
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 格里昂学生分享:登山 - 值得一试!

Climbing: an experience worth jumping into!
格里昂学生分享:登山 - 值得一试!

Elena Ayash  2015年6月5日

  “我们并没有征服高山,我们只是征服了我们自身”— 埃德蒙·希拉里爵士

  登山这项运动一直都使我紧张又兴奋。众所周知,这是一项团体性运动,但是当你攀登的时候,这真的就只是你和这座山之间的事了。当你到达山峰的某个高度,这时候无论发生什么情况 — 从计划如何移动,到犯下任何错误 — 就都是你和这面岩石墙之间的事了。这是一个挑战,也是我引用埃德蒙·希拉里爵士这句名言的原因。埃德蒙·希拉里于1953年登上珠穆朗玛峰,是世界上第一批登上这座世界最高峰的攀登者之一,为后人留下了宝贵的精神文化遗产。

  在格里昂布勒校区专门有一个叫做Laniac的攀岩场馆,设施条件十分优越,这样我们在格里昂期间就有非常便利的条件来练习登山。Ruben Carpentier是一位经验丰富的登山者,他是这座攀岩场馆的老板和管理者,同时也是我们的登山老师和教练。在教授我登山技巧的时候,Ruben说过一句话让我非常震撼:”当你在攀登的时候,你不能休息,你要一直攀登,直到你倒下,然后再一次开始攀登。“

  “登山俱乐部”— 从左向右依次是:Isabel Brenner, Elena Ayash, Julian Felix Rodiger, Selen Alkim Gunduz, Christophe Davy, Taylor Rhee和Diego Landa

  基于我们对户外运动的热爱 — 绝大部分是对登山的热爱,我们格里昂的一些学生们组建了一个登山俱乐部。Martin Mercie,现在已从格里昂毕业,他从2014年开始筹备这个俱乐部并组织了很多场活动。在他担任体育代表期间安排了许多新手入门课程和户外攀爬活动。今年的体育代表由我、Selen Alkim Gunduz,和Isabel Brenner三个人担任。在我们的努力下,登山俱乐部的知名度明显提高,这让我们获得了非常大的满足感。我们专门在Laniac攀岩场馆安排了一些活动,登山新人们都可以参与进来 — 这些活动让他们挑战了自己的极限。

  看到那些之前从未见过彼此的学生们因这项运动聚在一起,并且在缆绳(最通俗易懂的解释就是用绳索把登山者拴在桩子、岩石上以防其摔落)方面相互信任,这些经历太值得体验了。登山的魅力和挑战在这个过程中都体现出来了 — 练习对团队成员和登山同伴的信任。你需要动用你所有的感官、你的身体和大脑才能征服这项运动。

  文章最上方的图片:Ferratta –Moleson拍摄于瑞士

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Climbing: an experience worth jumping into!

by Elena Ayash 5 June 2015

“Its not about the mountain we conquer, but ourselves” – Sir Edmund Hillary

Climbing has always been a sport that thrilled me. It is widely known as a team sport, but when you climb, it is truly between you and the mountain. Whatever happens when you are up there on the rocks of the mountain – from the calculated moves you take, to the mistakes you make – are between you and the wall. This challenge is why I chose to quote Edmund Hillary, one of the first climbers to reach Mount Everest in 1953 and who left a remarkable legacy.

At Glion, we are privileged to have access to a great climbing facility in Bulle called Laniac. Ruben Carpentier is an experienced climber, mentor and teacher who owns and manages the climbing gym. While teaching me climbing techniques, Ruben once said something that stuck with me: “When you climb, you don’t rest, you climb until you fall and then you climb again.”

“The Climbing Club” – Far left: Isabel Brenner, Elena Ayash, Julian Felix Rodiger, Selen Alkim Gunduz, Christophe Davy, Taylor Rhee and Diego Landa

Glion students formed a climbing club based on our shared passion for the outdoors and most of all, for climbing. Martin Mercie, now a Glion alumnus, began the Climbing Club in 2014 and planned many events, beginner lessons and outdoor climbing activities during his time as sports representative. This year, Selen Alkim Gunduz, Isabel Brenner and I were the climbing club sports representatives. It gave us great satisfaction to successfully raise awareness for the climbing club. We planned several events where beginner climbers joined us at the Laniac gym and really pushed themselves to the limit.

It was rewarding to see students who had never even met before, come together and trust one another in belaying – which quite literally means to be there and catch them when they fall. This encapsulates both the beauty and challenge of climbing – to practice trust in oneself and in one’s climbing partner. It is about using all your senses, physical and mental, to conquer that stretch.

Top photo: Via Ferratta –Moleson, Switzerland


