
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] TraVitality营养学大会

The TraVitality conference

  格里昂高等教育学院    2014年11月21日




  首先 — 在全球范围内推广健康的饮食和积极的生活方式有助于防止非传染性疾病(NCD’s)的蔓延。


  其次 — 国际上已经有先驱者采取了很多行动致力于使人们的“饮食结构”更健康,比如通过为人们提供健康的食品商标和在户外环境中使用的创新烹饪方式来使人们人们做出更健康的饮食选择。

  健康食品选择国际基金会(Choices International Foundation)做了许多开拓性工作。该基金会在全球范围内挑选食品行业和外出用餐环境中使用的健康食品商标,并且把这些商标聚集在一起呈现出来。

  近些年来,我们的外部就餐环境发生了很大变化:工作地点兴起了健康的饮食方式,学校食堂也开始挂上“Fourchette Verte”(绿色餐叉)的标签。除此之外,人们也越来越多地谈对到人类对事物的敏感和挑剔这种需要永恒关注的话题。

  最后 — 我们有机会采访这两位经验丰富的主厨,我们在采访中谈了很多话题,还包括他们对当地提供的纯净的、天然的原材料的使用。他们着重强调了烹饪食物时要完全地投入其中,还强调了要以纯粹的享受以及返璞归真的方式看待食物。此外,这些年轻的酒店专业人士还有必要接受更多的训练和教育,不仅在教育方面,在可持续发展方面和废弃物管理方面都有必要进一步提升。

  除了气氛活跃的研讨会,会议当天美味的午餐自助餐也是一个极大的亮点。这次午餐由我们行政总厨Patrice Didier的工作团队组织,这次自出餐的理念受到2014年1月就读第四学期营养学课程学生们的小组项目课题研究的启发,并且由我们的研究生负责接待。并且由我们S4班级的学生们设计的“创新小吃”海报也富有创意,受到了与会者们的高度赞扬。




英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

The TraVitality conference

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 21 November 2014

On Thursday 6th November GLION (Bulle campus) hosted a new event, TRAVITALITY, a 1-day meeting which was dedicated to food and nutrition in “out of home” (OOH) situations. This topic was chosen with the belief that increasing stakeholder engagement is necessary to fight the global epidemic of lifestyle-related conditions.

GLION as host for this exciting event wanted to create a neutral platform for dialogue, and brought together experts from the fields of public health, nutrition policy development, nutrition research, education, the food and nutrition industries and the hospitality sector.

Our knowledgeable guest speakers and panel members presented and discussed recent developments in the areas we had identified as being key:

Firstly – promoting healthy eating and active lifestyles in the global challenge to prevent Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD’s).

Global perspectives and progress , as well as the current facts and figures about NCD’s in Switzerland, were presented in order to set the scene. The successful use of social marketing to change behaviour was also presented and discussed.

Secondly – international initiatives to improve the “foodscape” through healthy choices food labels and innovations in OOH gastronomy.

The pioneering work of Choices International Foundation was presented . The foundation are working internationally to unify healthy eating logos for use by the food industry and the OOH environment.

Our OOH food environment has changed greatly during the last few years with the emergence of successful healthy eating work place and school restaurants such as those carrying the “Fourchette Verte”"green fork" label. In addition, the ever-increasing need for consideration of foods for people with allergies and intolerances was also discussed.

Finally – We had the chance to interview two experienced chefs about various topics, but including their use of pure and natural ingredients of local origin. The sheer enjoyment and back to basics way of thinking of food was emphasised. In addition the increasing need to train and educate the young hospitality professional, not only in nutrition, but also in sustainability and matters of waste management was considered.

In addition to these lively sessions, other great highlights of this memorable day were the wonderful lunch buffet organised by the team of our executive chef, Patrice Didier which was inspired by the project work of S4 Nutrition students from 2014.1, and hosted by our talented post-graduates. We can also say that the creative “snack innovation ” posters from our current S4 students were very much appreciated by the participants.

A hearty thanks to all who contributed and participated in any way however small or large!

Best wishes

The TraVitality Team


