
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 了解奢侈品管理专业方向:多莫斯设计学院工作坊

Inside the Luxury Brand Management specialization: Domus Academy workshops

  格里昂高等教育学院          2015年4月23日

  在五星级酒店工作了几年以后,Alexandra Matyushkova来到多莫斯设计学院学习。多莫斯设计学院是格里昂新近推出的奢侈品牌管理专业方向的学术合作伙伴。经过这些年在酒店管理行业的工作之后,Alexandra在多莫斯工作坊中学习到了如何运用她已有的技能来处理一些奢侈品行业的真实案例,包括建设,推广,设计和管理方面,并找出相应的解决方案。

  Alexandra Matyushkova
  毕业年份:格里昂– 2007.1, 多莫斯 – 2013
  公司:M.Ways SRO


  我在2013年和我的合伙人在布拉格(Prague)开创了自己的公司。现在正在考虑开一家时尚概念店。虽然我们在布拉格的店并不是奢侈品类型的(我希望在整个想法实现以后再重新评估是不是要朝奢侈品方向发展). 我和我的合伙人分担所有的职业:财务,市场营销,采购,视觉营销,公关等的。我想在创业的时候,为了想把业务做大做强,创业者必须参与所有的环节。


  奢侈品牌,不管是一个酒店还是一个品牌,都需要用不同于常规市场营销的方法来经营. 这并不仅仅是我们常常想到的在美学方面的不同(虽然这也是非常重要的),其实还是一种思维方式的不同。你的思维方式需要符合奢侈品行业的发展,而这就要求你自己来设定形成这样的思维方式。在我看来,格里昂已经教会了学生适应在奢侈品行业工作的思维模式,同时格里昂精神对于一个奢侈品牌管理专业人士来说也将使其受益匪浅。









  想法+研究:通常有两种类型的想法,一种是灵感,就像直觉一样; 另一种是做了几个星期研究后通过逻辑获得想法. 前者是建立在直觉的基础上,后者是依据科学数据。在多莫斯,老师们教会你如何客观地看待这两类想法,而不要主观臆断(只选择使用那些符合你想法的数据). 同样地,多莫斯教会你如何正确分析这些数据,看到这些数据所表达的内容,然后激发你下一个想法。你会知道创新不是幻想,而努力工作的结果,你不可能产生无穷无尽的想法和创意。













英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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Inside the Luxury Brand Management specialization: Domus Academy workshops

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 23 April 2015

After spending a few years in the 5-star luxury hotel sector, Alexandra Matyushkova studied at Domus Academy, Glion’s academic partner for the new specialization in Luxury Brand Management. Building on her foundations in hospitality, Alexandra learned new ways to apply her skills through Domus’ workshops that take real-life industry cases and ask the students to find real-world solutions for luxury brand marketing, design and management.

Alexandra Matyushkova
Nationality: Russian
Graduation year: GIHE – 2007.1, Domus – 2013
Company: M.Ways SRO
Title: Owner, Director

What is your current position and company?

In 2013, I started my own business with my partner in Prague. We are on the way to opening a fashion concept store. Though based on our location (Prague), we did not go for luxury segment (and I hope for a “yet” in this sentence after we launch the whole project). We share all the duties: Accounting, Marketing, Buying, Visual Merchandising, PR … etc. But I think when you start your own business, in order to make it grow, or at least move, you have to be involved in everything.

Why did you choose to pursue studies in Luxury?

A luxury entity, be it a hotel or a brand, requires a completely different approach than the “general” marketing we often see. The issue is not only in aesthetics (though it is crucial as well) but also in the way of thinking. Your mindset should be designed to fit luxury and you have to be the one designing it. Glion already teaches students to fit luxury properties and the Glion Spirit is a super asset for a luxury brand management professionals, in my opinion.

“Some say that you can learn about the luxury industry through the experiences of others, by reading, watching, collecting data etc. But that won’t give you the same diversity of opinions and the expertise that you will get from studying with a specialized institution like Glion or Domus.

