
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]巧克力梦 – 校友Aditi Malhotra纽约创业故事

Alumna makes Forbes “30 Under 30” list making luxurychocolate in NYC
校友入选福布斯“30 Under30”创业奖 — 在纽约制作精品巧克力

  巧克力梦 – 校友Aditi Malhotra纽约创业故事



  每个文艺青年心中都有一个巧克力梦,如果给你一个创业机会,你会选择以巧克力为主题创业吗?格里昂校友Aditi Malhotra 就成功地在纽约这个寸金寸土的地方把自己的爱好变成了事业了,还为大众带来了很多甜蜜的幸福。一起来看看她的创业故事:

  在纽约这类美国大都市里很难看到瑞士优质巧克力的身影,格里昂06届校友Aditi Malhotra 在纽约建立了别具特色的巧克力店Tache Artisan Chocolate,成功地把最地道的瑞士巧克力引进了这个纸醉金迷的金融之都。她的巧克力店不仅仅是普通的巧克力店,她因此还入选了2014福布斯颁发的“30 Under30”创业奖。这是一个为30岁以下的创业人群而设的奖项。

Aditi 从格里昂毕业后就开始从事餐饮管理的相关工作,她的最爱还是甜品艺术。2012年她和别人合伙在纽约创建了一间别致的精品咖啡店,她还亲自担任甜品师的工作。

  2013年,Aditi 接管了整个店并改了店名(改成现在的Tache Artisan Chocolate),把重点放在巧克力制作上。她专注于制作精品巧克力,顾客定位也锁定在收入较高的人群。一开始,很多顾客都低估了制作巧克力的成本和精力,觉得她的巧克力有点儿贵,不过Aditi 用独一无二的优良出品让大家觉得购买她的巧克力是物有所值的。

Aditi 还在店里开班教客人自己制作巧克力,这也不失为一种巧妙的营销手法。加上Aditi 善于运用社交媒体与顾客互动,她的店也渐渐赢得顾客的口碑,在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,连《纽约时报》等媒体都报道过她的事迹。各位如果在纽约不妨去看看,地址是254 Broome St., New York, NY 10002。


  优质的出品、巧妙的营销手法、不折不饶的创业精神和对事业的热爱,这些就是Aditi 成功的关键。她还特意提到自己的成功跟爷爷的教育和鼓励密切相关,一下来看看她和爷爷之间的感人故事:




咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E


Alumna makes Forbes “30 Under 30” list making luxury chocolate in NYC
by Glion Institute of Higher Education     17 March 2015

Making Swiss-quality chocolates in an American metropolis such as New York City is hard work, but Aditi Malhotra ’06 has attracted all the right attention with her fresh and innovative chocolate shop Tache Artisan Chocolate. She was even featured on the Restaurant section of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list for 2014.
After graduating from Glion Institute of Higher Education in 2006, Aditi continued her studies in culinary arts and F&B management before settling into her true culinary passion: the pastry arts. She became the pastry chef and co-owner of the branded boutique Christian Vautier Le Concept, a chic little store and coffee shop on the Lower East side of New York City in 2012.

The first announcement of her inevitable success came in 2012, when she made Zagat’s “30 Under 30 New York” list which recognizes New York City’s creative young chefs, mixologists, sommeliers, entrepreneurs and restaurateurs. In the fall of 2013, Aditi took over the shop and changed the name. Her little luxury chocolate boutique continues to thrive overcoming stiff competition in a tough market. Apparently, the cost and effort of making fine chocolate is under-estimated by many customers, but Aditi has beat this knowledge gap by providing such delicious, unique chocolate treats that she’s retained the store’s early notoriety.
At the approach of Valentine’s Day in February 2015, the store was offering couples chocolate–making classes in addition to heart and kisses shaped chocolate boxes. We congratulate Aditi on her sweet success and encourage Glion friends, family and alumni in NYC to visit her shop for a little treat and shared nostalgia.


