
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂校长Judy HOU:软技能让你在竞争激烈的职场中与众不同

Soft skills make the difference in a competitive job market


  格里昂高等教育学院 — 专注于国际酒店事业的全球三所顶级高等教育学府之一 — 其专栏作家及总负责人/首席执行官侯嘉惠谈通过软技能训练使其成为学生在酒店行业获得成功的助力。

  酒店行业吸引来了有抱负、有事业心的人。但在格里昂我们探寻一些额外的东西 — 我们称之为“格里昂精神”。这是我们学生共享的价值观 — 热爱酒店行业,与他人合作,不断追求卓越。要在酒店行业中获得成功,实践经验和强大的商业头脑是必备的因素,但同时还需具备一系列软技能。一些个人品质,如强烈的职业道德、可靠性、积极的态度、自我激励和团队协作能力等在雇主对招聘者的考察因素中占据越来越重要的位置,因此对于我们这样以就业为核心的教育者来说,这些个人品质的重要性也在增加。

  根据德科集团(Adecco)对美国就业市场的最新调查报告,500名来自不同行业的高管投票显示,有近一半(44%)的高管将职场技能缺口归类为软技能不足。他们认为这些技能缺陷 — 沟通、审辩式思维、创新能力和合作能力将是未来职场中的主要挑战之一,比技术缺口(22%的高管投票)和领导力技能缺口(14%的高管投票)大很多。


  类似地,服务行业中的其他雇主也将软技能看做是创造整体客户体验的一个重要方面以及创造品牌识别度的主要推动力量。体验和奢侈品牌行业的领军企业和酒店行业的大型集团已经将格里昂作为其主要招聘基地,部分原因就是格里昂学生拥有卓越的软技能。欧洲 — 洲际酒店集团(Inter Continental Hotel Group)毕业生项目经理Andrew Nelson说:“格里昂的学生们学术知识扎实,并且通过实习和工作经历获得了很好的实践技能。与同龄人相比,这些学生的软技能已经达到了一个很优秀的水平。”






  洲际酒店集团,Creating ‘moments of trust’,2014年摘要


  关于侯嘉惠(Judy Hou):侯嘉惠,总负责人/首席执行官,管理格里昂学校在瑞士和英国的校区。来格里昂之前,侯女士是中国上海锦江理诺士酒店管理学院(Les Roches Jin Jiang Hotel Management College)校长。侯嘉惠也是酒店商业评论杂志(Hotel Business Review Journal)的编委并撰写了多篇酒店行政与亚洲酒店管理的论文。

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Soft skills make the difference in a competitive job market

Judy Hou, columnist and Director General/CEO at Glion Institute of Higher Education discusses - one of the top three institutes of higher education for an international career in hospitality – makes the case for soft skills training as a factor for success within the hospitality industry.

The hospitality industry attracts ambitious, career-minded people. However, at Glion we look for something extra – we call it the ‘Glion Spirit’. This is a common value shared by our students, a passion and enthusiasm for the industry, for working alongside other people while constantly striving for excellence. To succeed in the hospitality industry takes practical experience and a strong business mind, but it also requires a range of soft skills.These personal attributes such as a strong work ethic, dependability, a positive attitude, self-motivation and being team-oriented, are becoming increasingly important to employers and subsequently to us as an employability-focused educator.

According to the latest Adecco report on U.S. job market perspectives, nearly half (44%) of the 500 polled senior executives from a variety of industries qualify the job market skills gap as a lack of soft skills. They have identified this deficit of skills in communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration as one of the major future challenges in the job market, ahead of technical (22%) and leadership skills (14%). *

Soft skills are at the very core of the hospitality industry, where employees are constantly dealing with customers face-to-face and strong interpersonal skills are essential for creating a positive guest experience. Industry leaders are keen on developing guest relations in order to create a personalization and an increased identification of the costumer with the brand, as this an important aspect to a growing number of guests from emerging economy markets.**

Similarly, other employers in the service industries are recognizing soft skills as a main aspect of creating an overall customer experience and a major driver for brand identification. Recruiters from these market leaders in the experience and luxury brand industry, together with the major players in the hospitality industry have been choosing Glion as recruitment ground, partly because of the students’ excellent soft skills. Andrew Nelson, Graduate Program Manager, Europe – Inter Continental Hotel Group: “Glion students are academically strong as well as having good practical skills gained through internships and work experience. The students have developed their soft skills to an excellent standard for people of their age.”

At Glion, we believe that a combination of academic and real-world learning, paired with personal development,best prepares our graduates for their professional futures. The campus-based learning, both theoretical and practical, is followed by internships where students apply and deepen their acquired skills. This experience enables graduates to step straight into a responsible position upon graduation and start work immediately at a professional level. The balance of practice and theory nurtures professional and personal development and provides the combination of soft skills that the industry demands. We refer to this as the transformative education process.

The transformative education process consists of developing full personal and professional potential and involves addressing six key areas of development. These are internationality, guided hands-on learning, professionalism in the workplace, progressive learning principles, soft skill development and ultimately, employability.

In addition to this, we believe the most successful employees will demonstrate a passion for the industry, leadership, adaptability and cultural sensitivity. For this reason we offer our students a unique and culturally diverse living experience. Our students come from over 89countries and Glion Institute of Higher education works with hiring managers in more than 75 countries, offering students the opportunity to explore different countries and cultures during their studies and internships, fostering tolerance and open-mindedness.

The emphasis that Glion places on developing soft skills enables students to develop self-confidence, discipline, and professionalism. Students live and work together, operate as a team in a number of project-based tasks and are required to follow a rigorous code of conduct and dress on a daily basis. This builds team skills and hones presentation, which are both important to successful entry into the professional world.

We educate students who are used to traveling and working all overthe world and move comfortably in a multi-cultural and international environment. They have acquired the necessary hospitality skill-set in a fast-paced team environment and were able to develop a mature personal and professional attitude and a strong will to succeed. They are hard workers, flexible and business-minded and due to the soft skills instilled at Glion, they are exactly what today’s employers are looking for.

*Adecco, 2014 Job Market Perspectives
*IHG Inter Continental Hotels Group, Creating ‘moments of trust’, Executive Summary, 2014


About Judy Hou: Judy Hou, Director General/CEO, manages Glion-branded institutions in Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Prior to Glion, Hou was CEO of Les Roches Jin Jiang Hotel Management College in Shanghai, China. Hou is on the editorial board of Hotel Business ReviewJournal and has authored several articles in Hotel Executive and Hotel Management Asia.


