
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂校友分享:合作营销(Collaborative Marketing)与互动

Of Collaborative Marketing and Engagement Behaviours
合作营销(Collaborative Marketing)与互动

Eddy     2013年8月30日

       L.负责博客/网络杂志和一些其它的大众传媒渠道,我从最近和L.的交流中收集到了如下信息:我们在关于在线营销的概念上不能达成一致。但是我看到一位原本学习大众传媒的同事也有一些困惑。因此我在这里陈述一些看法,希望可以激起我们的讨论 …

       A.是学习大众传播的,我发现她一贯的工作只是通过一种方式发送信息。我们陈述事实或个人观点,并且为对此话题感兴趣的观众留一些讨论空间。但是最重要的是,她这种工作方式是不会激起观众的讨论的。她仍然在以一名记者的方式思考,在电子市场营销方面做得却远远不够。大众传媒看起来是向大众群体发送信息。电子市场营销应该是以一对一的谈话这种方式进行,虽然现在的科技已经做到可以同时向一个更大的观众群体发送信息。关键是,这种发送信息方式的好处同时也是其挑战所在:为相关客户量身打造发送的信息 … 是的,我确实提到了“好处”和“挑战”!我要怎么做呢?好的,不要寄希望于万能模板,因为我就不相信有什么万能模板。顺便问一下,你有学过线下谈话的“万能模板”吗?这些都是一样的道理。为不同的客户群体量身打造发送信息对情商和营销智慧都有很高的要求,并且对文化智商也有一些要求。


  保持你们酒店品牌的特色:不要单纯复制我们在这里表述的我们的品牌所代表的含义,内容非常相近却不相同。保持内容的真实性(哎呀!),展示真实的一面:回归社会媒体的最基本的真实性 … 



  充满互动的感觉:我们开始吧!要用这样具有号召力的话语。通过社交媒体这些交流渠道我们可以直接给客户发送任何品牌的信息,并且可以直接发送符合客户核心需求的信息 … 但是,信息的功能是要让客户与我们形成互动,即需要得到客户的某种回应。

       因此,如果你查看我在这里发布的内容,你会发现我总是在试着与客户进行互动。确实,目前为止获得了一些不同程度的成功。但是我们的博客仍然处于起步阶段,我们仍需传播更多信息。但是即使是对我们、电子市场专员、写博客的人来说,目标也不能仅仅瞄准发送信息、发送个人观点或任何只注重于传播表面文字的信息 … 我相信,我们巴不得立即与客户沟通呢!我们很乐意与你进行会谈。要不然的话,你可能只是阅读了一些我们的文章、书籍或者是找到一大堆我们所讲内容的详细数据,不是吗?但是即使是在阅读一篇报道,你不是也迫切希望可以与该报道的记者交流、谈话或者辩论吗?我已经与星期日泰晤士报(Sunday Times)的记者多次进行过这样的互动了。这些记者把他们的邮箱地址放在了他们的报道的末尾,好极了!


       因为我们知道现在客户们也参与了“品牌重塑”,他们在品牌形象改变的过程中也有所投入,有时甚至是品牌价值。在这个高速沟通的时代,所有的营销环节在两天之内都能完成,我发现在如此短的两天之内创造出如此多的学习机会和建立起知识共享是一个特别锻炼能力的机会。你可能会同意我们在网络营销、数字营销、集客营销(inbound marketing)、关系营销、社交(媒体)营销等等这个长清单中再加入一个新的名称,我们再加入一个“合作营销(collaborative marketing)”怎么样?




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Of Collaborative Marketing and Engagement Behaviours

by Eddy    30 August 2013

From a recent exchange with L., in charge of blog / webzine and other social channels, I gathered we don’t all agree on what online marketing is about. But I also witnessed some confusion from a colleague who had initially studied mass-media. So here are a few ideas which, I hope, will trigger our discussion …

A. studied mass-communication and I realized that her regular posts were only sending messages one way. They were stating facts or personal opinion, and so left little room for what our audience could be interested in. But above all, she would not trigger conversation through this kind of posts. She was still thinking as a journalist in a way but not so much as an eMarketer. Mass media seems to be about sending messages toward the masses. eMarketing should be about one to one conversations, even if technically we are sending messages to a larger audience. The point, the beauty of it and its challenge is to tailor messages to the relevant audience … yes; I did mention the “beauty” AND the “challenge”! How do I do it? Well, don’t expect the perfect recipe, because I don’t think there is any. By the way, have you learnt the ‘perfect recipe’ for your offline conversations? Exactly. Just the same, it takes a lot of emotional and marketing intelligence and a pinch of cultural intelligence too.

So,  how do we do it at the hotel? Simple rules.

Be You: not advocating what our Brand stands for here, it just happens to be very relevant here! Stay Real (oops!), remain genuine: back to social media basics really …

Be Consistent: do you like it when people jump from one conversation to another? Same here.

Be Relevant: does “oh, it is so sunny today, why don’t you come down and have a cup of coffee on our terrace?” trigger your fancy? Maybe relevant to an audience of 10 year-olds (should they be drinking coffee!), and maybe not even. Yet, I’ve heard and seen it again and again.

Be Engaging: here we go! The big word. Social media are channels where we all have a chance to engage directly, and to our heart’s content, with any brand … however, messages need to call for a conversation, some kind of response from the audience

So yes. If you check my posts here, I always try to engage. Ok, to a various degree of success so far but our blog is relatively new and we need to spread more. But even for us, eMarketers, Bloggers etc. the aim is not to send you information, our personal points of view or any kind of messages to spread the word … I believe, we are just dying to communicate! We would love to engage into conversations with YOU. Otherwise, you might just read the papers, books, and find a lot more detailed data about what we are talking about, non? But even when reading an article, don’t you just die to talk to the journalist to carry on the conversation or start a debate? I’ve done it with Sunday Times journalists a couple of times, since they leave their email addresses at the bottom of their articles, nice!

Now, I’ll conclude because I wanted a very ‘short-and-sweet’ post this time, just as you might be reading this on the beach or by the pool. See, thinking of you, being considerate (I am actually on my way down to some well-deserved holidays too!).

Because we know that now customers participate at the co-creation of the brand*; they have their input in changing its face, its values possibly. And in an era of high speed communication, it has all gone two-ways; which I find fantastic for giving so many opportunities to learn and build up a shared knowledge. You might then agree that we can add another name to the already-long list of: eMarketing, digital marketing, inbound marketing, relationship marketing, social (media) marketing** …  could we add: ‘collaborative marketing’?

I shall now look forward to YOUR collaboration. Talk to you soon,

Happy summer in the Northern hemisphere! Thank you.



* O’Connor, P. (2010). Managing a Hotel’s Image on Trip Advisor. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 19(7), pp.754-772. Retrieved from EBSCO Database and supplied directly by the Author.

** IHG. (2012b). Social Marketing Workshop 2012. [internal marketing workshops]. Holiday Inn Walsall: Intercontinental Hotels Group.
Note: ‘Keep Calm …’ posters are from http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/guide-to-keep-calm/



