
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 更多女性就读MBA和在线MBA课程

More women in MBA and Online MBA

  格里昂高等教育学院        2015年6月17日

  今年,格里昂在线MBA课程(Glion’s Online MBA)的学生在男女比例上突破了原有的模式 — 女生的数量超过了男生。在线MBA课程学生男女比例变化是一个非常好的信号,我们可以借此判断当下是否是女性读取MBA、在线MBA的最佳时机。


  MBA课程的女生数量太少?或者甚至都没有太多女性申请MBA课程?一些商业学校仍然被这些问题所困扰。但在格里昂高等教育学院研究生院(Graduate School at Glion Institute of Higher Education),情况却大为不同。这么多年来,格里昂传统酒店管理MBA课程在男女比例协调方面一直做得很好,在行业中处于领先地位。实际上,最近四年我们全日制MBA课程中女生的数量已经超过男生,女生的数量每学期都会增长,学生中女生所占的比例从53%增长到64%。


  年  份         男生    女生
  2010         80%        20%
  2011         66%        34%
  2012         64%        36%
  2013         59%        41%
  2014         54%        46%
  2015 (Jan)  48%        52%
  2015 (一月) 48%        52%

  传统MBA课程是为毕业不久的学生和刚开启个人职业生涯的年轻职场人士设定的,与这个课程不同,在线MBA课程的学生定位是有5年或5年以上管理经验的职场人士,所以在线MBA更接近于一个高级MBA课程。由于在更高级的管理职位中女性的数量也更少,因而在线MBA课程中女性学生数量较少也属正常现象。这种现象在常春藤学校的商学院(ivy-league B-schools)中表现的更为明显:在EMBA课程中女性学生在学生中的比例低于20%。


  在酒店中已经有越来越多的女性开始担任管理职位,在线MBA课程中女性学生数量的增加可能只是第一个积极的信号。并且,与前些年那些大肆宣扬女性不宜攻读MBA的文章(discouraged women from pursuing an MBA)不同,我们看到人们重新对女性教育给予了广泛关注和支持。


  如侯嘉惠(Judy Hou)所说:“职业女性的日常工作占据了大量的时间,这使得她们很难再去追求更高学历。而我们国际酒店和服务业管理专业在线MBA课程由于其上课时间的灵活性,为从事管理工作的女性提供了空前的机会,她们可以通过学习这个课程使自己的事业获得进一步的发展。“

  2012年在线MBA校友Laura Guerrero曾经说过:”我被在线课程所吸引是因为我有一份全职工作,同时我还是一名家庭主妇,有很多家庭琐事要忙。在线学习是一种非常好的学习方式,对于那些用正常的学习方式可能会非常难以坚持或者耗费更多时间的课程来说,用在线学习的形式攻读就会容易许多。攻读格里昂在线MBA课程对我来说是一个全新的经历,并且这段经历非常棒。我每时每刻都能感觉到同班同学的支持和处于同一学习阶段的伙伴的支持。“


  格里昂MBA课程吸引了更多女性的关注可能是因为这些课程和酒店与旅游业的相关性。回顾2014年酒店和旅游会议(Hospitality and Tourism Conference in 2014)中与会女性的情况,我们会发现女性已经在这个行业中扮演了重要角色,这也提醒我们在快速发展的酒店行业和市场中需正视性别平等问题。


  在谈到酒店行业男女性别平等问题的时候,格里昂高等教育学院校长(CEO of Glion Institute of Higher Education)侯嘉惠说:”关于在酒店行业中女性难以升任管理职位和领导职位的瓶颈问题,酒店专家和分析学者们已经探讨了很多年了。然而,最近这几十年,在管理和领导职位中,女性的数量和职位都发生了巨大的变化 … 越来越多的女性走向管理职位和其它关键职位,这是之前从未有过的现象。 “






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More women in MBA and Online MBA

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 17 June 2015

Glion’s Online MBA broke the mold this year as the number of female students surpassed the number of men. This change in the gender distribution of our Online MBA is a good sign that now is the right time for women to get an MBA, online or no.

