
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂校长Judy HOU:女性在酒店行业中的重要性

Women in hospitality


  格里昂高等教育学院专栏作家及总负责人/首席执行官侯嘉惠(Judy Hou)谈女性在蓬勃发展的国际酒店行业中引领未来的机会。

  未来十年内将有十亿女性进入到全球劳动力市场,且随着酒店与旅游行业成为全球发展速度最快的领域之一,女性 — 已经在这个行业中扮演着重要角色 — 理所当然将获得一个前所未有的塑造行业命运的机会。

  虽然在酒店行业性别问题已不是一个新问题,但在2014年女性力量不断成长的连续冲击下,这个问题呈现出更多的紧迫性。根据20-first对性别平衡的专业研究,女性消费群体增长十分显著,高盛(Goldman Sachs)还创建了一个名为WOMEN 30的一篮子基金项目,专门用于目标客户群体为女性的企业销售 — 这些企业在过去的十年间均跑赢证券交易所的平均水平。除此之外,在几乎所有的商品和服务领域内,80%的购买决定都是由女性做出。


  尽管这些数据显示了强势的女性消费势头,酒店行业对女性顾客的重视程度却仍然不足,要确保行业内更多的服务和活动以女性顾客为市场导向来设计,有些地方还有待改进和提高。根据Cap战略研究(Cap Strategic Research)— 调查过美国和英国的女性旅游需求 — 其一篇报告显示高达66%的女性游客相信旅游公司如果更加用心地服务女性顾客那么他们的生意会更好。这个报告得出结论:那些积极呼应女性顾客独特需求的公司将会获得更多的竞争优势,从而提高收入和盈利能力。


  为了进一步证明这一点,让我们考虑一个事实,即全体员工中80%为女性员工的雅高A+(Accor Advantage Plus)— 雅高酒店(Accor hotels)的会员计划项目,运行着41个办事处,每年的电话量达到1,300万。他们最成功的项目是在广州、上海、雅加达、卧龙岗和澳大利亚阳光海岸,所有这些项目都是由女性经营的。

  不可否认,放眼当下和未来的全球人才男女比例,以及在女性旅客正在成为一个越来越重要和富有影响力的消费群体,现状正在改变。并且越来越多的企业苏醒过来只是一个时间问题 — 企业会认识到聚焦在女性消费者身上是确保行业发展速度底线的最省力的方法。

  关于侯嘉惠(Judy Hou):侯嘉惠,总负责人/首席执行官,管理格里昂学校在瑞士和英国的校区。来格里昂之前,侯女士是中国上海锦江理诺士酒店管理学院(Les Roches Jin Jiang Hotel Management College)校长。

  侯嘉惠也是酒店商业评论杂志(Hotel Business Review Journal)的编委并撰写了多篇酒店行政与亚洲酒店管理的论文。

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Women in hospitality

Judy Hou, columnist and Director/CEO at Glion Institute of Higher Education discusses the opportunity for women to shape the future of the burgeoning global hospitality industry.

One billion women will enter the global workforce in the next decade and with the hospitality and tourism sector one of the fastest growing in the world, it goes without saying that women – who already play a significant role in the sector – will have an unprecedented opportunity to shape its destiny.

While the gender issue in hospitality is not a new one, it’s taken on more urgency in 2014 because of the growing power of the female pound. According to gender balance experts 20-first, so prominent is the rise of female consumerism, that Goldman Sachs created a basket of funds called the WOMEN 30 that specifically pinpoint businesses selling to women. These businesses have outperformed the average stock exchange over the past decade. Added to this is the fact that for almost every product and service range, women now make 80% of all consumer goods purchasing decisions.

Looking specifically at the hospitality industry, research suggests that women make the majority of family holiday purchasing decisions, while female business travellers are one of the fastest-growing customer segments in global hospitality. In the US alone, it is estimated that women will spend $125 billion on travel in the next year.

Despite these statistics, women remain under-represented in the hospitality industry and there is still work to do to ensure that more services and initiatives within the industry are more marketed to women. A report from Cap Strategic Research, which surveyed the needs of women travellers in the US and UK, found that a significant 66% of women travellers believe that travel companies would see an increase in their business if they tried harder to serve women travellers. The report concluded that companies that address women’s specific needs will achieve competitive advantage leading to improved revenue and profitability.

It stands to reason that companies that are diverse in their leadership have a better chance of getting this right and ultimately profiting from this segment of travellers.And the tide is starting to turn. At Glion for example, we have 47% male students, compared to 53% female, which points towards a larger ratio of tomorrow’s hospitality leaders being women. A recent OECD report on the reversing of gender inequities in education predicted that by 2020 women will make up 76% of all graduates in Sweden, 74% in the UK, 56% in Korea and 54% in Japan.

To further prove the point, let’s consider the fact that women make up some 80% of the workforce for Accor Advantage Plus, the membership scheme for Accor hotels, which runs 41 offices and makes 13 million calls a year. Their most successful programmes are in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Jakarta, Wollongong and Sunshine Coast, Australia, all of which are run by women.

There’s no denying that in terms of present and future global talent, and taking into account that female travellers are becoming an increasingly important and influential consumer segment, the status quo is changing and it’s just a matter of time until more and more businesses wake up to the fact that a focus on women may be the easiest way to ensure bottom line growth for the industry.


About Judy Hou: Judy Hou, Directeur General/CEO, manages Glion-branded institutions in Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Prior to Glion, Hou was CEO of Les Roches Jin Jiang Hotel Management College in Shanghai, China. 
Hou is on the editorial board of Hotel Business ReviewJournal and has authored several articles in Hotel Executive and Hotel Management Asia.


