
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 采访Amal — 格里昂伦敦校区研究生

Interview with Amal – Glion London Postgraduate student
采访Amal — 格里昂伦敦校区研究生

格里昂高等教育学院     2015年6月23日

法国/摩洛哥学生Amal M’rini目前正在格里昂伦敦校区读酒店管理研究生文凭(Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality Administration)课程,我们采访她的时候,她深刻地剖析了自己选择酒店管理领域作为职业发展方向的原因,以及格里昂伦敦校区的课程是如何让她为未来的成功积淀出色的技能和知识的。


Amal:“我之前在加那利群岛(Canary Islands)上的一家酒店实习过,当时是在客房预订和市场营销部门实习,那次实习让我感到我对酒店非常感兴趣。实习后我去了英国,在一家酒店做电话总台的接线员和前台接待,这次工作经历更让我确信了我对酒店的热爱。我希望今后在酒店中可以获得更好的职业机会,于是我决定再让自己突破一下:读一个酒店管理学位。”












Amal:”我非常喜欢和酒店直接相关的课程,比如‘餐饮介绍(Introduction to Food and Beverage)’或‘商务礼仪’(Business Etiquette),因为在这些课程中我们倾向于探讨当今行业的发展趋势和正在扩展的酒店品牌。这些方面的知识极其重要,因为我们未来的职业发展状况将与这些趋势息息相关。”


Amal:”我的经历非常有趣,我见到了来自不同国家的人。你从他们身上可以学到很多东西,同时他们也在学习你身上的优点。我们有很多参加学生生活和社交活动的机会。参加学生生活时不仅是和格里昂的同学们一起组织活动,还和罗汉普顿大学(University of Roehampton)的学生们一起合作,在这个过程中你会有机会接触到不同的运动并组织不同的活动。于我而言,’格里昂精神‘意味着集聚和分享不同的思想,使得我们今后可以为客户提供更好的服务,成为工作部门的领导者。“



问:毕业之后你希望获得哪种类型的职位?你对自己5 — 10年内的事业发展有怎样的期许?


“Glion m’a offert une formation adaptée pour faire évoluer ma carrière dans l’hôtellerie. Ma vie à Londres contribue également à étendre mes connaissances dans le tourisme.”



见证“格里昂精神”的成就,格里昂高等教育学院致力于培养学生开启国际化事业,在酒店管理学校中排名世界前三(TNS, 全球研究, 2013)。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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Interview with Amal – Glion London Postgraduate student

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 23 June 2015

Currently studying for her Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality Administration at Glion’s London campus, French/Moroccan student Amal M’rini reflects on why she chose to build her career in hospitality management, and how her program of study at Glion London is preparing her with the skills and knowledge for future success.

Q: Before you enrolled, why did you decide to study for a Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality Administration?

Amal: “After an internship at a hotel in The Canary Islands in reservations and marketing, I felt really interested in hospitality. After my internship, I moved to the UK to work as a switchboard operator and receptionist in a hotel and this confirmed my passion for hospitality. I would like to have larger opportunities in the years coming; therefore I decided to take a step ahead with a degree in hospitality administration.”

Q: What security/stability do you feel this industry offers you for your future career?

Amal: “Hospitality is an enormous industry and it is expanding more and more. In addition, it is an international business field and you can choose to work abroad. You will always find options. Hospitality is related to tourism, which is growing significantly.”

Q: Why did you choose to study at Glion Institute of Higher Education in London?

Amal: “The first reason why I chose Glion is the location. I wanted to continue my studies in London because it is a dynamic city with huge opportunities in the hospitality industry and tourism. It is multicultural and you can meet different people with different experiences.After some research, when I discovered Glion, the choice was obvious since it has a worldwide reputation. Glion is a valuable investment for the future since you don’t only graduate with a degree; you develop a network within the institution and have the possibility to develop this network within industry while you are studying.”

Q: What benefits do you hope to acquire after achieving your postgraduate qualification with Glion London?

Amal: “After graduation, I am first hoping to have job security in the future. Then, I would like to progress in my career and be in executive management.Glion actually gives you a base and helps you in promoting yourself towards potential recruiters. Teachers who have been professionals in the industry encourage you to get the best out of yourself at any time.”

Q: What have you learned so far that has helped to influence your future career direction?

Amal: “With Glion, I learnt that I actually have many more opportunities in addition to working in a hotel, so this might have an influence on my decisions in the coming months.”

Q: What are your favorite things about the program and teaching methods?

Amal: “I really enjoy when we talk about hotels and at Glion we attend organized visits to hotels, which are provided to familiarize students with the hospitality industry. I also find the applied learning in Switzerland really well adapted for learning how to operate a restaurant or a hotel. It is a form of education closer to the reality of tomorrow. This applied learning has helped me to see my strengths and my weaknesses, but it has also helped me to understand that the rooms division department was more suitable for me than food and beverage.“

Q: What kinds of subjects do you enjoy studying at Glion London and for what reason?

Amal: “I really enjoy the subjects directly related to hospitality like ‘Introduction to Food and Beverage’ or ‘Business Etiquette’ because we tend to talk about the trends of today and the brands that are expanding. This is extremely important to cover, since our future careers will be related to these trends.”

Q: How has your experience been of joining the Glion London international student body? What does the Glion Spirit mean to you?

Amal: “My experience has been quite interesting since I have met people from different countries. You learn a lot from them and they learn from you as well. We have many opportunities to participate in student life and socialize. Student life is not only about organizing activities with Glion students but also with the University of Roehampton, in which you have a choice between different sports, and events are also organized. For me, ‘Glion Spirit’ means gathering and sharing ideas in order to serve our future customers and become leaders in the sector.”

Q: Why would you recommend a postgraduate diploma at Glion London to future students?

Amal: “I would recommend the postgraduate diploma to future students because it covers all aspects of the hospitality industry and allows you to have opportunities, not only in hotels but also in travel agencies or airlines.”

Q: What type of position do you hope to go into once you graduate and where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

Amal: “I would hope to begin with a supervisory position, in the front office of a hotel or housekeeping. In the next ten years I see myself in an executive management position, in a hotel or in a head office.”

“Glion m’a offert une formation adaptée pour faire évoluer ma carrière dans l’hôtellerie. Ma vie à Londres contribue également à étendre mes connaissances dans le tourisme.”

English translation: “Glion offers me training that allows me to transform my career for the hotel industry. Life in London enables me to extend my knowledge in tourism.”

Glion Institute of Higher Education

Testament to the ‘Glion Spirit’ of achievement, Glion Institute of Higher Education is ranked as one of the three best hospitality management schools in the world for an international career (TNS, Global Research, 2013).


