
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 从“女士们和先生们”到”卡姆登人“

From ‘Ladies & Gentlemen’ to ‘Camdeners’

Eddy     2013年7月3日


  故事开始于我们在线MBA课程早期,当时我们对我们的工作团队和如何称呼团队成员做了很多讨论。Jackie (Ritz-Carlton)跟我们讲述了她公司的员工待遇如何之好,以及她用一个如何明显的充满尊重的称呼”女士们和先生们“来称呼员工。很与众不同,很友好,对吧?确实,我对我们工作团队和我自己的称呼也挣扎不定:员工、职员、雇员 … 这些称呼都太不符合我们的职位角色和职位特点了,在卡姆登(Camden)尤其如此。根据公司员工的意见,”员工“这个称谓甚至让他们觉得身份低微,因此这些称谓我们都不能用。

  现在我需要解释一下在我们公司发生了什么。我们工作团队的结构太扁平化了。不同的部门运作起来就像是各自独立的商业单位,我们也做了很多团队构建、团队表扬和团队培训的工作。这就是”服务利润链“这个概念在生活中的运用,或者如JW Marriott所说,”有开心的员工才会有满意的客户“!

  另一方面,我们严格履行我们的品牌价值,尽可能地做我们自己,真的!你想起来我之前发过一篇相关内容的帖子?太棒了。所以说在我们所有的线下和线上的交流中,我们所说的都是真实的。事实上,我们的在线工作也是为了将一部分线下工作转移过来;动机极为单纯。所以,带上你的情绪、紧张、笑声、眼泪(喜悦的泪水和悲伤的泪水)… 我们不可能仅仅是”员工“,对吧?

  然后,经过和Jackie的讨论,我非常迫切地想给我们卡姆登的天才们找到一个合适的称谓这个想法。我想我可能也是有些妒忌她能把公司管理的那么好。于是在随后我在公司进行了一些尝试之后,”卡姆登人“看起来是最合适的称谓(还没有哪个公司这样用过)。这个称谓笼括了我们所代表的价值、我们的特质、我们的行为和态度、成功和缺点、志向和灵感 … 以及我们所处的这块地域(我当时还在尝试着与酒店对接):卡姆特镇。

  因此从这里开始,这个观念就开始改变我们的员工选拔过程和招聘情况了(包括入门培训)。但是最有意思的是我们发现的电子营销对我们的内在品牌产生的影响。我开始在所有的TripAdvisor上对客户的回复中签上我的名字并加上”卡姆登人“这个称谓(现在我正在对brand.com和OTA上的评论以这样的方式回复)。这样简单的一个步骤对电子营销这项工作本身、对线下工作以及对公司都产生了截然不同的效果。很快,人们就开始使用这个称谓,用这个称谓开玩笑并引以为豪。现在,我们自己使用这个称谓,并且越来越多的评论者们也用”卡姆特人“这个称谓称呼我们 … 你可以想象到这让我们有多高兴!


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E


From ‘Ladies & Gentlemen’ to ‘Camdeners’
by Eddy    3 July 2013

After a long and verbose post, let’s go for a much lighter story with a happy ending (or start rather). This is still about leadership (the story telling is, but also the internal branding) and collaborative marketing (this one is for a future post).

The story starts during the early stages of our Online MBA with many discussions about our teams, and what to call ourselves. Jackie (Ritz-Carlton) developed how her company has nicely been treating their workforce, and how one visible sign was to name them ‘Ladies & Gentlemen’. Different and nice, non? And indeed, I was struggling to call our team and myself: staff, staff member, employee … all rather reducing for our roles and characters, especially in Camden. Depending on the tone employed, ‘staff’ can even be condescending, so we would have none of that.

Now I need to explain a little more about what happens in our property. The structure of the team is rather flat, departments run (almost) like separate business units and we do a lot of team building, team praising and coaching. This is where the ‘Service Profit Chain’* concept comes to life or, as JW Marriott put it “happy employees make happy customers”!

On another note, we take the brand’s values to the letter and try to be as much ourselves as possible, real**! Reminds you of an earlier post? Here you go. So throughout our exchanges both offline and online, we are real. In fact, our online work is just about to transfer what happens offline; dead simple. So bring on emotions, tensions, laughter, tears (of both joy and despair!) … and we could not possibly be just ‘staff’, could we?

Then, throughout the discussions with Jackie, it turned into an urge to find the right name for our Camden talents. I was also growing jealous, I think, of her best practices in action. So after a few attempts, appeared the term ‘Camdeners’ which seemed the most appropriate (and not so used). This encompasses the values we stand for, all the quirkiness, our behaviours and attitude, our successes and weaknesses, our aspirations and inspirations … and the very locale we are part of (which I was also trying to bridge with the hotel at the time); Camden Town***.

Thus from there, the idea transferred to our selection process and recruitment (including induction). But most interestingly, we observed how eMarketing influenced our internal branding. I started to sign all TripAdvisor responses with my first name and associate ‘the Camdeners’ (now I am also doing so on responses to brand.com and OTA’s reviews)****. And this simple step just triggered the opposite phenomenon to what originated it, right back offline and into the property. Soon, people starting using the name, playing with it and hopefully being proud of it! And now, we are using it and reviewers are addressing us as ‘Camdeners’ more and more often … which makes me so chuffed, as you can imagine!!



