
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂第4次MBA座谈会:可持续发展

Sustainability lessons at Glion’s 4th MBA symposium

  格里昂高等教育学院   2014年10月03日

  可持续发展是时下一个非常热门的流行词,也是未来的领导人绝对需要理解的话题。同样地,在最新的MBA核心系列座谈会中,可持续发展也是一个主要话题。这些座谈会由格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)和格鲁耶尔酒店管理大学(Universities of Applied Sciences of Les Roches-Gruyère)、纳沙泰尔大学(HE-Arc Neuchatel)和HEIG-VD Yverdon共同组织,会议地点在格里昂高等教育学院布勒校区,会议举办时间是9月16日。

  这次座谈会中的三位主要发言人是一大特色,他们分享了对不同规模企业可持续发展的看法和“三重底线”— 又称3P原则:人、利益和地球,最先由约翰·埃尔金顿(Elkington)(1994)提出。 

Jean Pierre Klumpp:企业可持续发展
Géraldine Pauly(格里昂2000届校友):社会可持续发展
Yvan Maillard Ardenti:环境可持续发展

  三位金融、管理和可持续发展领域的专家带领开展了圆桌讨论会。这三位专家分别是:Francis Mathieu — 企业发展策略和金融顾问;Xavier Destribats — 凯宾斯基酒店集团(Kempinski Hotels)欧洲 ;以及Philip Sourry — 顾问及非执行董事。


  “这些会议让学生们可以直接聆听行业专业人士真实的工作经验,通过管理者们的实际工作经历来理解这些议题,还可以用这些真实的实践素材来填充在课本上学到的理论模型。哪些方式有效?哪些方式会产生一定的效果?哪些方式会遇到阻力或在长期内不可行?”研究生院院长Lyn Glanz博士这样说道,“参加这些会议不仅可以听到正式的发言,同时这也是一个提问、拓展人脉的好机会,还可以评审来自四面八方的各种理念,非常有价值。”



  这一天的大部分活动都是由Alain Gervaix规划组织的,Alain Gervaix是格里昂高等教育学院MBA课程组长,同时也是仪式典礼和行业专家小组的负责人。

  在可持续发展领域,格里昂的专业师资炙手可热。Henri Kuokkanen目前在与一家大型旅游集团共同研究可持续发展的政策回暖问题;这个月,Sue Clark将出席泰国和秘鲁的会议,与会者们对可持续发展和旅游景点管理都很感兴趣,Sue Clark将在这些话题上发言。

  可持续发展在目前的酒店行业和旅游行业正在扮演越来越重要的角色,为了使学生们对此做好准备,格里昂在酒店管理本科学士学位课程(bachelor degree in hospitality management)中新开了旅游可持续发展专业方向。格里昂也正在为其校园和学生们迈向一个可持续发展性更强的未来。当前学校采取的创新举措可以在可持续发展页面观看。

  更多MBA座谈会图片请点击:click here

  参考资料:Elkington, J. (1994). Towards the Sustainable Corporation: Win-Win-Win Business Strategies for Sustainable Development. California Management Review 36(2), 90–100.

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Sustainability lessons at Glion’s 4th MBA symposium

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 3 October 2014
Sustainability is a popular buzzword today and a topic that future leaders definitely need to understand. As such, sustainability was the topic of this latest MBA Key series symposium hosted by Glion Institute of Higher Education with the collaboration of the Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) of Les Roches-Gruyère, HE-Arc Neuchatel and HEIG-VD Yverdon, which was held at the GIHE Bulle campus on September 16th.

The symposium featured three key speakers who shared their expertise looking at the business dimensions of sustainability and the ‘triple bottom line’, or the three P’s: People, Profits and Planet, as first put forward by Elkington (1994).

Corporate sustainability by Jean Pierre Klumpp
Social sustainability byGéraldine Pauly (Glion alumna of 2000)
Environmental sustainability by Yvan Maillard Ardenti

A round-table discussion was facilitated by three experts in finance, management and sustainability: Francis Mathieu, a strategic and financial consultant;Xavier Destribats, President Europe, Kempinski Hotels; and Philip Sourry, Consultant and Non-Executive Director.

The audience was made up of MBA students from all participating institutions, plus postgraduate students from GIHE, who organized the logistics for the conference an exercise in event management as part of their applied learning.

“These conferences give students the chance to tap into the real experience of industry professionals. They get to see issues through the practical lens of working managers, to complement theoretical models. What works, what may have some impact, what will meet resistance or will not be viable long term?” said Dr Lyn Glanz, Dean of Graduate Studies. “It is not just the opportunity to hear formal presentations during, but the chance to ask questions, network and test out ideas outside of the conference hall, that is especially valued”.

Aside from the discussions and insights put forward in presentations, the key speakers were willing to share career advice and suggestions for how to get into their area of expertise. In preparation for an opportunity to network, the MBA and PG students were ready to share their ambitions with the industry speakers who are often receptive to approaches in this environment.

The students also got to mix with other working professionals within Switzerland who are studying part-time on the UAS degrees at other institutions. This expands their networks within the country, as well as giving the Swiss students a chance to meet the international student body at GIHE.

Much of the day was organised by Alain Gervaix, GIHE MBA program leader who also acted as Master of Ceremonies and moderated the input of the panel of industry experts.

Sustainability is an area where the expertise of Glion faculty is in demand. Henri Kuokkanen is currently looking at the return on sustainable policies with a major travel company, and this month, Sue Clark will present in both Thailand and Peru to audiences with an interest in the sustainability aspects of destination management.

To prepare students for the increasingly important role of sustainability in hospitality and tourism Glion offers a specialization in Sustainable Development in Tourism forbachelor degree in hospitality management. Glion is also taking steps towards a more sustainable future for its campuses and students, its current initiatives can be seen on the Sustainability page.

For more pictures of the MBA symposium,click here.

References: Elkington, J. (1994). Towards the Sustainable Corporation: Win-Win-Win Business Strategies for Sustainable Development. California Management Review 36(2), 90–100.


