
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂学生分享:如何通过实习把梦想变成目标?

How An Internship Can Turn A Dream Into A Goal

Victoria Einarsen Westvik    2015年4月27日



  当我选择来东京半岛酒店实习的时候,我是很慎重地做了这个选择 — 我想在这里获得尽可能多的有价值的经验。在商业经营中要与亚洲市场保持接触,这点非常关键,因为现在亚洲对整个国际经济形势都有着举足轻重的影响,并且在我接下来的职业生涯中,亚洲在国际经济中的重要地位仍会继续保持。因此现在任何领域的商业都要对亚洲有所了解,对酒店行业来说尤其如此:客户对酒店有着非常高期望值。在日本还有哪里比半岛酒店可以更好地学到这些知识?我计划在日本工作一段比较长的时间,因为日本的酒店行业其运营水平之高举世闻名。在实习之前我只是想来这里学习餐饮方面的知识,同时也对半岛酒店集团做更多了解,不过我学到的知识远不止这些。



  从旅游的角度来看,日本有非常多的景点和活动。我空闲的时候在东京拜访了很多神殿,也游览了很多附近的景点,所有这些景点都有数不清的值得观看的地方。我的同事们也非常热心,带我去了镰仓(Kamakura),这是东京城外的一个滨海小镇,他们带我看了大佛(Great Buddha)和许多不同的神殿。



Victoria Einarsen Westvik — 格里昂伦敦校区学生 — 酒店管理专业工商管理学士(BBA in Hospitality Management)—第一次实习,实习期限为6个月


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

How An Internship Can Turn A Dream Into A Goal

by Victoria Einarsen Westvik 27 April 2015

I am walking through the streets of Ginza, Tokyo, amongst tall buildings filled with colorful signs and exclusive shops on my way to work. Outside every store there are sales associates welcoming customers, always smiling and expressing friendly greetings in Japanese. The streets are crowded, yet not many are pushing their way through the crowd as I walk around the corner to see The Peninsula, built to resemble a beautiful Japanese lantern.

Every day, coming to work in the morning was always something I looked forward to. I was doing an internship in food and beverage, and had the opportunity to work in every food and beverage outlet at The Peninsula Tokyo, to learn how they were managed and organized.

When I chose to do my internship at The Peninsula Tokyo, it was a deliberate choice in order to gain as much valuable experience as possible. Getting exposure to Asia is crucial since it has a leading international economic influence, which will continue for the rest of my career. Having an understanding for Asia is a must in any business nowadays, and in hospitality especially due to guests’ high quality expectations. Where else to learn about this than in Japan at The Peninsula? My goal had been to work in Japan for quite some time, since their high level of hospitality is known worldwide. Prior to my internship I wanted to learn more about food and beverage as well as learn about The Peninsula as a company, but ended up learning so much more than that.

The highlight of my internship was definitely working with the people that made The Peninsula Tokyo the incredible place that it is. The managers showed me exactly what kind of manager I want to become in the future, and they have given me role models to strive to resemble. I feel that it is very unique to come across a place where the staffs, everyone from the general manager, executive office, restaurant managers, waiters and stewards, are as motivating, talented and kind as at The Peninsula Tokyo. In addition, this internship gave me opportunities to explore different career interests, and they made sure I was able to explore the departments I was curious about. As I wanted to learn more about the accounting department, I spent time with the finance manager, and requests I had regarding other departments were encouraged.

As a result of working with highly talented and motivating people, this internship has not only taught me operational skills and more about the Japanese culture, but also how important it is to have a good atmosphere and positive people in the workplace. I therefore believe that an internship abroad can give you so many more experiences than you originally thought you would have, and the amount of knowledge gained can be extraordinary.

From a tourist perspective, Japan offers an endless amount of sights and activities. On my days off, I would explore the many shrines in Tokyo or travel to the various neighbourhoods which all had countless things to see. My incredibly openhearted colleagues took me to Kamakura, a small beach town outside Tokyo, where they showed me the Great Buddha and different shrines.

Living and working in Japan is very different from what we are used to here in Europe. The culture shock you experience in the beginning can be intimidating, but it is from these experiences that you grow the most. By being challenged in this way, my international curiosity has grown which I feel is very important to have as a hospitality student. I therefore warmly recommend students such as myself to travel to Japan to experience and grow as much as possible.

Looking back to my time in Tokyo, there are so many things that I miss about Japan, and moving back has become a goal of mine. Living and working in a different culture makes you take an extra step in developing yourself, which is an important factor in having an international career. I would without a doubt recommend it to anyone; it is an experience I will cherish for life.

Victoria Einarsen Westvik – Glion London Student – BBA in Hospitality Management – 1st 6-month internship

Photo credits: Victoria and The Peninsula Tokyo


