
#GHEAC#[校园生活] 猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)和其它评论网站,是敌是友?

TripAdvisor and other reviews, friends or foe?

Eddy     2013年5月10日



  这么多年来到现在,一些酒店经营者们的工作一直就像打怪兽似的。那些问题就像九头蛇,你好不容易砍了一个头下来,马上又有两个头长出来。嗯,猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)网站可没有被打掉过脑袋,并且也没有任何迹象显示其网站会很快走向衰落(今年大约有1亿条评论!?)还有,现在客户们在 Holidaycheck,Expedia,Booking 这样的网站上也可以评论我们,并且我们自己的网站brand.com从2012年7月起也向顾客开放了评论区域。商务旅客们还开始在CarlsonWagonLit ‘Hotel Intel’ (4Hoteliers, 2012)这样的论坛中对我们进行私下评论,而酒店经营者们却没有权限进入(我已经查询过了)。

  现在他们怎么说?如果不能与之相抗,就与其合作(然后获胜)。酒店可以对这些评论给予回复,但是,有多少酒店真正利用了一个强大的市场销售渠道并使其价值得到了最大程度的发挥?请考虑一下Bulchand-Gidumal, Melian-Gonzalez and Gonzalez Lopez-Valcarcel (2011a, 2011b), Hsu, Chen and Ting (2012), O’Connor (2010), Parra-Lopez, Bulchand-Gidumal, Gutierrez-Taño and Diaz-Armas (2010)或Smyth, Wu and Greene (2010)这些第三方研究机构的研究成果,他们都会给你一样的建议:努力争取,利用这些渠道!他们还会告诉你:很抱歉,我们(酒店经营者)还是落后 … 并且据我所知一些酒店管理者还在像唐吉珂德一样和假想敌作斗争,而并没有认清真正的对手是谁。


  对酒店经营者来说最糟糕的事情会是什么?接受大众的责骂吗?如果顾客的控告属实,那么就咬紧牙关抓住机会提升酒店的服务水平。无端被泼脏水?通过友善的方式维护自己,虽然当顾客对我们酒店言辞刻薄时我会以讽刺之言相对 … 我们也是人啊,并且,我们只是对工作热情、辛勤付出的酒店经营者,为什么要无故承担这样不公平的对待?不过,对大多数发布不好评论的顾客来说,他们只是想让你听到他们的声音罢了。所以,向他们展示出你的关心。非常容易。你会对你在猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)上的听众数量之多以及阅读你回复的评论者们数目之多而感到吃惊!我在过去9个月在格里昂的商业应用项目课程学习中学过如何处理此类事件,我现在每周仍然学习到更多这方面的经验。我只是发现酒店和顾客之间确实可以存在对话沟通(这目前为止只是我的梦想)!不仅和未来的客户对话(是的,我们从猫途鹰上获得了很多推荐客户),现在更是有很多之前的评论者回来看到并认同我的答复。我们最近在我们的brand.com网站上与很多评论者进行了交谈。一种方式是通过点击“评论”按钮进行评论,另一种方式是在我公布我的回复之后直接给我发邮件,这些互动对着屏幕就可以实现!多美妙!我们不都喜欢交流吗?

  现在,我不是在谈论那些我们遇到的已经成为家常便饭的奇葩事件:“某某和某某(通常跟的是他们怪异的读不懂的登录名!),感谢您对我们的评论 … 我们(永远)很抱歉 … 我们会为您重整酒店 … 我们会作出彻底的改变。这样的事情不会再发生了 …”再附带一个酒店的签名(如果你幸运的话)“。他们根本就没有认真倾听顾客的反馈,也是酒店在纯粹的打太极。读者们会做什么呢?他们会逐条看这些评论,然后发现酒店的回复几乎是一模一样的模板。这还是酒店倾听和回复顾客评论的情况。否则的话,读者只能听到一种声音,就是你的顾客的反馈。正如Iain Ainsworth White Line酒店在HVS组织的一次专题讨论会(巴黎,2011年2月)上清楚阐述的情况一样:是的,他们已经在谈论你们了!

  替代性选择。在工作团队中找一位富有创意和关心客户的团队成员,让其负责给所有确实花费过一些时间和你交谈的客户写个人留言以作为回馈。然后,你会收到更多来自客户的留言对你表示感谢和赞许你对顾客的主动倾听和关心,并收到更多推荐而来的预定单 … 就像我们做的一样!





