
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂学生分享:会展管理工作建议 #2

Event Management Tips #2
格里昂学生分享:会展管理工作建议 #2

Ekaterina Skidan  2014年10月22日


  会展管理是一项工作强度非常大的工作,同时处理多项任务是每天工作中必不可少的部分。在格里昂会展管理部门实习了几周之后我对这个快节奏的行业有了初步了解,并且这种快节奏将伴随我度过整个实习期。我很高兴在这里与你们分享我对这个行业的见解以及我的实习经历 — 在这不到六个月的实习期内我如何开展我的会展管理工作以及如何安排自己参加了10场不同的活动。


  从实习的第一天开始,我的工作强度就非常大,这也正是我喜欢的。我开始工作后,我的老板通知我接下来四周内我们会去伦敦校区帮助组织在那里举办的行业创新座谈会(Industry Innovation Panel)。短暂的激动和兴奋之后,我开始着手准备我的签证。这是我在会展管理工作中学到的第一堂课:做这份工作,你不仅要负责会展活动的相关事宜,你还要做好出行的后勤工作,并办理好签证和许可证这样的行政手续。组织会展活动属于项目管理的范畴,这份工作要求你能够在给定的日期内布置好会场并随时跟踪整个工作的进展状况。所以我在给定日期内要完成的第一个任务就是去伦敦,我把这件事和我的旅游签证一起列为优先办理事项。




  仅仅过了几周,我们开始举办第一场大型活动 — 日内瓦葡萄采摘节(Les Vendanges de Geneve),现场会有奢侈品零售和品酒盛宴,在著名的日内瓦字路表商业街(Rue du Rhone shopping area)举行。Côte杂志负责组织这场活动并请格里昂的学生们为现场提供给奢侈品牌经销商客户的食物和饮料服务把关。我负责管理学生和一些特定的商店,我在现场亲自教授这些低年级的学生们如何高效率工作。这是会展管理工作的另一个要点:你必须时刻准备好立即投身到工作中来,并有能力掌控整个会场的情况,并且会展经理们在活动期间通常都会在现场随时准备支援。

  这场活动之后又过了几天,我们去了伦敦。这次经历非常棒!我们有机会一睹格里昂伦敦校区的风采,也可以和来自格里昂伦敦校区会展工作团队的Sophie Clarkson一起工作。我还在伦敦校区参加了一些关于人力资源和会展活动主题的研讨会,并获得机会分享我在格里昂校区ESE专业研究生课程的学习经历。我更加了解了这个行业需要毕业生具备怎样的素质以及格里昂伦敦校区能为我们未来的毕业生们带来怎样光明的前景。

  伦敦这边的活动一忙完,我就回到了格里昂校区,在校园开放日的时候我在ESE项目的8场展示中都发表了讲话。这对我来说是一次非常难得的机会,极大地锻炼了我的沟通技能和展示技能。与此同时,我还在忙着为所有我们正在筹划的活动组织编排各种信息,比如,MBA核心系列会议、格里昂校园之旅、劳瑞特生活克林顿倡议、在布勒校区举办的行业创新研讨会、Travitality营养学大会以及毕业活动 — 这无疑是一场重大的活动。


Ekaterina Skidan


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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Event Management Tips #2

by Ekaterina Skidan 22 October 2014

Getting Organized in Event Management

Event management is an intense career path where multitasking is a part of everyday work. My first few weeks in Glion’s Event management department gave me some insight into the fast-paced rhythm that this internship is going to follow and I am happy to share with you this overview of how I am getting started and organizing myself to participate in ten different events over this period of less than 6 months.

Setting Priorities

From the first day, my work started quite intensively, which I love. When I started, my boss informed me that in 4 weeks we would be going to London campus to help with the organization of the Industry Innovation Panel there. After few moments of surprised happiness, I started to work on getting my visa. This is my first lesson in event management: not only do you have to think about the event, you have to think about the logistics of travel and administration like visas and permits. Running events is an exercise in project management, it requires setting stages with due-dates to keep on track. So my first due date was the London trip, and I gave it priority along with my visa to travel.

Gathering Information

At the same time, information on all the different events which we were going to organize was coming in rapidly. In addition to meeting all of my new colleagues on the Glion and Bulle campuses, I was trying to cope with tons of new information. Here, I was reminded of another life-long learning principle: always ask questions. I was constantly asking Jo questions, taking notes and trying to remember as many details as I possibly could. As a postgraduate student, I was often called upon to supervise my younger classmates in their event planning activities and I can say that questions are a good sign that a person is listening, thinking and anticipating the needs and challenges that might arise, which is essential in event management professions.

Getting Hands-on

After only a few weeks, our first event was “Les Vendanges de Geneve”, a luxury retail and wine tasting event in the famous Rue du Rhone shopping area of Geneva. Côte magazine organized this event and requested Glion students to oversee the service of food and beverages for the customers of the luxury brand boutiques. As the supervisor of particular shops and students, I was right there in the action coaching these younger students on how to do their job efficiently. That’s another thing about event management, you have to be ready to just jump in and take a hold of a situation, and event managers are always on-site during their events.

A few days after this event, we went to London. It was a great experience because I had the opportunity to see Glion’s London campus and to gain experience in event organization working with Sophie Clarkson of the Glion London event team. There, I participated in the seminar sessions about human resources and events topics. I had opportunity to share my PG ESE experience in Glion campus, and I learned more about what the industry needs from graduating students and what bright perspectives London campus can bring to our future graduates.

Right after London, I was at the Glion campus open day where I spoke in 8 presentations about the ESE program. It was a brilliant opportunity for me to exercise my communication and presentation skills. At the same time, I was busy organizing the information for all these events we were planning such as the MBA Key series conference, Glion visits, Laureate Life Clinton Initiative, Industry Innovation Panel in Bulle, Travitality conference and of course the main event: Graduation.

With less than three months until the final event, I am super busy keeping up my intensive process of planning and implementing new events. In my next article I will share more insights into the trials and tribulations of my event management internship.

Ekaterina Skidan

I am 23 years old and was born in the south of Russia. I studied finance in Moscow and then realized that events is my passion and went to Glion to study event management for a year. I'm now doing my internship at Glion in the Academic Events department. In the future I would like to organize business and networking conferences in a multicultural environment.


