
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 格里昂学生分享:参加西班牙的大学展会


格里昂高等教育学院      2015年1月12日

       我的名字是Alexandra Carney,我是商务管理学士学位课程(Bachelor of Business Administration)第7学期的学生,酒店管理工商管理学士(BBA in Hospitality Management),专业方向是销售和市场。我来到格里昂之后参加了很多活动和社团,其中当选学生大使让我在专业技能和个人发展上获得了一些极具价值的经历。作为学生大使,对内对外都要积极主动,从带领访客参观校园,到面对媒体采访,再到在你自己的祖国为学校做宣传,你从不知道接下来要承接什么任务,但这也是我认为这份工作最具吸引力的地方。


       这次展会有1,300多名学生参加,其中大多数学生都是中学倒数第二年在读。这场展会本身是由FAPEL举办的。FAPEL是由加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)地区700所私立学校组成的机构,所有的学校都在为他们的本国学生和国际学生寻找合适的学校进行下一阶段的教育。这场活动在大学日(University Day)举办,有40多所不同水平、不同行业和不同国家的大学参加。举办这次活动的主要目标是为学生、学生家长和咨询顾问提供一个平台,为学生进行学业选择提供帮助。最重要的是,我们在那里为需要帮助的学生提供指导。

       在这次展会上,我很荣幸地和格里昂在西班牙地区代表Anna Ruiz Macarena夫人一起工作。Anna Ruiz Macarena夫人以她积累的经验教给我很多作为代表必须了解的知识 — 不仅作为学校代表,还有今后作为公司代表时必须掌握的知识。从个人角度来说,我相信由于现在的年轻人面临的选择如此之多,他们可能对自己真正喜欢什么都麻木了。因此,这类活动可以真正地为学生们提供一个更好的指引或宏观概念让他们明白要在哪方面发展。不要忘了提到格里昂在这方面也是有很强的优势的!





       格里昂坐落在酒店教育的摇篮 — 瑞士(Switzerland),这所学校在行业内顶级的声誉也让它光彩夺目,我只是简单地想成为其中一员。坦诚的说,许多高校毕业生不知道何去何从,不知道他们想成为什么样的人,不知道怎样发展,或甚至都不知道怎样实现自己的职业目标。而格里昂可以确保做到的一点就是它可以为你提供合适的工具,让你在酒店行业的任何一个领域都可以做得很出色。我个人倾向于认为格里昂是一所“生活学校”,因为这所学校会教你对所有事情都有一点了解,这所学校所做的一切都是为了帮助你、引导你去做你真正喜欢或擅长的事情。另一方面,格里昂也在不断地寻找新的途径使学校获得进一步的提高。着眼于学生和这个行业新的发展趋势,格里昂成功地把课程做了调整和重新安排,使得学生们可以朝着正确的方向发展,拥有与工作契合的知识、经验和态度。


       如果我告诉你,我接下来很可能要杀了你 … 当然只是开玩笑,我的专业貌似不是特工。我个人认为我会自己创业,所以我的目标并不是管理别人的企业,我更愿意去我钦佩的企业中工作,学习更多的经验和知识,以让自己有能力将来有一天开创自己的事业。剩下的就是分类整理各种信息了。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Visiting a university fair in Spain

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 12 January 2015

My name is Alexandra Carney and I’m a 7th semester student enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration, BBA in Hospitality Management with a specialization in Sales & Marketing. Among the many other activities and societies I have joined at Glion, being a Student Ambassador has brought me some of the most rewarding experiences in terms of professional and personal development. Being an ambassador requires being active both internally and externally, from giving private tours, to facing the press and networking in your own home country, one never knows what to expect and that’s what I find so fascinating.

I recently got invited to represent Glion Institute of Higher Education at a University fair in Barcelona, the first and hopefully one of the many more recurrent annual visits our establishment will be making. The turn up at this event counted over 1’300 students, most of whom were in their second to last year of secondary school. The fair itself was organized by FAPEL; a body of 700 privately held schools in Catalonia, all of whom were seeking education for their students nationally and internationally. The event worked in cooperation with University Day and consisted of over 40 Universities in a variety of levels, industries and countries. The main objective of this event was to provide students, families and counsellors a platform so they could explain the academic options. Above all, we were there to give guidance to those in need.

At the fair, I had the pleasure of working side by side with Glion’s regional representative in Spain, Mrs Anna Ruiz Macarena. Throughout her past and present experiences, she taught me all there is to know about representing not only an Institution but also a corporation. Personally, I believe that with all the options youngsters have today, they can become clogged about of what they’re truly passionate about. Therefore, this sort of event genuinely facilitates one to get a better direction or notion of where they can project themselves. Not forgetting to mention why Glion could be part of that stepping stone!

During the fair I was flooded with all sorts of curious questions but three of the most frequent ones were as follows along with my answers:

What is Glion?

Glion is a top-ranking hospitality school focused on forming business leaders for the Hospitality, Tourism and Events industries. With over 50 years of experience, the University has built and gathered some of the most diverse alumni from all around the world. Among those 92 nationalities present, we all learn from one another and cultivate that everlasting ‘Glion Spirit’ that bonds us together. From a global perspective, Glion prepares its students through a combination of theory and practice, widening not only our horizons but also our perspectives.

Why did you choose Glion?

Glion has originated from the mother of hospitality education – Switzerland and its top “connoisseurs” have also nourished it and I simply wanted to be part of that. To be honest, most high school graduates don’t know where they want to go, who they want to be, how they will evolve or even how they will get to where they want to go. One thing Glion can assure you is that it can provide you with the appropriate tools and support to excel from any angle in the hospitality industry. I personally like to think of Glion as a ‘life school’ because it teaches you a little bit of everything, all with they aim to help and lead you to what you truly like and or are good at. On the other hand, Glion is constantly finding ways to improve its institution. By focusing on their students and the industries expansion, they always manage to adapt and rearrange their courses in order to lead their students towards the right direction, with the suitable knowledge, experience and attitude.

What do you plan on doing next?

If I told you, I’d probably have to kill you…Just kidding, it’s not like I’ve graduated from the secret service sector. I personally see myself going down the entrepreneurial lane, so my aim is not to manage other people’s businesses but rather to gain more experience and knowledge from firms I admire, in order to be able to start something of my own one day. The rest is classified information.


