
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 在酒店行业工作的5个主要原因

Top 5 Reasons to Work in the Hospitality Industry

Andrew Raul Nedelcu   2015年2月20日

  许多熟悉我的人都问过我:在酒店和旅游行业追求事业发展的动力是什么?我想如果他们直接让我对人生目标下一个定义或者解释天体物理学的话可能会更好回答。— 因为对于那个问题就没有什么清楚和确定的答案。这个动力完全取决于一个人选择在酒店中工作时他(她)所追求的是什么。

  酒店行业有悠久的历史 …

  选择在这个行业工作的原因有很多,那些理由堆砌起来像这个行业一样庞大,像这个行业在历史中的渊源一样深远。历史上的人们在旅行的时候,和今天的人们一样,其基本需求比如温暖的床铺和健康的餐食这些都需要被满足。然而,和古时候不同(那时候的住宿选择很有限,只能选择小旅馆或在私人住宅中出租的房间),经过不断的发展后,今天这个行业所涵盖的范围达到了一个前所未有的广阔程度 — 并且随着未来科技的不断发展和资源的不断扩充,每一位客人都会经历到越来越多新的住宿体验。

  你的公司需要一个容纳一百个人的会议室?你决定去度一个充满异国情调的蜜月?你和你的家人要去一个夏季度假胜地度假?无论是哪一种业务,在酒店中工作都要求你具有高度的专业性 — 确保客人的需求被满足,甚至超出他们的预期;并且和以前不同,客人来酒店住宿不再仅仅是想要一张温暖的床或者健康的饮食,这个行业中的每个人都要明白:保持跟进现行的行业趋势是致胜的关键因素。

  … 也有一个快速发展的未来


  如之前提到的,住宿行业有悠久的历史,并且在当前和未来都会发展的很好。如果在将近2000年前的时候,流浪者和旅行者就以登记入住的形式住旅馆,那么现在你可能就不会读这篇文章了 — 这个世界可能很快就会在太空中建立酒店了(想想国际太空站)。所以这个行业在不断的发展,在带来空房间的同时也带来了很多空缺职位。






  在我描述的这段工作经历中,一个关键的因素就是你要能够和具有不同背景、不同的人沟通并一起工作的能力 — 你们是一个大团队。


  酒店行业可以让你自身获得成长 — 无论是在工作方面还是在个人方面。你已有的工作技能会得到进一步的提升,并且随着时间的推移和你对这份工作的投入,你会从其他人身上也学到很多东西:各种各样的同事、客人、突发状况,都会让你的综合能力得到检测。

  在酒店中工作也需要你具备多方面的能力 — 从软技能到技术能力都需要。软技能包括组织、沟通、团队合作等;技术能力包括服务、收益管理、会计和设施管理。

  还有,最重要的是,你必须 — 不折不扣地做到 — 关心客户。这是毋庸置疑的,但是我的经历告诉我,要做好这一点,需要你全身心的投入,把另一个人的需求放在比自己还要靠前的位置 — 同时要一直保持微笑。


  今天整个商业社会都处在快速的发展中,关注点越来越多的聚焦在盈利上,这也是今天商业至上的一个主要原因;然而,在酒店行业,酒店提供的产品不仅仅局限于会展活动、餐食、住宿和酒水 — 酒店的业务范围还扩展到了服务领域,我们需要不断的提高我们的服务以及我们的专业服务技能。


  最后,我如此热爱酒店行业的原因其实非常简单:在这个行业工作很有趣 — 可以说很享受。这里的活力,以及从你开始接受培训到最后做到管理层,这中间在不同的职责中不断的转换的时候你获得的那种感觉,还有一天的工作结束之后你除了有满足感,还收获了很多别的东西。你在这里不仅可以与不同的客户打交道,还有许多来自不同国家的人,这个世界上各个角落的人都有,你都有机会见到并与他们建立社交关系。


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Top 5 Reasons to Work in the Hospitality Industry

by Andrew Raul Nedelcu 20 February 2015

I have a lot of acquaintances asking me what motivated me to pursue a career in the hotel and tourism industry. They would be better off asking me to define the purpose of life or explain astrophysics, because there is no clear and certain answer to that question. It all depends on what a person seeks from choosing to work in hotels.

