
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 在线MBA:接下来是什么?

Online MBA: what’s next?

Eddy    2013年6月7日


  “我很享受我写论文的过程。做这篇论文让我得以重新联系上我的许多朋友、原来的老板、全球的招聘者们和行业中的同事们,他们都很愿意分享他们的经历。”— 我认为我们没有人能比Jackie (迈阿密)总结地更好了。既然我们中越来越多的人马上就要结束这两年半的重要人生历程,Bernard (香港)邀请我们回首这一段经历并展望未来。








  理解Stephen (瑞士)所讲的”学术研究方法“的价值




  我们在脑海中已经规划好了很多不同的项目,要将这些项目付诸实践,在我们的计划中,最重要的是要保持其趣味(或者添加更多的趣味)。我们的MBA课程正好让我们做到了这一点:看看我们能往这个课程中注入多少乐趣并对其进行调节。Jackie也认为这种趣味我们对我们的工作团队和顾客产生了积极影响 … 并且,无独有偶,刚于一周前David Marriott 授予了Jackie“天才管理卓越奖(Talent Leadership Excellence)”。我相信不管怎样Jackie都会赢得这个奖项的,这个奖项是授予了Jackie,同时也是授予了她团队中的女士们和先生们!

  因此,我们现在认为这是”我们的MBA课程“— 就好像是对这个课程持有股份一样。我们也希望可以一直维护这个课程的声誉,提高其在行业中的地位。在这个过程中可能会遇到一些挑战,就像Bernard所看到的格里昂Glion)在亚洲的认可度极低一样。但是我们仍然珍视我们的全球后援群体对未来可能成为此课程学生所提出的建议,并且我们也加入了校友网,与格里昂全球校友携手并进。我们会继续做我们很久之前就已经开始做的宣传沟通工作,格里昂在每个人心中的认可度会持续上升,我们的MBA课程也是。与此同时,我们所采取的所有这些行动都会帮助我们在接下来的这些年中保持团结和充满活力的友谊,因为我们已经开始思考在接下来这个崭新的自由的生命历程中要做什么!?

  在此期间,我在想我们12月份的毕业典礼会是什么样子?非常感动人的气氛,满载着欢笑和仿佛会一直进行下去的亲切交谈 … 你看,我们就是一个如此爱交流的群体!但是毕业典礼应该像是一个老家庭的重聚,真的。



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Online MBA: what’s next?

by Eddy   7 June 2013

As the first cohort of our amazing Online MBA is going through the finish line, we’ve asked ourselves: what’s next?

“I enjoyed writing my thesis very much. I was able to reconnect with many of my friends, old bosses, Global Recruiters and industry colleagues and they were all very willing to share.” I don’t think that we could have summarized it better than Jackie (Miami)*. Now that more of us are closing a decisive chapter of our lives that lasted two and a half years, Bernard (Hong Kong) invited us to reflect and look ahead.

We, a very global and diverse group of 26 students, embarked on a journey of a life time in August 2010. In April 2013, Jackie and Philippe (Bangkok then Jakarta) were the first to cross the line and cut the ribbon; well done, them! In the coming months, more of us (about 11 or so) hope to join them on the bright side. We’ve shared a lot, not only the anxieties and the joy throughout the program, but insights from all continents and all walks of life. We got to know each other quite well, despite not meeting each other offline (for most of us). To help you conceptualise it, I’ll give you the same picture that I shared with Daniela recently, she will hopefully be one of our upcoming students next October: it’s as if we were all blind, so we had to draw a picture of one another through our bio, weekly posts and comments in class. In a way, we were also deaf. And that might have helped us to increase online senses and develop a class dynamic we would not have enjoyed otherwise in an on-campus class.

Now, let’s rewind back to the start. We had all signed on in 2010 for various reasons. Philippe to be able to access the next level up (he already has), Jackie as a personal challenge and to learn more, Bernard as a dream, Brijesh (Singapore) and Dominic (Australia, NZ) for personal growth. As for myself (Paris then London), it was a tick-box exercise: to be more knowledgeable, to validate my experience and be able to compete in the job market.

Then, as Bernard invited us to reflect on the whole experience and share our plans for the future, it appeared that we share a lot, still and maybe even more. Two and a half years of “passion, endurance and discipline” has probably brought us closer and made us better leaders, as Jackie rightly put it. We are all experiencing immense personal growth, and we’ve felt that since the beginning which had made the journey so exciting! Yet we realise that all this learning also came from one another; interactions, various insights, experience and out-of-the-box thinking. The class enabled a steeper, livelier and more sustainable learning curve. I personally think that I found an awful lot more than I bargained for!! On both personal and professional levels, and I am very thankful for it. But here are some of our key learnings:

Thinking with more clarity and more depth

Looking at a “more modern” approach of hospitality

Developed critical thinking

Enabling a more strategic approach

Realising the value of the “Academic approach” for Stephen (Switzerland)

Unlocking and channelling creativity

Allowing more fun

And becoming “more entrepreneurial” for William (Vietnam), but surely many of us also feel that way (I certainly do).

We have various projects in mind where to apply all these, but most importantly, we plan to keep having fun (or more fun).  Our MBA has also allowed just that: to realize and leverage on how much fun we could instill. Which Jackie sees as positively infusing our teams and customers … and already, the very same Jackie received the ‘Talent Leadership Excellence’ Award from David Marriott just a week ago. I believe she would have won it anyway, yet kudos to Jackie and her team of ladies & gentlemen!

So, we now feel we own a little share in our program; this is ‘our MBA’, and we wish to keep advocating while also raising its profile in the industry. There might be challenges ahead as Bernard sees little recognition for Glion in Asia. Yet, we cherish the idea of a global support group for would-be students. Also we have already entered and joined forces with the alumni network.  We will pursue our ambassador efforts that started long ago, Glion will continue to rise with everyone’s commitment, and so will our MBA. At the same time, all these actions might help us to keep our collaboration and friendship alive for years to come as we’re starting to wonder what to do with this newly found free-time!?

In the meantime, how do I imagine our graduation ceremony in December? Very emotional, loads of laughs and many conversations to carry on with … we’re quite a chatty bunch, you see! But it shall be just like any old family reunion, really.


* the cities I indicated into are not where we are from, but where we reside (or did) since we all live outside our home countries, with no exception


