
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 在伦敦:一生中至少要去一次的地方

Once in a Lifetime: Your London Bucket List!

  格里昂高等教育学院   2015年7月30日


  我们都喜欢著名英国作家塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson)这句古老的名言 — 描写在伦敦生活的好处:


  所以我们对格里昂伦敦校区的学生经验主任Florence Beckett和同时身为学生和校园生活主管的Lailana Shouly说,要让学生们在这个经典的国际化大都市中体验到更多具有感官刺激的趣味性活动。


  伦敦有着极其丰富的文化和历史资源,在英国最值得参观的20个旅游景点中,有17个都在伦敦!拥有众多世界一流的博物馆和画廊也是这座城市的一大特色,这些博物馆和画廊大多数都是免费向游客开放的。在2013年一年间,伦敦的大英博物馆(British Museum)、国家美术馆(National Gallery)、自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum)和泰特现代艺术馆(Tate Modern art gallery)的游览人数就达到2,300万之多!

  在猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)上列出的伦敦2,400件好玩的事情中,浏览大英博物馆(The British Museum)排名第一!大英博物馆于1759年向大众开放,馆内收藏的大量文物让你可以追溯到200万以前的人类历史和文化。并且你还会在同一个屋檐下发现罗塞塔石碑(Rosetta Stone)和埃及木乃伊!

  国家美术馆(The National Gallery)是一个艺术博物馆,免费向游客开放,里面陈列了2,300多幅从13世纪中期至1900年的名画。可以点击前面的链接了解一下其中30幅尤为著名的画作。

  自然历史博物馆(The Natural History Museum)不能错过!这里是整个自然界的盛宴:有各种各样的生物标本、土壤样本、岩石矿物标本,甚至还有一个热带蝴蝶馆 — 夏季最热门的景点,各类人群都喜欢来此观赏,有数百种珍稀的蝴蝶品种!2014年,这里被选作乔治王子首张官方生日肖像的展览地点。

  身处泰特现代艺术馆(Tate Modern art gallery),你可以徜徉在美奂绝伦的当代艺术海洋中。该艺术馆位于泰晤士河畔,馆内装置都是现代化风格,从这里可以看到这座终日无休的伦敦城市的绝美风光。如果你对传统艺术品更感兴趣,为什么不来伦敦泰特现代艺术馆看看呢?

  3.来一场短途旅行 — 一个具有百年声誉的地方
  圣保罗大教堂(St Paul’s Cathedral),极力邀请你进来参观,欣赏这座令人叹为观止的建筑,这是著名建筑师克里斯多佛·雷恩(Christopher Wren)爵士的杰作。威尔士亲王查尔斯王子(Charles, Prince of Wales)与已故的戴安娜王妃(Diana Spencer)当年就是在这里举办的婚礼。其举世闻名的圆形屋顶是伦敦的标志性景点。

  威斯敏斯特大教堂(Westminster Abbey )是一座必游的天主教教堂。坐落在伦敦市中心,每年的游览人数达100万之多!你可以选择有多种语言服务的电子讲解,或者请一位教堂管理人为你做向导带你游览,也可以完全根据自己的节奏来游览或欣赏。

  2014年,伦敦被推选为世界戏剧之都(theatre capital of the world)!当你想到“伦敦”,你就会想到“戏剧”,想到 … “伦敦西区”!

  《歌剧魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera):无论是其出乎意料的恐怖情节,还是那逼真的令人毛骨悚然的舞台布景,都会让你感到脊背生寒!曲折的故事情节加上音乐剧大师安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)享有世界声誉的音乐作品,一定会让你有敬畏的感受。

  《狮子王》(The Lion King)是一部暖心的迪士尼经典动画电影。如果你喜欢欣赏积极向上触动心灵的音乐,想欣赏一场有美好结局和出色的舞蹈编排的演出,那就让狮子王带你体验令人振奋的东非之旅吧。“从此以后无忧无虑(Hakuna matata)!”

  《妈妈咪呀》(Mamma Mia),准备好被这个故事深深打动。该剧被称为“小镇上最有趣的演出”之一,说实话,这个称谓对于这部电影来说最恰当不过了。如果你想在晚上看一部热闹的喜剧,欣赏瑞典流行乐团ABBA创作的优质音乐并让自己融入其韵律,《妈妈咪呀》就是为你准备的!

