
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂老师们对旅游景点管理、旅游季节性问题和Y一代酒店专业学生的看法

Glion Faculty on Managing Destinations, Seasonality and Millennials

格里昂高等教育学院    2015年2月25日

  2015年2月12日,格里昂的全体教员又一次参加了一系列的专题研讨会,探讨会地点在克罗地亚萨格勒布的阿德里亚精品酒店(Adria Hotel Forum)和喜来登酒店(Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb, Croatia)。这一系列会议相当于酒店行业专业人士的智囊团,讨论主题是克罗地亚和周边地区国家的酒店行业投资。

  来自格里昂研究生院的Henri Kuokkanen、Drazan Raguz和Dr Lyn Glanz参加了在阿德里亚精品酒店会场举行的座谈会。在主题为”我们正在为成功做些什么“的座谈会上,Henri Kuokkanen被邀请为这个地区的旅游景点管理提出建议,这正好是他擅长的研究领域,他在旅游景点收益管理实践方面提出了一些参考意见,重点建议不同的旅游公司之间相互合作,并列举了欧洲其它地区的一些例子做以说明。

  Drazen Raguz回到他的家乡参加研讨会,该研讨会主题为”旅游季节性 — 我们可以从其它景区的运营中学到什么“,这次研讨会列举出了一系列的因素,这些因素在景点的旅游季节性问题上进行定位思考时会作为参考,这次研讨会着重强调了:在关于延长克罗地亚旅游季节的问题上,当地人的创新性和态度才是核心的影响因素。在这次研讨会上,同样也是由格里昂咨询中心成员,同时担任NAU酒店及度假村首席执行官的Mário Azevedo Ferreira提出战略性建议,Mário Azevedo Ferreira特别强调可以在这个地区引进高尔夫运动,这样可以缓解克罗地亚夏季旅行季相对较短的现象。

  在这个研讨会中,会场上坐满了Y一代酒店专业人士。这次研讨会的主题是”遇见未来:年轻管理人员的视角“。Dr Lyn Glanz讲述了酒店教育学校一开始去尝试满足Y一代年轻学生对学校教育的期望时的情况,也讲述了这些学校是如何做到同时满足Y一代学生对技术和以实践经验为基础的教育模式的双重要求的,并且在实践方面,学生们希望他们可以通过接触行业内的真实项目来进行实践。她还提议在本地找一些新的有经验的管理者,对他们进行管理教育培训或通过在线学习的形式来提升他们的管理技能,然后开始替换之前的管理者,为当地的管理注入“新的血液”。Dr Glanz还在会议现场进行了“  /阿德里亚学生创新能力测试”,Dr Glanz自己担任评委。她还和当地21位教职人员、31个参加会议的团队和130多位研究生共同进行了一个竞赛,竞赛名字为“一个新的酒店概念”。

  Marina Franolic,女,格里昂校友,酒店论坛(Hotel Forum)创始人,参加了这次研讨会。这次研讨会相当于酒店行业专业人士的智囊团,讨论主题是克罗地亚和周边地区国家的酒店行业投资。Marina Franolic说,“亚洲酒店论坛(AHF)又一次证明了在东南欧酒店投资峰会中广受关注。今年我们决定在论坛中放上“成功案例”的资料。“成功案例”就是取得良好实践效果的例子。通过参加这两天的会议,我们收集了各种各样的成功案例(小团队的成功案例,大团队的成功案例,有效应对旅游季节性问题的案例等等),这些案例成功地实施到了很多领域中,在旅游行业(和相关行业)中获得了非常高的回报率。这些案例在我们的论坛上都展示了出来。

  同样,我们也很自豪地宣称这件事情:阿德里亚酒店论坛(Adria Hotel Forum)获得了全球酒店投资峰会主要组织方的认证。Bench Events加强了其与亚洲酒店论坛的合作关系,也加强了其与在阿德里亚举行的研讨会的联系,该研讨会的主题是“地中海度假村&酒店房地产论坛”。这些都让我们参与到这次专题讨论会的创新性讨论中,讨论主题是阿德里亚地区的酒店行业投资。阿德里亚地区的酒店行业投资也会为克罗地亚(Croatia)带来更多的机会迎接来自全球的游客。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Glion Faculty on Managing Destinations, Seasonality and Millennials

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 25 February 2015

Once again Glion Faculty joined the series of panels at the third Adria Hotel Forum, on the 11th and 12th of February 2015, at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb, Croatia. This conference acts as a think tank for professionals from the field of hotel industry investment in Croatia and the surrounding region.

Participating in panels at the forum were Henri Kuokkanen, Drazan Raguz and Dr Lyn Glanz, from the Glion Graduate School. Contributing his expertise on the panel “WHAT ARE WE DOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL”, Henri Kuokkanen was asked for advice on destination management for the region, and he laid out some guidelines on employing revenue management practices on destination level with the emphasis on collaboration across independent businesses, based on examples from other parts of Europe.

Drazen Raguz, returning to his homeland to take part in the panel on “SEASONALITY – WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM OTHERS” listed a series of factors that could be used to orientate thinking on seasonality, emphasizing that the creativity and attitudes of people in the region were at the heart of responding to the calls to extend the Croatian season. Also on this panel was Glion advisory board member, Mário Azevedo Ferreira, CEO of NAU Hotels & Resorts, giving strategic advice particularly in relation to the introduction of golf to the region as a means of countering the comparatively short summer season in Croatia.

On a panel packed with Millenials – “MEET THE FUTURE: YOUNG MANAGERS’ VISIONS” Dr Lyn Glanz spoke of how hospitality education institutions had been the first to meet the connected millennial generation and how they met both the technical requirements of Generation Y and their quest for an experience-based education through projects with industry. She also invited the search for new experienced managers in the region to begin by ‘refreshing’ existing managers through the use of executive education and online study. Dr Glanz also acted as a jury member on the ‘ASIC/Adria Student Innovation Contest’ taking place at the conference. In collaboration with 21 faculties from the region, 31 teams and a total of over 130 graduate students applied to the competition entitled “A New Hotel Concept”.

Marina Franolic, a Glion alumna, is the founder of the Hotel Forum, a conference that acts as a think tank for professionals from the field of hotel industry investment in Croatia and the surrounding region. She says, “AHF has proven again to be the leading hotel investment conference of South Eastern Europe. This year we have decided to base the forum on the notion of “Successful Models”, that is, so-called examples of good practice. Throughout the course of two days, various models (the law of small numbers; the law of large numbers; seasonality etc.) which have successfully been implemented in areas where results have been carried out in view of high returns from tourism (and connected industries) have been presented.

As well, we are proud to emphasize the fact that the significance of the Adria Hotel Forum was recognized by one of the leading global organizers of hotel investment conferences, Bench Events, by promoting its partnership with the AHF and the conference “Mediterranean Resort & Hotel Real Estate Forum” set to take place in Madrid. This allows us to participate in the creation of panel discussion on the topic of investing in the hotel industry within the Adriatic region, which in turn gives us the possibility to bring Croatia’s opportunities that much closer to the global audience”.


