
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 格里昂:伦敦校区秋季校园培训课

Fall Residencies on the London campus

  格里昂高等教育学院    2014年11月24日

  这个秋天,我们在线MBA课程的学生们来到我们美丽的格里昂伦敦校区,与就读高级管理证书课程的学生一起参加一门课程,这是一个专项高级培训课程课程,在线课程的学生可自由选择。来自HIT Scotland的管理者们也参加了这项课程,寻求领导力发展机遇。


  伦敦校区的院长Georgette Davey对此深感荣幸,并热烈欢迎这样一个令人尊敬的由酒店行业专业人士组成的团队光临伦敦校区:“这对于我们的本科生和研究生学生们来说真的非常鼓舞人心,他们此行也展示出终身不断地学习的承诺。并且这也是非常好的拓展高端人脉的机会。”

  这次课程由我们经验非常丰富的在线课程导师负责:Marvee Marr博士,定居在美国的Andrea Luoma博士,从格里昂瑞士校区赶来的Lester Downing以及在伦敦工作的Jeremy Bradley。

  学生们不仅有机会进行面对面的学习,更可以融入到格里昂这个大集体中:10月28日周二参加为行业专业人士举办的活动,10月30日周四参加格里昂伦敦校区的校友聚会,这次聚会由格里昂校长侯嘉惠提议组织。在活动组织者Eddie Brosse的邀请下,2013年在线MBA毕业生Luoma博士在现场发表了一场演讲,这次演讲既引人深思又鼓舞人心,演讲的主题是:“钢笔比刀剑更有力量 … 但是舌头是比钢笔和刀剑还要危险的武器!”她负责的领导力驻校课程的学生们也都难掩激动:“在这场美丽的校园之旅中,一直是Andrea带着我们。这段经历非常地激励人心,并且我们感觉到这次的经历会改变的我们生活,我们都受到了触动,并且非常感动,这段经历对我们的个人生活和职业生活都产生了积极的影响。”

  在线课程主任Mary Farmer和研究生院院长Lyn Glanz博士以及学生支持部经理Silvana Pierri共同参加了这次课程的活动。Mary Farmer对这次课程的出席情况和活动举办结果都非常满意。“有将近30位学生参加,这次是格里昂在线MBA首次举办驻校课程,获得了圆满成功。格里昂伦敦校区是举办首次驻校课程的完美地址,我们计划在2015年7月和10月再次回到伦敦校区举办两次驻校课程,并且我们还计划明年三月在迪拜也举办一次驻校课程。这些驻校课程对学生们来说仍然是自由选择的,学生们永远可以完全以在线学习的方式完成在线MBA学位课程的学习;不过,驻校课程已经越来越受欢迎。我们最新举办的财务管理证书课程、市场和领导力驻校课程都获得了越来越多的关注,我们将计划在全球范围内开展更多的驻校课程。”

  高级管理证书课程的学生Sayed Haggag,负责万豪酒店集团(Marriott)和丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz Carlton)在中东和非洲地区的人才招募工作,他为学生们这次的驻校之旅做了总结:“我永远不会停止!

  是的,我在格里昂的经历让我升起了前所未有的决心,我决定尽我最大的努力继续接受酒店专业教育。在这样面对面的驻校课程中,我获得了无与伦比的卓越机会 — 可以与来自不同行业不同背景的专业人士联系并互动。我们不仅从教授那里学到知识,我们还从彼此的经验分享中学到了很多知识,并且看到我的同学们对学习材料都有怎样的理解也帮助我在短时间内积累了很多不同的经验。我真的非常喜欢这样的驻校课程,我很愿意以后再参加。非常感谢格里昂,以及格里昂在教育上孜孜不倦的创新。”

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Fall Residencies on the London campus

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 24 November 2014

This autumn, our online MBA students joined the students of the Executive Certificate program for an optional residency program at our beautiful Glion London campus. Executives from HIT Scotland also joined courses for Leadership development opportunities.

During the residency, students took up to two of four offered courses (Challenges of Leadership, Managerial Finance and Accounting, Human Resource Management and Financial Strategy and Planning), providing an opportunity for classmates to meet in person after studying together for several months online. Residency students continue their studies in these courses online for four weeks after completing the face-to-face portion of the course.

The Dean of the London campus, Georgette Davey, expressed her delight at welcoming such an esteemed group of industry professionals to study on the London campus. “This is truly inspirational for our undergraduate and postgraduate students and it shows the industry’s commitment to life-long learning. The opportunities to network have been remarkable.”

Participants were in the hands of very experienced online tutors, Dr Marvee Marr and Dr Andrea Luoma who are based in the US, Lester Downing who arrived from Glion Switzerland and Jeremy Bradley who works in London.

Students had the opportunity not just to study but to experience the wider Glion community, joining an event for industry professionals on Tuesday, October 28 and also the Alumni gathering of the Glion London Chapter on Thursday, October 30 and opened by Glion Director General and CEO Judy Hou. At the invitation of event organiser Eddie Brosse, a 2013 Glion Online MBA graduate, Dr Luoma presented a thought-provoking and inspiring speech on ‘The pen is mightier than the sword…but the tongue is more dangerous!’ Her Leadership residency students were equally lyrical. “Andrea has led us on this beautiful journey of discovery. It has been an inspiring and life-changing experience. We have all been touched, moved and emotionally impacted in both our personal and professional lives.”

Director of Online Programs Mary Farmer, who attended the residencies with Graduate School Dean Dr. Lyn Glanz and Student Support Manager Silvana Pierri, was delighted by both the turnout and the result. “With almost 30 attendees, the first residencies for Glion Online were an overwhelming success. Glion London was the perfect location for this first offering, and we already plan to return in June and October of 2015, with another residency planned for Dubai in March. These residencies remain optional, and it will always be possible to complete the MBA degree with us completely online; however, the popularity of the residencies is expected to continue. As our new Executive Certificates in Finance, Marketing and Leadership gain increasing market attention we will schedule more residencies globally”.

Summing up the experience for the students was Executive Certificate student Sayed Haggag, Director of Talent Acquisition for Marriott and Ritz Carlton for the Middle East and Africa: “I will never stop!

Yes, my Glion experience made me more determined than ever to continue my education and take it as far as I can. With the face-to-face residency, I obtained an unmatched opportunity to interact with professionals from different businesses and backgrounds. I learnt not only from the professors but also from sharing experiences and seeing how my colleagues grasped the material, helping me to accumulate different experiences within a short span of time. I really enjoyed the classes and would love to attend future ones. A big thank you to Glion and their continuous innovation in education.”