  5. 本着学习的精神,做一些满足自己好奇心的事

  智慧平方(Intelligence Squared)辩论节目是一项与众不同的实时辩论节目。参加辩论的嘉宾中有很多新闻界、政界和艺术界的大腕:像理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)、斯蒂芬·弗雷(Stephen Fry)、布莱恩·考克斯(Professor Brian Cox)和杰梅茵·格里尔( Germaine Greer)这样的人物都会在辩论节目中出现。你在别处很难看到比这里更精彩的实时辩论。

  饮料、商店&DIY咖啡(Drink, Shop & Do café)坐落在国王十字地区(Kings Cross area),    这里需要大家一起互动,灵活发挥自己的创造力。

  聆听TED演讲(Tedx Talks),这是一个非常好的途径 — 可以通过这些演讲了解到现在世界上最具创新性的人的思维。TED演讲都很有吸引力,话题包括心理学、全球变暖、谷歌、音乐、移动软件及更多别的话题。这些演讲通常在世界范围内均可播放,可以从这些杰出的演讲者身上学到很多东西,有比这更好的受教育方式吗?


  闪电派对 (The Blitz Party)— 这个派对仿佛带你回到了旧时光,重温20世纪40年代战火弥漫时的伦敦。闪电派对是一种独特的晚间活动,在地下一个大杂院风格的类似防空洞的场所举行!大型爵士乐队现场演奏的音乐和派对中提供的战时主题的点心是其一大特色。

  “热气腾腾”的浴缸电影院(Hot Tub Cinema)— 这种边泡热水澡边看电影的方式在夏季风靡了整个伦敦!电影放映的地点不定,伦敦所有的公园里都有可能突然出现浴缸电影院。当朋友们邀请你一起去浴缸电影院时,你可以悉心装扮,然后和大家一起看一场最爱的经典电影,看电影的时候还可以唱歌、跳舞、尽情地嬉戏。

  Nudge London网站可以帮助你保持跟进伦敦最新的游击餐厅(pop-up restaurants)资讯,游击餐厅的地点不定,从BBQ秘密花园到美食宴会和客席厨师住宅,总会有一家游击餐厅让你倾心。

  7. 在伦敦风格的奢华中宠爱自己

  伦敦丽思酒店(The Ritz London)— 这家经典酒店提供非常考究的伦敦下午茶。这里对客人有严格的着装要求,现场还有钢琴演奏。在这样一个精致的环境中用餐可以列在人生中必经历的事情中。

  伦敦 Banya No.1 酒店为你提供全球各地不同种类的休闲体验,这里有传统的俄罗斯水疗养生,那些寻找与众不同体验的客人可以尝试 — 正宗的俄罗斯水疗养生,湿度达到60-70%!

  梅宝尼克拉里奇酒店(Claridge’s Mayfair)— 可以选择在某个晚上来这里享受一顿美妙的晚餐,感觉好像身处旧时代伦敦的上流社会,五星级酒店新鲜的食材,随季节变化的菜单,有丰富的菜品可供你选择。

  伦敦萨伏依酒店(The Savoy)— 在萨伏依酒店住一晚上,享受这里豪华的住宿环境。从这里可以看到泰晤士河极其壮丽的美景,这里无论是豪华程度还是装修风格都是一流的。每一间套房都是爱德华七世时代的装修风格或配备有华丽的大理石卫浴的豪华装饰风格。

  从伦敦碎片大厦(The View From The Shard)俯瞰伦敦 — 这座西欧最高的建筑,其顶部是伦敦最高的观景平台,在这里你将拥有无与伦比的视野,整个伦敦尽收眼底,一览无余。

  空中花园(Sky Garden)— 免费向游客开放,其顶部是巨大的玻璃圆顶。这座空中花园中有三层公共空间,每层都有室内园林、精致的餐厅和酒吧。


  哥伦比亚路鲜花市场(Columbia Road Flower Market )— 你会看到一场鲜花盛宴,这是伦敦最有视觉吸引力的市场之一,每周日有集市。

  博罗市场(Borough Market)— 这里有非常多的好吃的!让自己完全沉浸在这个美食市场中吧,可以随心所欲地挑选鱼、肉类、苹果汁、奶酪、面包、咖啡、蛋糕和法式糕点。

