
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂校友分享:在雅加达(Jakarta)的实习生活

Life on internship in Jakarta

Sylvia Lohardjo   2014年10月10日


  我现在是第5学期在读,在办公室实习。你可能也看过我之前发布的博客:如何申请到一份实习(how to get an internship)。我现在是在雅加达文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta)做传播部实习生。传播办公室是公共关系和市场沟通的另一个名称。









  我需要帮助做许多照片拍摄的工作,因为我们需要在社交媒体、海报和其它社交平台上做推广。做摄影师让我认识到食物的外形有多么重要 — 不是每一款好吃的食物在照片里都会看起来漂亮。我的另一项任务是协助酒店的媒体代表工作:有好几家的记者和杂志在报道我们酒店。最新的一篇报道是印尼美都电视台(Metro TV)做的,报道了在后台制作月饼的中国行政总厨Jeff Lee。




  图片:雅加达文华东方酒店照片分享(上左:我们在MOBarkustik活动中用柑曼怡(Grand Marnier)制作的绚丽的鸡尾酒)


Sylvia Lohardjo


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Life on internship in Jakarta

by Sylvia Lohardjo 10 October 2014

Hi guys, how have you been?

I am currently in my 5th semester doing my back office internship. You may have read my post before on how to get an internship. My position here is the Communication Intern in Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta. The communication office is another word for public relations and marketing communications.

My day starts at 9 am and finishes at around 6 pm – 7 pm. There is no exact schedule as everyday is different, but this is what I have learned so far.

Orientation week

Before I started my internship, I had training with the learning and development department and they taught us everything from how to use a fire extinguisher to the guidelines of the hotel.

During orientation week, I met around 40 or so trainees. I learned a lot about Mandarin Oriental properties and developed teamwork skills with the new people I met. This was my first orientation and I was amazed that during the fire extinguisher practice they used real fire to train us.

The first few days

Before starting my internship, the feeling I had was very nerve-wracking. I was so lucky to have the previous communication intern still there for two days before she left. She taught me what to do regularly, reports, statistics and shared some tips with me.

Over the next few days, what I did most was check social media and magazines. In my country, we use social media a lot, especially instagram, twitter, Facebook and Google+. My supervisor was very friendly and kept on reminding me what I have to do and correcting the way I do things. Everyone in my department is very supportive and friendly.

My usual activities

I get to assist on a lot of photo shoots since we have to promote on our social media, posters and other media platforms. The photographer made me realize how important food styling is and not everything that tastes good will look nice in a picture. Another task was to assist media representatives in the hotel. We’ve had a few journalists and magazines covering our hotel. The latest one was with Metro TV for the behind the scenes shooting of creating moon cakes with the Executive Chinese Chef Jeff Lee.

Pictures: left; we were promoting the mid-autumn festival until September 10 and I learned a lot about the culture and colors, we also had a food tasting and baking event with Jakarta’s most respected food bloggers. Right; a photographer came to take a 360° virtual tour photo of one of our F&B outlets and room for a well-know magazine, my supervisor and I took a test of the Camera360.

What I love most about my internship is definitely the events. Event management is awesome, fun and I do not even feel like I’m working. I also love to brainstorm for the social media plan for next week, creating the perfect wording, storyboarding, or thinking up new ideas. As a result, it pushes me to deepen my thinking and increase my knowledge of words. I realize that being pushy and initiative can be a good thing especially in this office. The company I work for appreciates creativity in interns.

One of the most recent events was the MOBarkustik, when one of the Indonesian Idol finalists came and we worked together with Esquire magazine. I had to promote this event on social media and do live tweeting and Instagram. It was fun since it was my first event coverage experience. We also had a bartender who was very interesting, since the cocktails glowed in the dark. I had to take nice pictures and videos to compliment this event. The Director of Communications told me to be more open and jump in, which is hard especially in a room full of strangers. Overall, it was an interesting event and it allowed me to socialize and open myself to new experiences.

Pictures: Mandarin Oriental Jakarta Instagram (top left, our complimentary cocktails collaborating with Grand Marnier #MOBarkustik event)

Before coming to Mandarin Oriental, I didn’t know I would be doing a lot of things that would allow me to explore my talents. There are other details of my internship, but luckily it is not boring. I never knew that words could be such a huge effect on people. As I am also interested in Sales and Marketing, the team allowed me to join in their business meeting as a translator and it was very interesting. I am keen to learn more and will update you soon! Follow @MO_JAKARTA on Instagram to know more about what I do!

Sylvia Lohardjo

I am 19 years old, was born in Indonesia and am currently studying hospitality management at Glion. I love to travel, especially to China an I dream to one day open my own business in the food and beverage industry in Indonesia.


