
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 格里昂慈善社

The Glion Charity Club

Valerie Puginier   2015年5月15日

  慈善社在我们学校已经成功运营将近一年了。在过去的这两个学期中,我们组织了各种各样的非常多的活动,包括宴会、聚会和其他形式的资金筹集活动。迄今为止,慈善社已经为瑞士红十字会和Pour un Sourire d’Enfant机构筹集了一千多法郎。与这些慈善机构合作让我们既可以在本地、也可以在全球范围内回馈这个社会。

  我们很明确地选择了这两家慈善机构是因为我们感觉到他们和我们俱乐部一样,都很好地体现出了格里昂精神。我们想要我们做的慈善事业保持对本地人提供帮助,于是我们选择了瑞士红十字会:因为有时候你可能并没有意识到在离你很近的地方就有人迫切地需要慈善救助。弗莱堡瑞士红十字会(The Swiss Red Cross of Freiburg)帮助了许多出于各种原因而挣扎在生存线上的人。我们还会和当地成立较早的慈善协会成员在布勒校区一起吃午餐,和他们谈论他们的生活经历。

  我们认识到我们能来格里昂这样的国际学校读书真的是太幸运了。在有些地方,在格里昂校园的几千公里之外,那里的孩子们根本就没有和我们相类似的读书机会。我们慈善社和Pour un Sourire d’Enfant慈善机构合作之后,每个人都抓住这次机会为这些孩子提供支持。慈善机构的成员们在柬埔塞(Cambodia)为这些孩子们建立了一些学校,为他们提供食物和衣服,他们努力让这些孩子们拥有一个更好的未来。他们的行动还不止于此,他们打算继续建立一些满足更高阶段教育需求的学校,比如说,建立一所与格里昂有密切联系的酒店管理学校。我们希望将来可以开辟出一个途径,把格里昂不再使用的一些学生们在实践学习时所用的服装和设备送给这些学生们。

  这个学期,格里昂组织了一个卓越的管理团队来负责格里昂学校的运营,并尽可能让每一位学生都发挥出自己最大的潜能。在SGA和格里昂慈善社前任主席Thibaut Lambrechts的帮助下,我们把我们做的慈善事业在整个布勒校区内都进行了宣传。

  这个学期我们在格里昂还组织了另一场成功的活动 — 火锅之夜(Fondue Night),就像我们在俱乐部组织的屋顶聚会一样成功。慈善社还设立了分社,在学校里组织了一次“休闲服日”— 凡在慈善社买过一只手镯的学生就可以穿休闲服去教室上课。“售票和销售”对慈善社的成员们来说是一个新的领域,这项活动强制他们走出自己的舒适区去为我们支持的慈善机构筹集资金。我们接下来要举办的活动,也是我们本学期最后一次活动:受到墨西哥传统的启发,我们将举办一个刺激的Dead party。今年慈善社有很多事情要忙,我们都非常忙碌,但却非常值得,我们知道,我们成功地改变了一些现实状况。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

The Glion Charity Club

by Valerie Puginier 15 May 2015

The Charity Club has been a successful part of our school for almost a year now. In the past two semesters, we’ve had the opportunity to organize a plethora of different events encompassing dinners, parties and other fundraisers. To date, the Charity Club has raised over a thousand francs for both the Swiss Red Cross and Pour un Sourire d’Enfant, charities which allow us to give back on a local and global scale.

We specifically chose these two charities as we felt they reflected the club’s as well as Glion’s spirit. We wanted to keep it local, through the Swiss Red Cross, because sometimes you don’t realise just how close to home people are struggling. The Swiss Red Cross of Freiburg helps many people who are struggling in their daily lives for whatever reason. For instance, we had lunches with local elderly community members in Bulle and spoke with them about their lives.

We realised that we are incredibly fortunate to go to an international school such as Glion. Somewhere, thousands of kilometers away, children were growing up without a chance at a future even remotely similar to ours. When the club was introduced to Pour un Sourire d’Enfant, everyone jumped on the opportunity to support them. Through the schools they have built for children in Cambodia, as well as providing them with food and clothing, they offer these children a future. But their association doesn’t stop there; they have continued to build further education schools such as a hospitality school creating a much stronger link to Glion. In the future, we hope to organize a way to send their students some craft-based-learning clothing or equipment that Glion is not using.

This semester, an excellent executive board was elected on the Glion campus to run all the operations in Glion and lead the team of dedicated students to the best of their abilities. We have also spread to the Bulle campus with the aid of both the SGA and former Glion Charity Club president, Thibaut Lambrechts.

In Glion this term we have hosted another very successful Fondue Night as well as Rooftop Parties at the Club. The Charity Club also branched out, and organized a Smart-Casual Day on campus, allowing students to wear smart-casual to class in exchange for buying a bracelet. « Ticketing and sales » was a new area for members of the club which forced them to step out of their comfort zone in order to raise funds for the charities we support. Our next and final event this semester will be a thrilling Day of the Dead party, inspired by the Mexican Tradition. It has been an eventful year, running the Charity Club but it was most importantly rewarding, knowing we had made a difference.