  卡姆登集市(Camden Market)是藏在伦敦的宝地。这里真正体现了卡姆登区最“时尚”、最“前卫”的一面。新鲜的意大利有机披萨、黎巴嫩卷饼、泰国咖喱、纯素冰淇淋饼干 … 这些东西在卡姆登市场应有尽有!去探索复古时尚真正的美感,或者去这里众多外观朴素的商店中挖掘经典美食。

  唐人街(Chinatown)— 伦敦市中国文化和饮食荟萃的核心地带,这里有美味的食品和真正的东方菜肴。




  伦敦皇后大街(The Queen’s Walk)是一个休闲散步的好地方,这条大街绵延几英里长,你在穿过威斯敏斯特大桥(Westminster Bridge)的时候可以顺路来这里游玩,可以沿着泰晤士河南岸去泰特现代艺术馆(Tate Modern art gallery)参观,然后回到河边,穿过千禧桥(Millennium footbridge)到对岸,抵达最后一站圣保罗大教堂(St Paul’s Cathedral)。

  伦敦自行车租赁项目(The London Cycle Hire Scheme),也被称为Boris bikes:为公众提供自行车租赁,这使得骑自行车成为环游伦敦的一种极为方便的出行方式,租赁后前半个小时免费!

  伦敦城市游船公司(City Cruises):可以选择乘坐泰晤士河游船进行观光。这家公司于2014年获得猫途鹰网站(TripAdvisor)颁布的卓越认证奖项(Certificate of Excellence)。

  阿联酋航空公司(Emirates Air Line)欢迎你乘坐伦敦缆车阿联酋航空线。这条缆车线横跨泰晤士河,终点靠近北格林威治地铁站旁边的O2体育馆。乘坐该航线单程历时10分钟左右。

  伦敦鬼魂步道(London Ghost Walks)— 胆小者慎选!可以请一位私人导游带你来这里参观,感受这个伦敦盛传闹鬼最严重的地方,解开那数不清的鬼魂之谜。


  萨奇画廊(Saatchi Gallery),顶级的文化和独立艺术家原创经典作品在这里碰撞,这里独特的艺术展览包含了当代艺术的全部精髓!

  Choccywoccydoodah 巧克力店,这家店的名字即诉说了一切: “chocoholics”源自“巧克力”和“咖啡”两个名字的混合。从有名的纸杯蛋糕到松露甜品,Choccywoccydoodah 巧克力店的每一道西点都是那么地让人叹为观止!

  雷普利信不信由你奇趣博物馆(Ripley’s Believe It or Not!)被称为“英国最让人难以置信的景点”,该博物馆一共有6层,汇聚了各种奇珍异宝和出乎意料的事物。在镜子迷宫中逛到迷路,或者在不可思议的激光测距仪(LaseRace)中与时间赛跑!如此多的选择,如此广阔的探索空间!




  感谢格里昂伦敦校区的Florence Beckett和Lailana Shouly与我们分享她们总结的伦敦旅行清单。

注:Florence Beckett — 格里昂伦敦校区学生经验主任;
    Lailana Shouly — 格里昂伦敦校区第3学期本科学生和校园生活主管。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education

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Once in a Lifetime: Your London Bucket List!

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 30 July 2015

Do you have a thirst for adventure, a taste for unique experiences and a drive to discover the delights of the capital city of London?

We love this old quote about London from famous English writer Samuel Johnson that reminds us of the advantages of living in London:

“You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” We certainly agree!

So we spoke to Florence Beckett, Head of Student Experience, and Lailana Shouly, student and Campus Life leader at the Glion London campus, to find out more about the sensory stimulus on offer in this classic cosmopolitan city.

They reveal here your bucket list of London attractions!

For a much-needed dose of culture and history, London hosts 17 of the top 20 visited attractions in the UK! The city features world-class museums and galleries just waiting to be seen and the majority are free to enter. In 2013, London’s British Museum, National Gallery, Natural History Museum and Tate Modern art gallery attracted almost 23 million visitors between them!