Traditional learning will not “break” your mind and bring you a crazy idea, it only works in reality. Critics are super important, because you learn from them. An international school environment is perfect for developing great ideas and learning how to apply them.

What key learnings did you take out of the workshops and your experience at Domus?

There are a couple of things that I took away from Domus and my Luxury Brand Management education:

In order to succeed in luxury brand management, you have to follow a brand concept and sustain it to create spontaneous awareness of your brand. At Domus, they show you how to do it. They show you where the line of good taste is, not to become ridiculous, obvious, cheap or too complicated.

Here, I am not talking about technical skills of making a Power Point or speaking, but the essence, the idea of presentation. In Domus, they teach you the way to design a stunning presentation. How to make it speak for you, how to make the public not only listen but feel what you are talking about.

I learned the importance of all the details, lines, aesthetics, interactions, humor, etc. In my opinion, this skill is super important nowadays.

Professional orientation. You learn exactly what luxury is and what it requires from you. As I said before, Domus helps you to build a mindset that fits with luxury companies.

Ideas + Research. There are two types of ideas: inspiration comes to you as a gut feeling, while logic comes to you after weeks of research. One is based on intuition, while the other relies on data. In both cases, Domus teaches you to see data objectively, not to fake it (only taking the data that fits your idea). Likewise, Domus teaches you to analyze the data correctly and see what it is telling you, so the next idea will come naturally. You learn that creativity is not an ability to fantasize, but the product of hard work, you cannot produce ideas and concepts non-stop.

Industry insight. Of course, we also received updated information and knowledge on all new sources and tools in marketing and brand management, due to the professionalism of the tutors at Domus.

For the Glion Luxury Brand Management specialization, we will be partnering with Domus Academy and include one Domus workshop. Can you talk about the Domus workshops?

Domus workshops were the reason I chose Domus Academy in the first place! These are the type of workshops where Business meets Design and they fall in love with each other. They are teaching what business requires right now.

The Domus workshops would start with the launch session, where we would be introduced to the product, issue and company. Then, we would have couple of weeks to do our research and draft a presentation, sometimes we would already form an idea about the concept. During those weeks, we would have classes that are meant to support our project. All the professors were from the field, explaining the real situations, issues and the paths that lead to reaching the desired results.

After the draft, we would have a session of feedback and a very entertaining session where we would brainstorm with our tutor and a company ambassador. Then, we would have another couple of weeks to finish the project, again with classes in between. Next, we would have a Final Presentation, where we shared our concepts with the company.

The final presentation is a crucial moment because you show the methodology of your proposal and the applications, it’s where you prove your theory. The sense of working in the profession is incredible.

What I loved the most about those workshops is that you are talking about YOUR idea, you are proving it right, you want to bring it to life. It makes you passionate about it. It makes you look for the information and support everywhere: in the field, in the library on the Internet… everywhere. It is truly interesting!

For these workshops, you have to stay FOCUSED on your concept and the presentation, its visuals and design. You have to push yourself to find the right thing. I remember spending 3 nights looking for the right visual for “sustainable economy” in the project about fashion. When I found the right visual, the picture that said exactly what I wanted it to, I knew people would understand what I was trying to say without the words, which is a major part of marketing in the luxury industry.

You did a Bachelor in Hospitality Management and a Master in Luxury Brand Management, what would you think of a program combining both segments?

I think it would be a great idea. In my experience, it is difficult for luxury hotels to stay away from banality (interiors, location…). If they want to be sold they have to satisfy the client, which nowadays is becoming more and more sophisticated. If 10 years ago, good service and friendly personnel were enough to keep guests loyal, now they want more, they want the story, they want the idea, they want to feel even more special, understood, etc.

“I think a program that combines both hospitality and luxury brand management could be a turning point in the industry. When these two sectors come together, not only in aesthetics and target market, you could teach students to create a luxury experience from A to Z.

Surely, it will be rewarding to form professionals who are able to create and, most importantly, sustain luxury experiences.



