
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 2015年行业发展趋势

2015 Industry Trends

  格里昂高等教育学院      2015年3月2日

  侯嘉惠(Judy Hou),格里昂高等教育学院校长,对当前酒店行业的发展状况进行了总结,并分享了她对2015年行业发展趋势的看法。


  根据德勤2014年奢侈品报告(Deloitte’s 2014 luxury goods report),这份报告的调查范围涵盖了世界上75个顶级奢侈品牌,调查显示这些奢侈品牌2012年的净销售额达到1,718亿美元,复合年增长率达到14.3%(2010–2012)。这些奢侈品牌在市场中的强劲表现有一部分要归功于其客户服务的加强:比如说,买一个奢侈品包在现在可能被顾客认为是一次消费体验,那么,还有谁能比训练有素的酒店专业毕业生可以更好地为顾客提供超出其预期的服务呢?

  在格里昂,我们每学期都会组织很多公司来我们校园举办活动,行业中的合作伙伴可以在我们学校向我们学生们展示他们的公司状况,从而学生们可以了解到他们的潜在雇主并且与招聘经理联系。此类活动的数量不断增加,现在达到了每学期50次。引人注目的是,这些招聘公司所涉及的行业背景非常广泛。这么多年来,我们一直遵循非常典型的酒店管理学校的校园招聘模式,只邀请顶级的酒店集团,但是现在我们对奢侈品行业和金融行业的代表性企业也有了更多的兴趣:罗杰杜彼手表(Roger Dubuis Luxury Watches)、劳力士(Rolex)、摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)和彭博商业周刊(Bloomberg Business)等这些品牌企业都在我们的邀请范围内。



  此外,来自阿联酋、巴西和中国这些新兴市场的客户也促进了对个性化服务体验需求的增长。根据不同地区的顾客喜好差异来传达品牌信息,这对于任何一个品牌来说都是至关重要的。最近洲际酒店集团在其建立客户信任方面的最新报告中也强调了这一点(IHG report on building consumer trust)。这篇报告的核心结论是:如果一个品牌能提供更加个性化的服务,这个品牌就会获得更大的成功。



  根据格里昂商务旅游协会2015年概览( Global Business Travel Association’s 2015 Outlook),2013年,全球商务旅游支出达到11,000亿美元,并且预计2015年会继续增长8.6%。这个行业正在经历一个转变,原来这个行业只是充当会展策划人的角色,承办传统的公司活动。现在会承办更多跨领域的活动,在不同层面上把品牌信息传达给观众,并且以科技为依托,为与会者打造一次难忘的经历,令其在参加完这次会议很久之后还会去回忆。






  现今许多酒店都面临着一个收益管理挑战,这个挑战来自在线旅行社,包括一些同行评审旅游网站,这些网站为客户提供更低的酒店房间住宿价格,从而使得酒店收益减少。2015年,我们看到更多的酒店鼓励客户直接通过酒店预定房间,而不要通过旅行社或旅游网站 — 尝试以这种方式实现利润最大化。这个现象看起来很有挑战性,但是酒店也因此变得更加自信,并且随着越来越多的在线旅行社进军这个市场,酒店开始与这些旅行社重新谈判代理费。酒店会通过为新客人提供一些特殊待遇,或通过在服务价格上打折的方式来邀请客人直接预订好他们下一次在酒店的入住,以此来留住新客户。


  作为酒店管理方面的教育工作者,我们不仅要留意酒店行业新的发展趋势,更应该关注这个领域高等教育的状况。在美国,2012年,在已登记入学的酒店管理本科学生中大概有38%的学生入学年龄为25岁或25岁以上,32%的学生曾做过全职工作,这个数据由美国教育部全国教育统计中心(National Center for Education Statistics)提供。并且据预计,到2019年,酒店管理本科课程中入学年龄超过25岁的学生将再增长23%。




英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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2015 Industry Trends

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 2 March 2015

Judy Hou, CEO of Glion Institute of Higher Education, takes a look at the current state of the hospitality industry and shares her views on predicted 2015 industry trends.

Hospitality Reaching Luxury Retail and Finance Industries

According to  Deloitte’s 2014 luxury goods report, the world’s top 75 luxury brands accounted for US$171.8 billion of aggregate net sales in 2012 and a compound annual growth rate of 14.3 percent (2010–2012). This strong performance is partly owed to enhanced customer service: buying a luxury bag, for instance, is now considered an experience and who better to accommodate customers and their expectations than trained hospitality graduates?

At Glion, we organise a series of company visits to our campus every semester, allowing industry partners to present their businesses to our students, enabling them to learn about potential employers and connect with hiring managers. The number of visits has been on the rise, reaching more than 50 per semester. Remarkably, the background of the hiring companies has also been expanding. For many years, we typically welcomed leading hotel companies, but recently we have seen increasing interest from representatives of the luxury and finance industries, including brands such as Roger Dubuis Luxury Watches, Rolex, J.P. Morgan and Bloomberg Business.

Bespoke Customer Service

The most likely reason for this trend is a recently heightened focus on customer service at high-end retailers and financial institutions. The soft skills, interpersonal abilities and flair for languages that we equip our students with are beneficial to the customer relationship management (CRM) of several industries that serve sophisticated clients who expect the highest standard of service.

Furthermore, with a clientele from emerging markets such as the United Arab Emirates, Brazil and China driving demand for personalised experiences, it is vital that businesses are able to adapt branded messages to regional costumer preferences, as outlined in the latest IHG report on building consumer trust. The report’s key finding is that the greater the personalisation, the more successful a brand will be.

At Glion, we teach our students to embrace personalisation through applied hands-on learning, requiring innovation, attention to detail, responsiveness to customer demands and a high level of individual care. Within our campus restaurants and reception desks, our students learn to provide attentive service to their peers, who represent more than 90 nationalities. This type of multicultural, peer-to-peer service training is highly effective in developing the ability to anticipate needs based on cultural standards.

Redefining the Conference and Event Industry

Global business travel spending reached US$1.1 trillion in 2013, and is expected to grow by 8.6% in 2015, as shown by the  Global Business Travel Association’s 2015 Outlook.. The industry is experiencing a shift from traditional company events as event planners are building more interdisciplinary events that transport brand messages to audiences on several levels and depend on technological support to create memorable experiences that attendees will recall long after a conference.

As with the previous trends, the goal is to create an experience. An event may be an opportunity for a business to position itself as a thought leader in its industry by appointing recognised guest speakers or organising panel discussions assessing aspects of the business.

New event technology is a main driver in the event’s revolution, allowing the audience to actively participate in the discussion and share live footage through online platforms. The trend is to reinterpret traditional networking opportunities from face-to-face interactions to more targeted digital spaces.

Together, the added experience and new digital possibilities create a stronger, longer lasting event impact that reaches a wider audience.

The Latest in Revenue Management

Glion’s undergraduate programs are business degrees with a hospitality focus and our students choose specializations to develop expertise for core hospitality disciplines, as in the Real Estate Finance and Revenue Management specialization. This track teaches students the art of finance and revenue management: how to balance the costs and profits of hotel operations, how to research and plan real estate ventures and how to manage property assets and portfolios, among other financial management skills.

One revenue management challenge that many hotels are facing today is caused by online travel agencies, including peer reviewed travel sites, which drive down profitability by selling rooms at lower rates. In 2015, we may see more hotels attempt to maximize profit per room by encouraging guests to book directly through the hotel instead of an agency. This seems challenging, but hotels are growing more confident and beginning to renegotiate commission fees as more OTA’s enter the market. Hotels aim to retain new guests by inviting them to book their next stay directly, perhaps by offering perks or a discounted service.

Education for Working Adults

As hospitality management educators, we must not only monitor emerging trends of the hospitality industry, but also look to the higher education landscape. In the U.S., approximately 38% of enrolled undergrad students in 2012 were aged 25 or older, and 32% were employed full time, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics. The share of students over 25 is projected to increase another 23% by 2019.

Careers in hospitality are not always linear. Many non-degree professionals rise through the ranks by experience and hard work. However, they often reach a point in middle management where career advancement is slow for non-degree holders.

Glion offers a flexible M.B.A. in Hospitality for mid-career professionals or career-changers that can either be completed on campus, online or a combination of both. This flexibility allows hospitality professionals to remain employed and complete courses in their own time, or take individual modules to earn an executive certificate and revive their career prospects.

Together with our industry partners, Glion keeps a close eye on the hospitality business and monitors developments and innovations. As an educator, we must also track the shifting needs of our students and adapt to the changing educational landscape. Balancing these expectations illustrates Glion’s complex approach to preparing students to succeed in today’s constantly evolving hospitality industry.


