
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂在线MBA:传统与创新相结合

Glion Online MBA: Combining Tradition and Innovation

  格里昂高等教育学院     2015年2月5日


  1962年,格里昂酒店学校还只是一个小型的酒店管理学校。通过采用瑞士酒店管理教育传统的教学方法 — 实践式学习、实习和管理理论学习 — 格里昂在学术品质和专业水平方面获得了非常有保障的声誉。几十年间,学校培育了好几代全球酒店行业领袖。格里昂现在有11,000名校友,遍布150多个国家。其中79%的校友位处管理职位或高级管理职位,且工作领域不仅包含酒店和旅游领域,也包含金融、咨询服务、奢侈品牌、会展等领域。



  随着科技的发展和全球化程度的加深,酒店管理人员也面临着新的挑战,原来在酒店行业的职业发展模式“从底层做起”现在越来越站不住脚。一般的运营管理技能和高级的、战略性的管理技能这两个级别中间的知识鸿沟不断增大,因此就形成了行业需求 — 为酒店行业专业人士和管理人员设立研究生课程。

  格里昂在线MBA — 一个卓尔不凡的成功故事







英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Glion Online MBA: Combining Tradition and Innovation

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 5 February 2015

More than 50 years ago, Glion Institute of Higher Education began a tradition of excellence in hospitality management education which now continues in online programs for professionals.

In 1962, Glion Hotel School was just a small hotel management school. Using the traditional methods of Swiss hotel management education – hands-on learning, internships and management theory – Glion established a solid reputation for academic quality and professionalism. Over the next few decades, the school trained and created generations of global leaders. Glion Alumni now number 11,000 spread over 150 countries, 79% of whom are in executive and senior management positions, not only in the hotel and tourism sector but also in finance, consulting services, luxury brands or events.

Pioneers in MBA and Postgraduate Programs for Hospitality

Starting in 2000, Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE) expanded its academic offer with master programs and pioneered event and sport management programs. In 2003, Glion launched an MBA in International Hospitality and Service Industries Management. Additionally, GIHE began offering postgraduate programs for mature students and professionals to enter the industry with fundamental skills and knowledge.

As hospitality managers faced new challenges in the growth of technology and globalization, the old hospitality career model of “working your way up” became sorely inadequate. A talent-gap grew between operational management skills and higher, strategic management skills, thereby creating industry demand for graduate programs for hospitality professionals and managers.

Glion Online MBA – A Phenomenal Success Story

In 2010, GIHE launched the first online MBA in hospitality. It became an immediate success, allowing industry professionals a chance to gain a recognized degree without losing their career momentum or being forced to sacrifice their personal life. The demand for this program exceeded expectations as seasoned industry professionals from countries around the world filled each of the four intakes per year.

Listen to Mark as he talks about is experience in the Online MBA and how it changed his career.


Five years after launch, the Glion Online MBA enrols 500 professionals working in more than 85 countries; the average student age is 34 with 12 years of industry experience and nearly 85% of them are working in middle-management, director or GM positions.

New Executive Certificates and Residencies 

Seeing such a strong demand for online education, Glion’s Online MBA Faculty now offers new Executive Certificates in Leadership, Marketing or Finance with residency options.  These executive programs provide a quicker, targeted way to complete the modules of the Online MBA. The executive certificates would normally take 24 weeks to complete entirely online, but the residency cuts the module time significantly to only 4 days on site with the remainder done over 5 weeks online. This shortened program makes it possible for busy executives to take just a short break for intensely targeted training in the area of their choice. In 2015, GIHE will be hosting residencies in Dubai and Glion London.


