体验!这次经历让我学到了:不要害怕经历新事物,这些通常会成为最好的体验!





英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Pura Vida! – Part 2

by Alumni    30 August 2012

As I continued my travels through beautiful Costa Rica, truly rich in warm hospitality, I kept remembering the famous words of Mr. Conrad Hilton – the founder of “the greatest of them all” Waldorf Astoria in NYC and the Hilton Hotels chain – “it is our promise to spread the warmth and light of hospitality around the world”. Truly, if you think about a job in hospitality, as the one that fills someone’s life with warmth and light or makes someone’s experience most memorable, it helps you succeed and enjoy your job. Hospitality is a very rewarding industry, but it does require passion and dedication.

Being a hotel professional, and especially a graduate from the Glion Hotel School, teaches you how to be the best in this industry; I always pay attention to all the details, when I stay at a hotel. I do not stop learning, and travelling to other hotels helps me understand what it is that they do best and how they do it. I guess it has become my professional habit.

But now back to my trip to Costa Rica…

Arenal Volcano

After having soaked up enough of sun on the Pacific side of Costa Rica we took off to La Fortuna – the home of Arenal Volcano. This magnificent natural creation is active, and attracts lots of tourists from all over the world. The Arenal area is known for ecotourism, and different activities including but not limited to waterfall rappelling, zip lining, whitewater rafting, hiking, natural hot springs, etc. We stayed at the Tabacon Hotel, which was named after a little town of Tabacon destroyed during the volcano’s eruption in 1968. The hotel is quite unique as it sits at the foot of the volcano and is surrounded by hot springs, offering an unparalleled experience to its guests. Each room has a view of the volcano, although only lucky ones can see the top of the volcano, which is usually wrapped into fluffy white clouds. The territory of the hotel is like a botanical garden; the beauty of some flowers and plants truly takes your breath away. Truly an amazing and serene place!

Hot Springs at Arenal

After all the gardens had been explored and the warm waters in the springs had been enjoyed, we took off for some extreme sports. Before going to Costa Rica I did not even have any desire to do extreme or semi extreme activities. But, somehow, my friends got me signed up for a waterfall rappelling and a category 4-whitewater rafting (if you have not done whitewater rafting before, there are only 6 categories of difficulty, with the Niagara Falls at the top of the difficulty chart, so you can imagine that my category 4 was not a joke at all). Despite my hesitance, I wanted to be a good sport and experience something new. And, oh my, what a good choice I made! I absolutely loved both experiences, but especially the whitewater rafting although the rapids were pretty rough. It was such a wonderful 9-mile ride full of challenges, underwater rocks, amazing views of the mountains, tiny local villages, green lush meadows, – a truly precious time! Lesson learned: do not be afraid of new experiences, they are usually the best ones!

That concluded my amazing trip to Costa Rica. On the way to the airport I was thinking which hotel I had liked the most. And, truthfully, they all had a nice design, tasty cuisine, and unique locations, but one thing that stood out was the hospitality, openness, friendliness, and pride of the people working at those hotels. If I ever go back, I will definitely go back to the same hotels, as I know that I will always feel welcome there. That is what sells your hotel, what makes an experience at your hotel like no other. Pretty walls and great amenities are just nice add-ons.

Another lesson learned: always keep up a positive spirit and you will be very successful in this industry!

And, I’d like to finish up with one of the Hilton taglines: “Travel can take you places!”