The British Museum ranks #1 of around 2,400 things to do in London on TripAdvisor! It opened as far back as 1759 and houses an extensive collection that allows you to discover more than two million years of human history and culture. Stumble upon the Rosetta Stone and uncover Egyptian mummies, all under one roof!

The National Gallery is an art museum with free entry that displays a collection of over 2,300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900. Explore 30 highlight paintings in the link above.

The Natural History Museum cannot be missed! It is a celebration of our natural world and holds the Life and Earth Galleries, geological collections and even a tropical butterfly house, a summertime favorite for all, featuring hundreds of rare butterflies! In 2014, this was chosen as the location for Prince George’s official first birthday portrait.

Tate Modern offers you the chance to puzzle over fabulous contemporary art on the River Thames in a modern setting, with an amazing view of our city that never sleeps. If you’re more into traditional art pieces, why not try Tate Britain too.

St Paul’s Cathedralinvites you to step inside and appreciate the awe-inspiring work of architect Sir Christopher Wren. This cathedral was the location for the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and the late Lady Diana Spencer. With its world-famous dome it is an iconic feature of the London skyline.

Westminster Abbey is a must-see historical church in the heart of London that welcomes more than one million visitors every year! You can try an audio guide in one of many languages offered, take a verger-led tour or explore it all at your own pace.

London was revealed to be the theatre capital of the world in 2014! When you think “London”, you think “Theatre”, you think… “THE WEST END!” What an honor it is to have some of the worlds most talented actors and theatrical art performances at the tip of your fingers.

The Phantom of the Opera will send chills down your spine from the unexpected jump scares to the thrilling set that comes to life! A twisted tale accompanied by Andrew Lloyd Webber’s world renowned musical compositions that will definitely leave you in a state of awe.

The Lion King is the heart-warming Disney classic brought to life on stage. If you are in the mood for a blend of upbeat soulful music, a good laugh and amazing choreography then let The Lion King take you on an uplifting journey to East Africa. “Hakuna matata!”

Mamma Mia, get ready to be blown away by one of the “…funniest shows in town” and honestly, that statement could not be more correct. If you are looking for a night of cheeky comedy, good ol’ tunes from Swedish pop group ABBA and getting your groove on, Mamma Mia is the show for you!

Those ‘in the know’ like to tap into innovation in London, and there are plenty of innovative happenings just waiting to be explored!

Intelligence Squared debates are live events with a difference. You can watch a live debate by the biggest names in journalism, politics and the arts. With the likes of Richard Branson, Stephen Fry, Professor Brian Cox and Germaine Greer on their celebrated list of speakers, you would be hard-pressed to see better live.

Drink, Shop & Do café in the Kings Cross area allows you to get involved in an eclectic evening craft workshop. From papier maché to quiz nights to screen-printing and beyond, get interactive and flex your creative skills.

Tedx Talks  are a perfect way to get involved with some of the world’s most innovative people. From captivating talks on psychology, global warming, Google, music, mobile apps and more, these talks are usually broadcast worldwide so what better way to educate yourself than to learn from these prominent lecturers?

We believe that we are the sum total of our experiences, so we urge you to make those experiences count! Entertainment meets culture meets extremely unique experiences when you’re in the capital! 

The Blitz Party allows you to step back in time and dance at a party that recreates the wartime glamour of 1940s London, in a unique evening event held in an underground warren styled as an air raid shelter! The night features big bands and wartime themed refreshments.

Hot Tub Cinema celebrates the London summer with pop-up film screenings in parks all over London! You are invited to dress up, sing, dance and play while watching old film favourites alongside friends.

The Nudge London keeps you updated on the latest pop-up restaurants to grace the London scene. From secret garden BBQ’s to foodie events and guest chef residencies, there’s always another pop-up on the horizon to feed your appetite.

If they say that experiences become an ingrained part of our identity, then only the best experiences will do!

The Ritz London  offers you an elegant British Afternoon Tea at this classic hotel. With a dress code to adhere to and a live pianist, you can dine in sophisticated surroundings for one of those true bucket list moments.

Banya No.1 offers you a global leisure experience on your doorstep in London with a traditional Russian banya experience, for those seeking something a little unusual, featuring authentic Russian spa treatments at 60-70% humidity!