英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

TripAdvisor and other reviews, friends or foe?

by Eddy   10 May 2013

What is your opinion? Really, truly, I’d love to read it.

For years and still now, some hoteliers have been fighting the beast. But like the Hydra, you cut the head off and two grow instead. Well, TripAdvisor has never had its head chopped off and it is not showing any signs of going down anytime soon (100 million reviews this year!?). Also now, customers can review us on the like of Holidaycheck, Expedia, Booking or actually, our very own brand.com too since July 2012. Business travelers have also started to review us privately on CarlsonWagonLit ‘Hotel Intel’ (4Hoteliers, 2012), although hoteliers don’t have yet access (I’ve checked for us).

Now what do they say? When you can’t beat it, play along with it (and win). Hotels have the chance to reply to these reviews and yet, how many truly engage and make the most of a formidable (and free) marketing channel? Please consider the work of Bulchand-Gidumal, Melian-Gonzalez and Gonzalez Lopez-Valcarcel (2011a, 2011b), Hsu, Chen and Ting (2012), O’Connor (2010), Parra-Lopez, Bulchand-Gidumal, Gutierrez-Taño and Diaz-Armas (2010) or  Smyth, Wu and Greene (2010), they will all tell you the same: go for it and engage! And they will also tell you that sadly, we (hoteliers) are still lagging behind … and I read that some are still tilting at windmills, like Don Quixote.

Thus, shall I give you a peek of how we see it at the hotel? Review platforms may be a necessary evil, but are they truly evils? Probably not. Just as some hoteliers have been taking cash, then waiting for guests to go and be replaced by the next ones. Customers have now been seriously empowered by social media. They now can talk back, and they should! Don’t you think? We’ve deprived them of freely and easily expressing their perceptions and emotions to us, for years. Please, don’t tell me that the good old in-room questionnaire was a nice and user-friendly experience! So now, it is time for a catch-up.

And what is the worst that could happen to you? Receiving a public rant? If deserved, then bite the bullet and grab your chance to improve. Unjustified? Then just say so. In a nice way obviously, although I do use sarcasms when they are mean to us … we’re just human beings right? Just passionate and committed hoteliers, on top of it. Yet, for most of them, they just want to be heard by YOU. So, show them you care. Dead easy. You would be surprised how many listeners you get on TripAdvisor, and how many reviewers read your response to their posting!! I have been studying the matter for my Applied Business Project with Glion these past 9 months, and I still learn more every week. I have just found out that there is indeed a conversation (I had only dreamt about it so far)! Not only with future guests (yes, we get a lot of referrals from Trip), but now from past reviewers who turn back and acknowledge my responses. We also started a conversation with a couple of reviewers on our brand.com recently. One replied online through the ‘comment’ button, the other emailed me straight after the publication of my response, with a screen shot of it!! How nice! Don’t we love conversation?

Now, I am not talking about the unfortunately usual: “Thank you so-and-so (usually with their weird and unreadable log-in names!) for reviewing us … we are (ever) so sorry … will turn the place upside down for you … and change totally. Won’t do it ever again …” and a signature from the property (if you’re lucky)”. That is so-not listening. This is a pure and utter tick-box exercise. And what do readers do? They read one review after the other, and find the exact same template all along. That is if the hotel is listening and responding. If not, they only get one sound of the bell; your customers’. And as Iain Ainsworth (White Line Hotels) said so clearly at a panel discussion organised by HVS (Paris, February 2011): yes, they are already talking about you!

Alternative option. Find a creative and caring member of the team, and empower her / him with writing personal notes back to all the customers who have actually taken some of their time to talk to you. Then, you’ll start receiving many more notes of ‘thank you’, of congratulations for actively listening and caring and more booking referrals … just like we do! You will raise your online profile, your credentials and maybe increase your brand equity.

OK, we take the game a little further by adding references in our responses, the old little joke here and there, a salute to someone through someone else’s review, a bit of a teasing … and even a quiz. But this never went anywhere. I had hidden my messages so well, that nobody found them!

Oh, and before I leave you to your creative and genuine writing skills, don’t forget that you are reviewed in many languages and also scrutinized in all these languages too. So you might need several “creative and caring members” to cover them all and translate. But then, that’s another opportunity for you to engage with your team on social media. Please join the conversation and enjoy!!

And here is the link to our TripAdvisor page, should you fancy a peek:

With our brand.com reviews:


