

Kristina on finding her dream job with the Olympic Committee

  格里昂高等教育学院                     2014年11月14日


Kristina Jabornicka在2013年从格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)会展、体育和娱乐活动管理工商管理学士(BBA in Event, Sport and Entertainment Management)毕业后就直接开始在捷克奥林匹克委员会(Czech Olympic Committee)外事委员会工作了。在这次采访中,Kristina讲述了她是如何被会展管理这个领域所吸引、她在格里昂学到的最有意义的课程以及她在职业生涯中总结出的最新的见解。

Kristina出生于莫斯科(Moscow),但是她在捷克共和国( Czech Republic)一个叫Karlovy Vary的温泉小镇长大。她去布拉格英国高中(Prague British High School)读书,为出国上大学做准备。她在学校的一次展会中了解到格里昂,并立即爱上了独特的会展、体育和娱乐课程。


  当我第一次来到格里昂的时候,我惊呆了。从格里昂校园看到的景色美到令人窒息,至今仍让我记忆深刻。格里昂的师生和教职工团队做了一件特别棒的事情 — 他们把我带入了一个”大学模式“(“university mode”),这个模式充满了挑战和惊喜并一直持续到我在格里昂的最后一学期。





  国际奥林匹克学会欧洲青年会议(主题:2015巴库(Baku) — 欧洲运动会)

  我有一个梦想是参与奥运会并成为奥运会中的一员。因此当我发现格里昂正在举行2014年索契冬季奥运会(Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014)的介绍会和工作面试的时候,我知道我必须要在面试中表现优异以获得在这些奥运会中工作的机会。简而言之,我最终获得了这份工作并且这是目前为止我最好的工作经历。这之后我又立即开始在捷克奥林匹克委员会(Czech Olympic Committee)工作 — 要感谢我的论文,是我的论文主题给我提供了在这里工作的机会。现在我在捷克奥林匹克运动委员会处理外交事务。这是一次绝佳的机会让我可以做一些我真正喜欢的事情。

  访问波兰奥林匹克运动委员会 — 两国国家奥林匹克委员会谅解备忘录签字仪式

  我第一份实习也是最有趣的实习是在布拉格外交酒店(Diplomat hotel in Prague)。我担任会展协调专员,和其他每一个人肩负同样的责任。从活动开始到结束我都要与客户沟通,这让我有机会经历到和其他部门及客户协调的实际困难。我理解了加入一个平衡和睦的团队有多重要以及服务行业有多艰辛。



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Kristina on finding her dream job with the Olympic Committee

by Glion Institute of Higher Education      14 November 2014

Kristina Jabornicka began working at the Czech Olympic Committee for the Commission for Foreign Affairs straight after she graduated in 2013 with a BBA in Event, Sport and Entertainment Management from Glion Institute of Higher Education. In this interview, Kristina describes her attraction to the field of event management, the meaningful lessons she learned at Glion, and her newly gained professional insights.

Kristina was born in Moscow, but she grew up in a small spa town called Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic. She went to the Prague British High School in preparation for studying abroad at university. She discovered Glion through a presentation at her high school and immediately fell in love with the unique Event, Sport and Entertainment program.

Why she chose Event, Sport and Entertainment Management
To be honest, I always wanted to become a lawyer but then I got involved with the social board at my high school and I started organizing different kinds of events. I found event planning very interesting and I changed my mind about what I wanted to do in the future. Since I was a child, our community always celebrated holidays with huge events. I was always impressed with how creative and entertaining the events were, and how well they were organized. To me, hospitality means precision, faithfulness, a positive attitude, and a friendly environment.

Her Glion experience
When I first arrived at Glion, I was amazed. The view from Glion campus was breath taking and it still impresses me. The Glion team of faculty, students and staff did a great job, they put me into a “university mode” full of new adventures that lasted until the very last semester.

What I enjoyed the most about Glion was the international environment. On the other hand, I really did not enjoy the pressure I was under due to exams and deadlines; but now I am glad I experienced it because it made me more resistant to stress at work.

About Glion’s ESE program
When I think of Glion now, I realize it was a school of life. There was fun, disappointment, excitement, happiness and friendship.

At Glion we learned that theory is one thing and practice is the other. So far in my career, I have not yet used all of the knowledge I learned while studying, but the skills I developed have helped me to adapt, understand and improve in my job.

European Youth Session at the International Olympic Academy (Topic: Baku 2015 – European Games)

Finding her dream job with the Olympic Committee
One of my dreams was to attend and be a part of the Olympic Games. So when I found out that Glion was hosting a presentation and job interviews for the Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014, I knew that I would have to excel in the interview for a chance to work at those Olympics. In short, I worked at the Olympics and it was my best professional experience so far and afterwards I started immediately working at the Czech Olympic Committee thanks to my dissertation topic, which brought me there in the first place. Currently I am working at the Czech Olympic Committee for the Commission for Foreign Affairs. It is a great opportunity and I am doing something what I really like.

Visit of the Polish Olympic Committee – Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between both NOCs

Internships and career experience
I had my first and most interesting internship at the Diplomat hotel in Prague. I worked as an event coordinator and I had the same responsibilities as everybody else. I was dealing with clients from the beginning until the execution of the event. I had the chance to experience real life difficulties with other departments and with clients. I realized how important it is to be a part of a well-balanced and friendly team and how the service industry can be tough.

Honestly, I enjoyed my first internship a lot, but I realized that I would rather work for an event company or at an event venue or sporting organisation. And I went to Prague because of my family. When I think of it now I think that I should have gone somewhere else, somewhere more exotic, for a different kind of experience.

To students who are considering Glion’s ESE program or event management careers, I would say: take as many opportunities (work, leisure, with different people) as you can to find out what it is that you enjoy and what fulfils you. Afterwards, you should know which way to go when opportunities arise.



