
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 格里昂布勒校区文化盛宴&未来的项目

Bulle Campus Cultural Fair & Future Projects

Michael S. Gambino  2014年05月12日

  文化盛宴是一次展示格里昂多样化学生群体的完美机会。本次盛会中展示了十多个不同国家,教师们、工作人员和学生们都很荣幸能够在这样一场文化盛宴中尽情享受各种各样的特色美食和鸡尾酒。如果没有学生们为推广自己的祖国做志愿者工作,如果没有工作人员帮忙布置整个活动会场,如果没有学生会协调管理整场活动,这次文化盛宴不会举办得如此成功。我借此机会赞扬学生政府协会(SGA)的实习生Andrea Iga,她在这次活动中表现极为突出,为这场活动做了很多贡献,投入了很多精力。



  “格里昂知情者”(Glion Insider)是首份为师生们出版的官方报纸,将在两周内由学校官方出版。我们的总编辑Alia Bazarbachi和合作编辑Rebecca Huber已经和他们的工作团队及SGA的公关代表Logan Faure工作了相当长的时间,确保每一个细节都完美无暇。这份报纸会传达校长的理念,发表格里昂三个校区学生的文章,以及酒店行业领袖们的文章。这对于我们格里昂这个大集体来说将是一个全新的平台,大家可以在这个平台上分享自己的故事。


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Bulle Campus Cultural Fair & Future Projects

by Michael S. Gambino 12 May 2014

The cultural fair was a perfect opportunity to showcase Glion’s diverse student body. With over ten countries being represented, the faculty, staff, and students had the pleasure of savoring a delicious variety of typical cuisine and cocktails. This event would not have been successful if it were not for the students volunteering to promote their countries, staff helping with set-up, and student affairs coordinating the event. I take this opportunity to highlight the Student Government Association’s (SGA) intern, Andrea Iga; she showed outstanding performance in her dedication and commitment to this project.

With students greeting people in their native language, dancing to their local music and wearing their colors with pride, I could not have been more satisfied with the event. The SGA was delighted to give a tour to the CEO, Judy Hou, who had the opportunity to further integrate with Glion’s community. Glion truly is a hospitality school encouraging students to learn from different cultural environments.

The SGA is organizing one more event to end the semester with a “bang”; it’s a Hawaiian themed barbecue. With the summer season approaching, the students and faculty from both Glion and Bulle campus will enjoy eating grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob, devouring pineapple (the symbol of hospitality), and dancing to Hawaiian music. The SGA would like to thank the Food and Beverage Team for catering the event and we look forward welcoming the entire Glion student body.

The “Glion Insider”, the first official student and faculty newspaper, will be officially published in two weeks time. Our Managing and Co-Managing Editors, Alia Bazarbachi and Rebecca Huber, have worked countless hours with their team and the SGA’s PR, Logan Faure, to make sure that every detail is perfect. The newspaper will incorporate a message from the CEO, articles from students on all three Glion campuses and leaders in the hospitality industry. This will be a refreshing platform for our community to share their stories.

The position of President has been a memorable experience and I could not be prouder of the SGA team. Together with the students, the team has worked so hard to further embody the Glion Spirit. They deserve all the credit. I will graduate from Glion, impressed with the values taught here.