Claridge’s Mayfair for dinner on an evening will immerse you in old world Mayfair opulence accompanied by a 5-star level fresh and seasonal menu inspired by the constant changing of the seasons.

The Savoy for a sumptuous night’s stay with a spectacular view overlooking the River Thames is the ultimate in grandeur and style. Each suite is embellished in Edwardian or Art Deco furnishings with splendid and noteworthy marble bathrooms.

The View From The Shard, London’s highest viewing platform at the peak of Western Europe’s tallest tower, offers you an unrivaled view, with the whole of London laid out before you as far as the eye can see.

Sky Garden is a free to access enlarged glass dome, which showcases three floors of indoor landscaped public gardens alongside refined dining experiences and bars.

London is home to a wide range of famous street markets, some of which have been going on for centuries, where traders compete to delight your palette and energize you on your day off.

Columbia Road Flower Market  is a feast for your eyes, being one of London’s most visually appealing markets held every Sunday.

Borough Market hosts lots of delicious stalls for you to get your teeth into in this gourmet food market, where you can peruse fish, meats, vegetables, ciders, cheeses, breads, coffees, cakes and patisseries to your heart’s content.

Camden Market is a hidden treasure of London. It truly represents the more “edgy” and “hipster” side of town. From fresh Italian organic pizza to Lebanese wraps to Thai curries to vegan ice cream cookies, Camden Market has it all! Find yourself exploring the true beauty of retro fashion or discovering old goodies in the many thrift shops!

Chinatown, the heart of Chinese culture and dining in London, is the place to go for tasty and authentic cuisine of the Orient.

Benihana is on hand if Japanese cuisine is more your thing, a restaurant offering you a Japanese Teppanyaki dining experience where your private chef prepares your meal on a hot plate at your table.

Archipelago is a truly alternative dining event, a restaurant that offers you exotic meats such as crocodile, kangaroo, zebra and bison in an elaborate setting.

Full of energy? Get walking! In the need for speed? Hop on a bike! Feeling adventurous? Explore by boat! Only a great view will do? Get some air by cable car! Just want more? Take a themed and guided tour!

The Queen’s Walk is a leisurely stroll spanning several miles that allows you to take in the tourist trail as you pass over Westminster Bridge, along the south bank of the River Thames towards Tate Modern art gallery and then back over the river on the Millennium footbridge, finishing at St Paul’s Cathedral.

The London Cycle Hire Scheme or ‘Boris bikes’ as they are more commonly known are public bicycles that offer you a great way to travel around the city, with the first half an hour free!

City Cruises take you on a sightseeing boat trip tour on the River Thames. This company won a Certificate of Excellence in 2014 from TripAdvisor.

Emirates Air Line invites you to take to the air in London’s only cable car as it crosses the River Thames close to the O2 by North Greenwich Tube station. Flights are around 10 minutes each way.

London Ghost Walks, not for the faint-hearted! Experience a personal guided tour to unlock the untold secrets around the most haunted places in London.

Do you like to push well beyond the boundaries of the predictable, guided by your free spirit, to explore all that is eccentric? Then search no further.

Saatchi Gallery, where pop culture meets classic modern art by original independent artists. These unique exhibitions are what contemporary art is all about!

Choccywoccydoodah, the name says it all. The chic café where chocoholics get their fix. From their famous cupcakes to their truffle selection, Choccywoccydoodah never fails to amaze!

Ripley’s Believe It or Not!is otherwise known as “The UK’s most unbelievable attraction” with six floors of all-out crazy artefacts and galleries. Find yourself lost in the mirror maze or racing against time in the Impossible LaseRace! So much to choose from, so much to explore.

So that should be enough to keep you busy for a while, and that is just the tip of the iceberg of what London has to offer the modern-day globetrotter!

London holds an international outlook and appeal that you can’t find anywhere else, and there is truly something for everyone. And with a large entrepreneurial community who call it their home, there is always something new and unseen just around the corner!

As your time in London progresses you will find your own favorite places to visit and become part of the rich tapestry of life that unravels there. We anticipate your arrival!

Thank you to Florence Beckett, Head of Student Experience, and Lailana Shouly, 3rd semester Bachelor student and Campus Life Leader at the Glion London campus for sharing their bucket list of London attractions.



