
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 精品酒店 — 有什么含义?

Boutique Hotel, what does it mean?
精品酒店 — 有什么含义?

Angelo Tullio Valentino     2013年6月12日






  这是一个独立的酒店而非某个”专注精品只做精品(only-boutique)“ 连锁品牌的一部分。





  这种经营模式如此成功,以至于所有的大型酒店连锁品牌现在也在做它们自己的”独特的“精品酒店品牌,比如连锁巨头喜达屋酒店集团(Starwood)经营的”W“和”aloft“(“aloft” within the giant Starwood chain)和洲际酒店集团旗下的”Indigo“(“Indigo” owned by InterContinental Hotels Group)。

Design Hotels 是一家公司,专门收集世界上一些最好的最时尚的精品酒店的信息并为其做市场营销方面的工作。


  受到”精品酒店是什么(What Are Boutique Hotels)“这篇文章的启发,作者是Karen Tina Harrison,原文章网址为About.com Guide 。

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Boutique Hotel, what does it mean?

by Angelo Tullio Valentino   12 June 2013

I think all of us have noticed that more and more hotels all over the world are putting the word “boutique” into their names. Have you ever wondered what that actually means?

If you were thinking of a new hip French hotel chain, you are unfortunately off track, and no, they are not selling the brand new Gucci bag at the reception!

It is just a phenomenon; I would say a sort of movement, more than a proper hotel category. It started in the 1980s with some small hotels in the center of big cities, like London and New York. The hoteliers who started this successful trend used to feature their boutique properties with stylish furniture, refused to affiliate to any chain and tried to offer an intimate service to their “chic” guests. Those brave entrepreneurs could not imagine at that time that they would have inspired hundreds of competitors in the course of the next 30 years.

Specific rules for a hotel to be called “boutique” are not given, but, as in every artistic or architectural style, there are at least some guidelines that are usually followed:

A Boutique Hotel is small. It should not have more than 100 rooms, because it has to offer a personal touch to every guest.

It is an independent hotel, or part of an “only-boutique” chain.

It is located in the city center or in a very trendy area, usually the main shopping one.

It features a designer decor, with all the newest technological gadgets.

It feels part of the place where it is located, for example offering local food.

A Boutique Hotel is not only rooms, it gathers people because it is trendy and cool to gather in its lobby, restaurant and bar. Do not be surprised if the Restaurant Chef is a very famous one!

The phenomenon is actually so successful, that all of the major hotel chains are now offering their own “intimate” Boutique Brand, like “W” and  “aloft” within the giant Starwood chain, or the  “Indigo” owned by InterContinental Hotels Group.

Design Hotels is a company that collects and markets some of the best and hippest boutique hotels in the world.

According to me, the concept of boutique constantly changes with the time and with people’s tastes. It is a matter of perception, a style, a trend, or better, the biggest hotel trend at the moment. My suggestion is to try one, and then let me know if you do not get addicted!

Inspired by “What Are Boutique Hotels?”, article by Karen Tina Harrison, About.com Guide 