Most MBA programs are still a man’s world (but not at Glion!)

Some business schools are still worrying that there aren’t enough women in their MBA programs, or female applicants in their pipeline. This is not the case for the Graduate School at Glion Institute of Higher Education. For many years, Glion’s traditional MBA in Hospitality Management has been ahead of the gender equality curve. In fact, the number of women in our full-time MBA program has exceeded the number of men consistently for the past 4 years, varying from 53% to 64% female students depending on the semester.

On the other hand, the Online MBA enrolment statistics show that over the past 5 years, the percentage of female students has grown steadily every year.

Year        Male students        Female students
2010          80%              20%
2011          66%              34%
2012          64%              36%
2013          59%              41%
2014          54%              46%
2015 (Jan)   48%              52%
2015 (一月)    48%              52%

While the traditional MBA is adapted for recent graduates and young professionals who are just starting their careers, the Online MBA targets professionals with 5 years of managerial experience or more, so it’s closer to an executive MBA. Since there are fewer women in higher management positions, it is logical that there would be fewer women in online MBA courses.This trend is confirmed by the ivy-league B-schools where women often make up less than 20% of EMBA students.

Gender equality trends in MBA

The increase in female MBA students in the online program may be the first sign of a very positive trend for female hospitality professionals. We are seeing a renewed interest and investment in female education, instead of the articles that came out a few years ago, like this one which discouraged women from pursuing an MBA.

Indeed, Glion’s Online MBA is a good fit for women who are in different stages of their careers. It is a career-advancing program for women who are in middle management and who want to reach higher. It is also ideal for senior managers who want to improve their methodology and hard business skills.

As Judy Hou stated, ‘Our online MBA in International Hospitality & Service Industries Management offers unparalleled opportunities for working female executives to advance their careers, since the demanding schedules of working female professionals can be a barrier to the desire to continue pursuing advanced qualifications.’

Laura Guerrero, an Online MBA alumna from 2012, once said, ‘I was attracted to the online program because I have a full-time job and I am a homemaker. Studying online is a great opportunity to continue with studies that would otherwise be difficult or take much more time. For me, this online MBA at Glion has been a great new experience. At every moment, I felt supported by every member that is involved in the learning process and also by my classmates.’

Hospitality MBA is a great choice for women

The reason Glion’s MBA programs are attracting more women may be that these programs are related to the hospitality and tourism industry. Going back to the Women in Hospitality and Tourism Conference in 2014, we are reminded that women play a significant role and face gender equality issues in the fast-growing hospitality industry and markets:

Women working in the tourism industry are on average paid 25% less than male workers for comparable skills
Women represent two thirds of the global tourism industry labor force
Huge growth over the next 10 years through the creation of 73 million jobs in the travel and tourism sector (of which almost 60% will be in APAC), offers a big opportunity to up‐skill employees
Asia has the lowest average participation of women in the hotel and restaurant sectors
These last two statistics are particularly important given the potential for hospitality careers in APAC (Asia and Pacific regions), it’s no wonder that more than half of the women in the MBA are from that part of the globe.

On the topic of equality in the hospitality workplace, Judy Hou, CEO of Glion Institute of Higher Education, stated: ‘For many years, hospitality experts and analysts have talked about the glass ceiling that has prevented women in the hospitality field from rising to more managerial and leadership positions. However, the recent decades have been a period of remarkable change and growth for women in the field, in terms of holding managerial and leadership positions…women are becoming more and more visible in management roles and other key positions than ever before.’

Ladies, the time is right to get an MBA

Although many B-schools still have a long way to go to better include women, the climate for women to succeed in the business world has never been so favorable. Indeed, most companies realize the value of women’s leadership in the upper-ranks of the organization and they are desperately seeking women who have the right profile and education to join their ranks. Now is truly a great time for women to pursue an MBA and Glion’s Online MBA with flexible study options make it even more accessible for busy professionals, mothers, and women in every stage in their careers.


Top photo: Glion Online MBA residency in Dubaï


