
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 格里昂毕业日 - 你的人生真正开始的那一天

The Day Your Life Begins
格里昂毕业日 - 你的人生真正开始的那一天

Karim Mostafa    2013年6月26日










       你的毕业日不仅仅是一个与往常不同的节日;不仅仅是你向空中抛出你的学位帽、宣称你获得了一个学位;也不仅仅是向你的朋友们告别、此后再无相见:这是一个你的人生真正开始的日子 …

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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The Day Your Life Begins

by Karim Mostafa   26 June 2013

There you go! The day is here, you haven’t slept all night thinking of this day and now here it is! After dreaming about it, imagining it, the day is finally here. It is a day for the books, a date you will always remember, falling in the category with your wedding date and the birth of your child.

How did the day go for me back on 9th December 2011?

Waking up really early, you look at yourself in the mirror and you know that whatever happens today, you will always remember each and every single detail of it! As you put on your tie and walk to the campus, you realize more and more the importance of that day and what you are about to do. You meet up with everyone in front of the campus and completely forget the stress and pressure you have. Cheering, laughter, you enjoy this time as if it was like any other day.

Though, once you get out of the bus and discover the place you are at, a huge amphitheater with GLION logo in background, you start understanding bit by bit what is really happening. As they take you for rehearsal, things do get more serious but you only realize once the show is about to start, and you see your parents with their proudest smile on their face, this is when you realize that today is your graduation day!

As the names are being called, families applauding, faculties congratulating, you wait in queue for your turn to come, and your name to be called. Seeing your friends in front of you as they walk across the stage, your emotions start getting to you and you try hard to hold it together as your turn is coming. Once it does, your name is called in front of 500 people, the spotlights are on you, camera flashing, your academic dean waiting for you with an envelope, you walk across that stage and the feeling is unique, joy and happiness, feeling of success, a great accomplishment has been made, you have just graduated!

From that moment onwards, you are in another world, a bubble up in the air, an alternate universe, and no one understands it but the graduates.  Following photo shoots, it is time for a very dense cocktail, where you sit down for the last time in campus, look around you and see the celebration in everybody’s eyes. This celebration will follow you throughout the night in your black tux for the Gala dinner.

But what is the best thing of the night? As Glioners, with the Glion Spirit deep in us, the party after the dinner is one of a kind. It has been feeling like the end for so long, that party you feel like your old self, with no realization that this might be the last time you see some people, you just enjoy it to the fullest.

But every good thing comes to an end and by the end of the night, one by one they have started to go out on the street and say goodbye. For an hour or two, more than 100 people that are more than family to you are all sharing tears while saying goodbye to one another.

This is when you realize what you have been through and how incredibly blessed you are to have experienced such a lifestyle with unique and incredible people. This is the part that no matter what you see in life, will always be engraved in you when you look back at that day and remember how amazing it was.

Your Graduation day is not just another day, it is not the day you throw your hat in the air and say you got a degree, it is not the day where you bid goodbye to your friends and don’t see them again, it is the day your life begins…


