
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂校友分享:马来西亚 - 真正的亚洲风情

Malaysia Truly Asia
格里昂校友分享:马来西亚 - 真正的亚洲风情

Claudia Dalla Torre   2014年10月17日

  一整天的工作之后,我坐在我房间的阳台上,一边看着笔记本电脑,一边吃着新鲜的热带水果,享受着吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)的温暖。


  我的实习培训是在吉隆坡香格里拉酒店(SLKL)餐饮部中许多不同的部门做交叉培训 。头两个月我在大堂酒廊里做服务生。在此期间,我学会了如何与来自不同国家的的客人打交道,如何以最好的方式在团队中工作,甚至在用餐高峰期时也能为每位顾客提供量身打造的服务。这份工作非常消耗精力,也非常具有挑战性,但也正是这份工作让我更加确信了我对酒店的热爱。

  接下来 — 直到目前为止 — 这两个月期间我不断地从一个部门跳到另一个部门来汲取更多的灵活处事的能力和更多的知识。我之间在一家中国餐厅工作过,也在一家日本餐厅工作过,还有送餐部门。我会继续在正式的法国餐厅和宴会部门负责自助餐的工作。我将为我这两个月在餐饮部门的实习做总结,这样的总结能使我充分理解并学到是什么使这家大型酒店在猫途鹰网站(TripAdvisor)一直处于无可匹敌的第一名的位置的。


  不管怎么说,实习的意义都不仅仅在于工作本身。“马来西亚:真正的亚洲”是这个国家的标语,真实情况也确实如此。这个国家的地域景观、历史和文化都是如此地富有魅力,让人流连忘返。在这里实习期间我去了许多仙境般的地方旅行,而这在六个月前只是无法触及的梦想。身处在兰卡威(Langkawi)热带雨林中身处猴子的世界,探索古老的历史名城马六甲(Malacca),骑自行车环游迷人的乔治城(Georgetown)— 现在已被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为世界遗产 — 以及享受马来西亚海岸独有的宁静与纯净。

  正在寻找实习的同学们,我建议你们永远不要惧怕选择去一个遥远的地方实习。如Richard Bach所说:“其实并无远方”。你会见到很多过的非常精彩的人,你会交到很多不同的朋友,培训期间你会认识许多为你提供支持的同事,他们会引导你,帮助你成为更好的自己。如果你已经选择了去这样的地方实习,或者正在考虑去这样的地方实习,你的职业发展前景一定会充满光明,而不再是前途未卜。

Claudia Dalla Torre — 格里昂伦敦校区学生 — 酒店管理专业工商管理学士(BBA in Hospitality Management)— 第一次六个月的实习

照片说明:Claudia和吉隆坡香格里拉酒店(Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur)

Claudia Dalla Torre

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Malaysia Truly Asia

by Claudia Dalla Torre 17 October 2014

I am sitting on my terrace, laptop in hand, eating fresh tropical fruits and enjoying the warmth of Kuala Lumpur after a fulfilling day at work.

When I signed for my contract with the Shangri-La in Kuala Lumpur, I knew nothing about Malaysia. Flying half way across the world to a country that nobody talks about, can be scary; but for me, it was a challenge. I had the thrill, the excitement and the willingness to work as hard as my body allowed me to do so. The combination of the former three is what is making my internship such a success.

My training consist of a cross training in the many F&B outlets SLKL (abbreviation from for Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur) owns. I spend the first two months working as a hostess in the Lobby Lounge. During this period, I learned how to approach clients coming from many different nationalities, how to network in the best way and how to provide a tailored service even with a high seat turnover. It was exhausting, it was challenging and yet it was what made me confirm my passion for hospitality.

The following – and current – two months consist of a jumping from one outlet to the next in order to gain more flexibility and knowledge. I have worked in a Chinese Restaurant, a Japanese Restaurant, In Room Dining. I will continue by working at the buffet, at the French fine dining and Banqueting. I will conclude the two months working in F&B Administration, which will allow me to understand and learn what allows such a big hotel the unchallenged #1 on TripAdvisor.

You may think, as I did myself, that changing so many restaurants will not permit me to learn anything in depth. Fair point, but learning something in depth is not the reason behind an internship. An internship should provide one with the greatest amount of experience it can, so that a student can experience firsthand all the excitements and dares this industry has to offer. Moreover, let’s not forget how important it is to be flexible and being able to give the best in different working environments. By changing manager, colleagues and location weekly these skills increase exponentially.

Anyways, an internship is not only about work. “Malaysia Truly Asia” is this country’s slogan; and it is true. The wilderness, the history and culture this nation has to offer are charming and addictive. I travelled to fabulous places I could have only dreamed of visiting six months ago. I found myself surrounded by monkeys in Langkawi’s rainforest, I explored the ancient historical city of Malacca, I cycled in the charming city of Georgetown – now UNESCO heritage sight – and enjoyed the peace and quiet of the uncontaminated Malaysian beaches.

My advice to anyone seeking an internship is to never be afraid of picking a distant location. As Richard Bach said “There is no such place as far away”. The wonderful people you will meet, the friends you will make, the supporting colleagues you will have during the period of the training will guide and shape who you are. If you pick the right place, half way through the placement, yourself and your future will not be a big question mark anymore.

Claudia Dalla Torre – Glion London Student – BBA in Hospitality Management – 1st 6-month internship

Photo credits: Claudia and Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur

Claudia Dalla Torre


