
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 侯嘉惠是谁?你不知道的格里昂校长的5件事

Who is Judy Hou? 5 things you didn’t know about Glion’s CEO

  格里昂高等教育学院     2014年5月30日

  作为格里昂高等教育学院历史上首任女性校长,侯嘉惠最近吸引了诸多关注,且有很多积极的报道。女性校长仍然是一个稀缺的存在。事实上,在世界500强和1000强公司的首席执行官中,女性只占4.6%的比例。[1] 在新加坡(Singapore)举行的亚洲酒店和旅游会议(Hospitality and Tourism in Asia Conference)上,侯校长接受了行业女士专访,就女性在酒店和旅游领域面临的挑战发表了自己的看法。

  我们能从这位少有的女性CEO身上学到什么?侯校长的个人简历(Judy’s impressive CV )令人印象深刻,我们从她的简历上可以看到,她是通过努力工作才到达今天这个位置的,但是她还有一些非常有趣的价值观和个人爱好,在采访中她非常坦率地和我们分享了这些。














[1] Catalyst, http://blogs.wsj.com/atwork/2014/03/07/meet-the-women-ceos-of-the-fortune-500/

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Who is Judy Hou? 5 things you didn’t know about Glion’s CEO

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 30 May 2014

As the first female CEO of Glion Institute of Higher Education, Judy Hou has attracted a lot of attention lately, and for good cause. Women CEOs remain rare. In fact, only 4.6% of Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies have female CEOs.[1] Judy herself commented on the challenges that women face in the hospitality and tourism sector in an interview for the Women in Hospitality and Tourism in Asia Conference in Singapore.

What lessons can we learn from this rare woman CEO? Judy’s impressive CV tells us she’s worked hard to get to her current role, but she also has some very interesting values and personal habits that she shared with us in a candid interview.

Her family inspires her

Like many women CEOs, Judy is also a mother. In an amazing feat of organization, she balances her time between work and family and draws on her parenting experience for inspiration. “I have a 7 year old daughter and she has taught me a lot. Parenthood really changes you. It has made me think about things differently and given me insight into education, from a parent’s perspective. I’m more attuned to the challenges that we face in education.’

Judy’s family moved from Teipei to California when she was just three. Both of her parents are Chinese, so she speaks and writes Mandarin fluently. Judy credits her love for education to her mother and father. ‘My parents were very focused on education. Growing up in an Asian family, with the pressure to excel, is not always comfortable, but I had very open parents. They provided opportunities for me to learn many other things,’ explains Judy, ‘They taught me an appreciation for literature and music. I played piano for 10 years. They gave me a strong sense of family values and work ethic. I also learned a respect for other people and cultures. Having this respect helps a lot when working with other cultures.’

She likes to sweat and breathe

Every day, or almost, Judy does yoga. She even likes the rather extreme Bikram yoga or “hot yoga” and she has the certification necessary to teach yoga classes. ‘I appreciate yoga as a way to clear my mind; it’s a form of moving meditation. It has also helped me a lot in my profession, with long work hours and hectic schedules it’s nice to practice yoga as it helps me to focus and breathe. I do all styles of yoga, but I really like Bikram, it improves your concentration when you can learn to ignore the heat and that you’re sweating in a room full of other sweating people,’ she laughs.

She’s a passionate person

The most striking aspect of Judy Hou is her passion for all things related to her work. Obviously, she didn’t become the CEO of one of the world’s top ranking hospitality schools by luck, she got here by being 100% committed to education.

‘I’m really passionate about education in general. Even when I was working in HR, I was always looking for ways to develop people’s minds and talents. Higher education is really about providing opportunities for people,’ explains Judy. When prompted for any other passions, she stays true to her profession, even in her leisure time. ‘I also love travelling and tourism. I’m not the type to always go to the same place on vacation, I prefer to see new places and experience new cultures.’

She’s a writer

When Judy isn’t busy sorting through emails, she is both a writer and an avid reader.

‘I really love writing. I always try to write my own pieces when asked. Furthermore, I was happy to work on an internal communications newsletter for Glion.’ Judy admits, ‘I also love to read, I was a voracious reader in the past but I don’t read much fiction these days, I don’t have the time. I am more interested in travel literature, travel journals, industry trends, and management books.’

She has a vision

Although she hasn’t been with Glion long, Judy definitely has her finger on the pulse of positive changes happening here.  ‘I think Glion is a special institution, a place where we have lots of opportunities and we’re ready to move forward. When speaking with students, you realize how much the institution has to offer, ‘explains Judy, ‘Many people want to know where we are going and I would ask them: Why do we call ourselves an institute of higher education? Our essence is hospitality but we are moving towards a stronger stance in business education. We are aiming to be not just among the top three, but number one.’

[1] Catalyst, http://blogs.wsj.com/atwork/2014/03/07/meet-the-women-ceos-of-the-fortune-500/


