
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂学生分享:会展管理工作建议 #1

Event Management Tips #1
格里昂学生分享:会展管理工作建议 #1

Ekaterina Skidan  2014年10月06日

  建议1 — 看似不可能的事有可能成为现实

  毕业典礼那天,我对这场活动完美的组织感到非常惊诧。那时,我从会展、体育和娱乐管理专业研究生(PGD ESE)毕业。我开始想,能够组织这样出色活动的人一定非常有能力,那么向这样的人学习一定是一件非常有趣的事。我知道有时候酒店管理专业的学生可以在格里昂的餐饮部、客房部和其它部门实习,但是并没有会展管理的职位。因而ESE专业的学生也没有机会在学校做会展管理工作。

  这也让我思考可以促进我们事业发展的因素。我相信如果你找到你的良师益友,那么你的良师益友会教导你并为你指引正确的职业发展方向,这是非常好的第一步。毕业之际我也梦想着能有一位像Jocelyn Schofield这样的良师益友 — 之后我发现Jocelyn Schofield是这场毕业典礼的核心策划人。

  毕业之后,我面试了四家公司,其中有三家决定录用我。我选择了其中一家,然后在节假日的时候去了俄国。但是就在我要开始实习的一周前,那家公司的人事总监联系到我,告诉我他们公司正在重整,他们不再需要实习生了。我当时都呆了。我立即打开我的格里昂邮箱,更让我吃惊的是,我发现了一个新的实习邀请 — 在格里昂会展部门做活动协调专员。不幸的是,申请的最后期限已经过了,就在一天前刚截止申请 。但是我鼓足勇气给Jo Schofield写了一封信。Jo Schofield非常善良,她给了我机会并面试了我。




英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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     189 0119 3685
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Event Management Tips #1

by Ekaterina Skidan 6 October 2014

Tip 1 – What was impossible may become possible

On the day of the graduation ceremony, I was amazed by the perfect organisation of the event. At that time, I was graduating from the Postgraduate Event, Sport and Entertainment (PGD ESE) program. I started thinking that it would be really interesting to learn from people who organize really outstanding events, such as the graduation. I knew that sometimes the students from the hospitality management tracks complete their internships at Glion in F&B, Rooms division and other departments, but there were no positions in the event management; therefore, these options were not open to the ESE students.

This got me thinking about the factors that can boost your career, and I believe that finding your mentor, who will teach and guide you professionally, is a good first step. Furthermore, I was dreaming of having a mentor like the Jocelyn Schofield who, I found out later, was a principle organizer of the graduation event.

After graduation, I had interviews with four companies and three of them decided to take me. I chose one company and went to Russia on holidays. But only one week before I was to start my new internship, the HR director contacted me to tell me that they are reorganizing company and they would not take interns anymore. I was shocked. I immediately opened my Glion mailbox and much to my surprise I found a new internship offer for an event coordinator in Glion’s event department. Unfortunately, the deadline for sending an application had passed one day ago. But I took my courage in hand and wrote a letter to Jo Schofield and she was so kind that she gave me a chance and interviewed me.

Now I am working as the event coordinator at Bulle and Glion campus from the 11th of August and I will participate in the organization of the graduation this semester. Since I started, I have gained new experience, attended a lot of meetings, and I already have the calendar of all events I need to organize this semester.

In September, I was in London. We have already done some events and the details about my expectations, learning outcomes and experiences will follow in my next article.

So do not forget if you have a goal and you believe in yourself: what was impossible might become possible and Glion can help.


