
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 自主创业的学生 — 第1部分

Students with Start-ups – Part 1
自主创业的学生 — 第1部分

  格里昂高等教育学院      2015年1月21日


  学生的自主创业精神是格里昂本科学士学位课程着重培养的一个方面。因此一些学生在毕业之前就已经开始自主创业也并不是一件多么让人感到惊奇的事。Antoine de Preux,法国国籍,将于2015年6月完成他在酒店管理专业的双学士学位课程(LRG-UAS),在对他做学生采访的时候,他提到他正在忙一家新创立的公司的初期事宜,这让我们非常惊叹。他在采访中的回答展示了这样一个事实:虽然可以做到同时兼顾学业和创业,但是迈入职场生活仍然充满挑战。

  当被问到他毕业之后的职业规划时,Antoine与我们分享了他目前在瑞士一家新成立的公司中的投入,这让我们十分惊叹。他说:“在我完成最后一年学业期间,我抓住了这次和一家科技型创业公司合作的机会,公司地点在洛桑(Lausanne)EPFL创新中心(一个创业公司孵化器),公司名称是iRewind。这家公司发明了一种照相机系统,可以用来做空中电影拍摄,并且可以通过一种标记系统对人进行识别。这项发明获得了第42届日内瓦国际创新展览会(International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva)(2014)最高奖,以及通讯科技奖(ICT Awards)(2014)。”










  国际酒店管理专业加金融方向,于我而言,这似乎是最好的选择了 — 因为我对创业和金融都很感兴趣。实际上,酒店管理LRG-UAS双学士学位金融方向这个课程是酒店行业、商务管理和金融的完美融合。




  我的第二次实习是在瑞士洛桑(Lausanne)。我获得了一个机会与一家快速发展的创业公司合作,这家公司是做海鲜食品配送的。我很荣幸地被安排负责整个公司业务的管理,以及把这家公司当做自己的公司来运营。这次的实习经历让我这个愿望更加强烈了:提升自己在企业家方面的知识,投身到快速发展的商业中来 — 在这个过程中自己各方面也会获得非常快速的提高。



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Students with Start-ups – Part 1

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 21 January 2015

Glion students are going into business before graduation.

Entrepreneurship is a major focus of the Glion bachelor degree program, so it’s no surprise some students are going into business before graduation. Antoine de Preux, a French national who is finishing his dual degree (LRG-UAS) Bachelor in Hospitality in June 2015, surprised us in his student interview by mentioning his involvement in a start-up. His responses show that although it’s possible to do both studies and start-ups, it’s a challenging entry to professional life.

When asked about his professional projects for after graduation, Antoine surprised us by sharing his current involvement in a Swiss start-up. He said, “While finishing my last year of studies, I have taken the opportunity to work with a technological start-up in Lausanne, with the EPFL Innovation Center (a start-up incubator), called iRewind. It’s a startup company which invented a system of cameras that can be used to film events from the air and recognize individuals via a tagging system. It was the winner of the Grand Prix of the 42nd International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (2014) and winner of the ICT Awards (2014).”

What is your current position and responsibilities?

Adjusting my time schedule between university and professional projects, I allocate as much time as possible to contribute to the success of the tech-oriented company iRewind. It’s a startup company which invented a system of cameras that can be used to film events from the air and recognize individuals via a tagging system.

My current position is a part-time function as a partner in  the business development and administration of the Swiss team. Indeed, the company has a technical center in Romania and was recently implemented in the innovation park at the polytechnic engineering school of Lausanne (EPFL). My current role involves researching for investments, financing solutions and investors/shareholders meetings. Additionally, I guide the company in the domain of in-air cameras (drones) for future projects.

How did Glion help you to achieve your objectives?

Glion gave me a network of creative and ambitious people. I developed several business ideas with some peers over the last semester. Glion gave me the opportunity to practice in the entrepreneurial world and provided me with knowledge, tools and passion. This university offered me ladders to access several industries and to observe the world from a higher perspective. I was already passionate about the world of entrepreneurs, Glion allowed me to pursue my willingness to create and to join amazing teams.

The learning environment of Glion pushes students to surpass themselves with the help of their peers. I found that the Glion Spirit is what really differentiates the school from other Swiss hospitality schools. Indeed, at Glion it’s not about competing against your classmates, it’s about becoming a leader (as opposed to becoming a boss) and working with other leaders.

What do you think will be your next career move?

I have not defined my next step yet. There are some business projects that are emerging and different opportunities from them. The greatest idea that I’ve learned from this situation is that business development is limitless.

Why did you choose the dual bachelor degree in hospitality with LRG-UAS? And the specialization in Finance? 

The international hospitality management track coupled with the financial specialization seemed the best choice for me considering my financial and entrepreneurial focus. Actually, it was an ideal fusion between the world of hospitality, business administration and finance.

I wanted to develop my ability to manage a service oriented business. My previous studies taught me more traditional economics and business management, so I wanted to reinforce the human side that international and service-oriented studies develop best here at Glion.

Where did you do your internships? How did those experiences develop your professional and personal skills?

I did my first internship in Shanghai. I forced myself to discover a new region and a new culture; it was the best decision that I could have made. Certainly, working with a team that was 98% composed of Chinese colleagues was immensely elevating. I learned a lot about many aspects of Chinese business culture. Upon my return, the world seemed smaller and I felt I had one more master key in my hand to unlock newly discovered doors in the hospitality business world.

My second internship was in Lausanne, Switzerland. I had the opportunity to work with a fast developing startup in sea food distribution. It was a pleasure to be given the responsibility of managing the entire business, being told to run the company as if it were mine. This experience reinforced my will to develop my knowledge of entrepreneurship for the rapid pace of business- and self-development it offers.

For more information about iRewind:



