
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂学生分享:在东方明珠之城经历一次大开眼界的实习

An Eye-Opening Placement In The Pearl Of The Orient

Yvette Liu Yu-Fei   2015年4月22日

  我仍然记得一年半之前的时候,我正在进行艰难的抉择:是继续留在欧洲获得更多的文化体验?还是回到亚洲在我的母语国家进入酒店行业积累基础知识?然后,通过格里昂提供给我的机会,我找到了一份实习,并且之后我爱上了这座我实习的城市 — 上海

  我遇到过许多从来没有来过远东地区的人,他们都认为上海是这样一座城市:如果你不会讲中文的话,你是无法在这里生存下来的。有的人甚至还以为上海是一个小镇。好吧 … 我来告诉你,虽然我会讲普通话 — 上海的魅力绝不仅仅是因为它是经济发展速度最快的城市之一,更在于这里高度的国际化。我在这里可以见到来自世界各地的人:帕劳(Palau)、以色列(Israel)、巴拿马(Panama)、瑞典(Sweden)、法国(France)等等。在这里的经历就像在格里昂学习一样,但是你的收获却是在学校学习的一千倍!并且,我不仅见到了来自不同地方的人,我还在中国与一些朋友结下了宝贵的友谊,我希望我们的友谊可以持续一生。

  但是,在搬到上海居住之前,以及在我发现自己对上海有这么深的感情之前,我对在上海开始我的生活是感到恐惧的。我在童年的时候就已经在四个不同的大洲都生活过了,我已经习惯了搬到一个新的环境中生活。但是在我来这里实习之前,我总会闭上眼睛想象自己在一个有好几百万人口的城市中生活,并且生活节奏非常快,我还没有任何朋友。坦诚地说,我现在都记得当这种想法浮现出来的时候我自己都会颤抖。但是,随后我一直跟自己说:这将是一个绝好的机会,我可以见证到中国的经济发展速度究竟有多快,于是我做了一个深呼吸,在实习合同上签字,打包行李,飞到上海,开始我的第一次实习 — 在波特曼丽嘉酒店(The Portman Ritz-Carlton)实习六个月。


  现在再回顾我那段实习的时间,我可以轻松地描述出我的职责,但是,和许多新的实习生一样,那段时间我在工作中也遇到了一些挑战。在位处上海核心地段的这样一家酒店工作,我在日常工作中总是非常忙碌,有时候还需要长时间工作。然后,还有文化差异。我之前一直以为来上海工作自己会很容易适应,毕竟我们在台湾也是讲普通话,但现实是 — 与这里仍然有很大的差别。不过,在那里工作我感觉酒店是把我当做全职员工来对待的,这也给我提供了非常好的机会,我可以对酒店行业有一个真实的了解。在此期间,我的领导们也经常对我的工作进行检查,其中一位主管还是格里昂的校友。在我面临困难的时候,他们会帮助我克服,我从中吸取了更多经验。



  这座城市让我打开了眼界,我看到了一个超出我想象的世界 — 如果我没有来这里实习,我一定想象不到这里的生活。对于你们当中一些对未来感到害怕的人,或正在犹豫不决是否要出去到一个远离家乡的地方工作的人,永远要相信:在你的舒适区之外,一定有一些充满魅力的事情在等待着你去经历

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

An Eye-Opening Placement In The Pearl Of The Orient

by Yvette Liu Yu-Fei 22 April 2015

I still remember just one and a half years ago I was struggling to decide whether to stay in Europe to gain more cultural experience or to go back to Asia to gain a fundamental knowledge of the hospitality industry in my own mother tongue. Then, through Glion, I found my internship in a city that I later on fell in love with – Shanghai.

A lot of people I encounter that have never been to the Far East think of Shanghai as a city or even a town that you won’t be able to survive in if you can’t speak Chinese. Well… I am telling you, even though I can speak Mandarin, Shanghai is not just one of the fastest growing cities but a very international one. I was able to meet people from all around the world from Palau, Israel, Panama, Sweden, France, etc. – it was just like studying at Glion but a thousand times bigger! Also, I was not only meeting new people from different places; I made some precious friendships in China that I hope will last forever.

Before moving there and finding out how much I love Shanghai, I was actually scared to start my life there. Living across four different continents throughout my childhood, I was used to moving into a new environment. But before my internship started, I constantly closed my eyes and imagined myself living in a city of millions with a fast-paced lifestyle where I don’t have any friends and, to be honest, I remember I was shivering when that thought came up. But then I always told myself it will be an excellent opportunity to see how fast-growing China is, so I took a deep breath, signed the contract, packed my suitcase and flew there to start my first six-month internship atThe Portman Ritz-Carlton..

My six-month internship was in the front desk department. During my first two months of training, my supervisor took me into a cross-training program within this department, from reception through to executive club and onto guest relations. My experiences at the Ritz-Carlton helped me to develop strong people skills in how to approach guests, and I built up firm skills in operations. My job not only consisted of the check-in and out of guests but also I learned the important techniques of upselling and gradually was given more responsibility and became the cashier and night auditor.

Looking back at my t[url=]B[/url]ime there now I am able to easily describe what my responsibilities were, however, during that time I had some challenges at work just like many other new interns. In working at a hotel that is situated in the heart of Shanghai, my daily life at work was always busy and sometimes I might work long days. Then there were the cultural differences; I thought it might be easy for me to adapt since we also speak Mandarin in Taiwan but it was still very different. However, working there I felt that I was treated like a full-time employee which offered me a great opportunity to gain real insight into the hospitality industry while also my managers always checked up on me and one of my supervisors was a Glion alumni. They helped me through the difficulties that I was facing while I acquired more experience.

It is hard to describe how amazing it was to have the opportunity to live in Shanghai for six months.The city is so international that it was so easy for everyone to make new friends there and even finding an apartment and roommate was easy too. I was able to experience the real charm of Shanghai through all the friends that I met there. As a foodie, Shanghai has restaurants all over the city offering Michelin-starred chef fare to a diverse array of authentic regional Chinese cuisine. On a day off, I often strolled around the French Concession and discovered new artistic alleys or cafés in the daytime, and at nighttime I would visit bars with my friends to have a glass of their creative and special cocktail drinks!

If you asked me why I fell in love with Shanghai, I would tell you that no matter how cosmopolitan it is there, you still get to experience the real culture of Shanghai. In an average day you can experience the historical and ‘East meets west’ blend of buildings, alleys, and The Bund, or just have a French coffee in a traditional Shanghai-style house.

This city opened my eyes to a world that I could never have imagined had I not lived there during my internship. For those of you who are afraid or uncertain as to whether you should take the leap and go somewhere far away from home, ALWAYS believe that there is something magical for you to see outside of your comfort zone!