Hospitality has history…

The reasons are just about as vast as the industry and as deep as its roots in history. Historically, people traveled around and just as today the basic needs such as a warm bed and healthy meals had to be met. However, unlike ancient times ( which were limited to small inns or chambers for rent in private residences), the industry has continuously evolved to its highest extents – and with future technologies and resources, promises to innovate more and more with each single client.

Whether your corporation needs a 100 person conference room, you decide to go on an exotic honey-moon, or finally take time off with your family at a summer resort, working in hotels requires you – professionally – to insure that your clients’ wants and needs are met and even exceeded; and unlike past times, they are not limited to just a warm bed or healthy meals. Whoever is involved with this industry needs to understand that keeping up with its current trends is a key success factor.

…And a fast-growing future

Did you know that the travel and tourism industry is the 21st century’s fastest growing industry?

As mentioned before, the lodging industry can be traced way back in history, and will surely be present in the far future to come. If nearly 2’000 years ago, nomads and travelers used to “check-in ” at inns and huts, by the time you will finish reading this article the world will be just that much closer to establishing hotels in space (think of the International Space Station). So not only is this industry evolving, but with vacant rooms it brings vacant job posts as well.

Luckily, there are learning institutions that focus on recruiting, educating, training and informing the future hotelier leaders of tomorrow on what “keys” can unlock the success of tomorrow, today.

It’s all about diversity and opportunity

Another reason is that hospitality requires you to work in a multi-cultural environment.

Working in a hotel does not mean that internationalism within the establishment stops at your clients; for the people behind the reception, in the kitchen and at the offices come from all corners of the world and they bring along with them their own language, cultural background and ideas on how to efficiently work within the industry.

In my first internship, although I was working in France, I had the honor to work with colleagues from Germany, the United States, Algeria, Morocco, Switzerland, Canada, Cuba and Russia. All these people had taught me how to maximize my working capabilities based on their own personal experience within their home-countries; which at the end of the day not only enriched my practical skills – but my knowledge on other countries as well.

A key factor in this “job description” is to be able to communicate and work with different people from different backgrounds – as one big team.

It Gives You Room to Grow

The hospitality industry allows you to develop yourself – professionally and as a person. Not only do you improve on the professional skills you already possess, but with time and commitment you learn others due to the variety of colleagues, clients and situations that will put you to the test.

Various characteristics are required for working in a hotel. These range from soft-skills such as organization, communicating or working in a team; to more technical competences such as serving, revenue management, accounting and facilities management.

Also, probably the most important matter is that you – literally – take care of people. This is debatable, but my experience tells me it takes empathy and commitment to put another person’s needs and desires ahead of your own – while keeping a smile on your face.

Customers come to hotels for various reasons, but in short, they want an experience. They want hotel employees and representatives to accord their time, care and attention. And just as people differ greatly, so does the care and commitment each hotelier exhibits to his/her clients. Some may settle for meeting the basics, such as checking-in a family or serving beverages at the hotels bar, but others will take an extra step and not just meet their client’s demands, but also exceed them.

With today’s fast-growing businesses, more and more focus is channeled towards making a profit, which is the main purpose of business in the first place; however, in hotels the products are not limited to events, meals, rooms or drinks – they extend to service and there is always a way to improve services and our service-industry skills.

It’s just awesome!

Finally, the reason why I love hospitality so much is simple: it’s fun – as in enjoyable. All the dynamics, all the shifting with different responsibilities and the feeling you have when you start training and end up in a managing position, it’s more than satisfactory at the end of the day. And it does not stop with the customer-facing part of the hotel, you have the opportunity to meet and socialize with people representing a wide range of nationalities, in an even wider range of places all around the world.

In conclusion, the hotel industry is a pretty interesting and pleasant domain to get involved in. As any other job, it has its ups and downs, and that’s the great part of it: there is always place for innovation and there will always be innovators.


