
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]Art on Ice冰上艺术

Art on Ice冰上艺术


Katarina M. Vercelli      2014年4月7日


  几周前,我收到邀请去采访一对我们会展、体育和娱乐活动管理专业的夫妻校友Anna 和Robert,他们是格里昂前几期的毕业生。作为这个专业第七学期在读学生,我欣然接受了这次采访机会。Anna 和Robert在来格里昂之前就已经从事会展、体育和娱乐行业了,他们是花样滑冰运动员。几周前他们回到瑞士参加冰上艺术演出。

  根据他们公司的说法,冰上艺术“比花样滑冰内容要丰富得多。冰上艺术是“一整套的娱乐活动”— 是世界上观看人数最多的室内演出之一,2013年时售票达万10万张之多。在冰上演出的明星们都是奥林匹克冠军、世界冠军和欧洲冠军等等。一些观众在明星们从索契(Sochi)出发时就抵达苏黎世(Zurich)了。在舞台上演出的都是世界顶级的歌唱家、音乐家和舞蹈家。“


  Anna 和Robert,两位“冰上艺术舞蹈家”,他们非常友好地坐下来与我们聊天。他们跟我们阐述了他们选择格里昂的原因、在格里昂的经历以及这个会展、体育和娱乐活动管理课程在他们事业刚刚起步时对他们所产生的积极影响 — 他们在最开始的时候做的是这个行业的幕后工作。

  采访圆满结束之后,我又收到邀请观看这对夫妻校友的演出,演出时间就在采访当天晚上。那时Anna 和Robert已经完全打动我去观看这次演出,于是我很自然就接受了这个邀请。


  后来,坐在洛桑(Lausanne)附近的 Patinoire de Malley时,我感受到观众高涨的热情。晚上我们将目睹世界冠军和奥林匹克获奖者Stéphane Lambiel,、Kurt Browning、 Joannie Rochette、 Aliona Savchenko和Robin Szolkowy,、Tatiana Volosozhar和Maxim Trankov、 Nathalie Péchalat和Fabian Bourzat、Adelina Sotnikova等明星的不凡风采。

  我们还欣赏到了来自英国synthpop duo Hurts歌唱家组合和欧洲电视网歌唱大赛冠军Loreen的现场音乐演出,他们让观众享受了一场听觉盛宴,同时也为现场滑冰表演、舞蹈和艺术表演奠定了基调。整个晚上都充满了惊喜,观看Anna 和Robert在数千名观众面前表演也非常令人激动。




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Art on Ice

by Katarina M. Vercelli    7 April 2014

Hello everyone,

A few weeks ago, I was invited to interview a couple of our Event, Sport and Entertainment Management alumni from a few semesters back, Anna and Robert. Being a seventh semester ESE student myself, I jumped at the opportunity. Anna and Robert came to Glion having already been involved in the ESE industry previously, as figure skaters. They had come back to Switzerland to tour with the Art on Ice show.

Art on Ice, according to the company, “is much more than a figure skating event. Art on Ice is an ‘entertainment package’ – and one of the most highly attended indoor shows in the world with around 100,000 tickets sold 2013. The stars on the ice are Olympic champions, World champions, and European champions… Some of them will arrive in Zurich as the stars from Sochi. The singers, musicians and dancers live on stage are international top acts.”

Anna and Robert, two of the “Art on Ice Dancers”, were kind enough to sit down with us for a chat. They explained to us their reasons for choosing Glion, how their experience at the school was, and how the ESE program has positively influenced their budding careers working behind the scenes in the industry.

After wrapping up the interview, I was asked to come watch the show itself, which was to take place later that evening. By that time, Anna and Robert had completely sold me on the idea of attending, and naturally I accepted the invitation.

Later, after being seated in the Patinoire de Malley near Lausanne, I could feel the excitement building in the crowd. That evening, we were to witness the talents of World Champions & Olympic Medalists Stéphane Lambiel, Kurt Browning, Joannie Rochette, Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy, Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov, Nathalie Péchalat and Fabian Bourzat, Adelina Sotnikova, and many more.

We were also treated to live music from English synthpop duo Hurts and Eurovision winner Loreen, who provided us with a wonderful aural experience and set the tone for the live skating, dancing, and artistic performances. The entire evening was positively magical, and it was very exciting to see Robert and Anna skating in front of thousands.

Seeing what these two have accomplished has been truly inspiring, and has definitely motivated me to pursue my own career aspirations.

One of the crucial benefits of the ESE program at Glion is that you can do virtually anything with the degree. Personally, I am keen on pursuing various pathways, including communications, marketing, public relations, and event management, and this program has taught me so many crucial lessons and skills that I could not have gotten anywhere else. The ESE program aside, my time at Glion has offered me career advantages before even graduating, such as a year of internship experience, a multicultural background, and the famed spirit of Swiss hospitality. With my Glion diploma in hand, I truly believe that I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to.


