
#GHEAC#[英国校园] SGA - 格里昂学生管理协会

Glion’s Student Government Association
SGA - 格里昂学生管理协会

Michael S. Gambino  2014年04月25日



SGA专注于一个愿景:“可持续发展”。前任主席在学期末做了工作交接报告,最新选出来的SGA成员们凭借之前几个学期成功举办的活动及其表述的未来的活动宗旨获得了大家的认可。当前的SGA团队致力于实现这个愿景,且已经成功举办了一场巴西美食活动 — All-you-can-eat Brazilian Cuisine event,现在正在组织一个由学生负责的文化盛宴,展示17个国家的不同文化,有500位学生参加。


  然而,每一届 SGA团队都会有自己的创新理念,这是非常必要的。在这届的SGA中,我被推选为主席,我相信进一步加强格里昂学生们的声音非常重要。有了这个理念,SGA团队一致同意更新这个协会现有的章程,让学生们进行公开投票,对这个章程中任何的修改变动以及如何投资预算这些问题都通过学生公开投票来决定。常务委员会特别表扬了SGA团队的工作热情,这要感谢同学们的踊跃参与。我们想让学生们在格里昂拥有难以忘怀的回忆,让他们可以全身心投入这里的生活以及拥有丰富多彩的经历。

  对于格里昂的学生们来说,社交媒体是一个完美的沟通平台。由于格里昂的学生群体高度的国际化,以及格里昂学生大使们在世界各地做实习,因而分享他们取得的令人骄傲的成绩尤其重要。这也是为什么SGA在Facebook和照片分享上发起 #GlionJourney(格里昂之旅)活动,以此展示学生们在学术、工作和社交方面所做的努力。此外,SGA还创立了一个新的非学术委员会出版的首份由师生们撰写的报纸。



Jade Matarasso,学生理事会代表
Andrea Iga,SGA实习生
Grisha Davidoff,财务主管
Michael Gambino,主席
Philippe Brest,副主席
Logan Faure,公共关系
Matilda Fredberg,秘书

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Glion’s Student Government Association

by Michael S. Gambino 25 April 2014

Being a member of the Student Government Association (SGA) is, in my opinion, the highest non-academic rank a student can achieve at Glion. Every semester, the Executive Committee (EC) members are elected by the Glion student body to represent their best interests.

The SGA has an international heritage with members of different nationalities. Although cultural traits may appear, we all have a common goal: to evoke the famous “Glion Spirit”. Our priority in the SGA is to invest the generous budget given by the school on projects, which will enhance the student life of Glion’s diverse community.

The SGA has a focused vision; that is “continuity”. With the previous president delivering a hand-over report at the end of the term, the newly elected SGA follows through on successful events in previous terms and further pursues ideas pending. The current SGA believes in this vision and has successfully held an All-you-can-eat Brazilian Cuisine event and is organizing a student-run cultural fair with 17 different nationalities catering for 500 students.

Furthermore, since Glion is ranked among the top 3 hospitality management schools, students are sometimes called to work in the industry even during their studies. For this reason, the SGA has maintained a strong relationship with luxury establishments in Switzerland’s major cities to recruit Glion students to assist with special events.

Nevertheless, it is imperative that each SGA generates its own original ideas. This SGA, of which I am the elected president, believes it is important to further increase the voice of Glion’s student body. With this focus in mind, the SGA unanimously approved an update in the Constitution by establishing a student referendum that decides any revised changes to the Constitution as well how the budget is invested. The enthusiasm highlighted by the Executive Committee is thanks to the students. We want their journey in Glion to be unforgettable, rich in emotions and experiences.

Social media is the ideal communication platform for Glion students. With an international student body and Glion ambassadors performing internships around the world, it is vital to share these proud achievements. That is why the SGA has initiated the #GlionJourney on Facebook and Instagram to illustrate students academic, professional and social endeavors. Moreover, the SGA has created a new non-academic committee to publish Glion’s first written student and faculty newspaper.

There are a numerous Glion stories waiting to be heard.
It is time to hear everyone’s journey.

The SGA 2014.1, from left to right:
• Jade Matarasso, Student Council Representative
• Andrea Iga, SGA Intern
• Grisha Davidoff, Treasurer
• Michael Gambino, President
• Philippe Brest, Vice-President
• Logan Faure, Public Relations
• Matilda Fredberg, Secretary


