
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 格里昂学生观看欧足联欧洲青年联赛决赛并从中学习

GIHE students watch and learn at UEFA Youth League Finals

Lyn Glanz  2014年04月24日



  格里昂师生们在4月11日和14日去了欧足联在尼翁(Nyon)的Colovray体育馆。ESE专业的学生们参加半决赛不仅仅是观看这些广受关注的足球比赛 … 他们要在体验这些活动的基础上做赛场布置的工作,这也为他们的专业学习提供了实践背景。

  格里昂的老师Mike Abson审查了学生们的学习成果和工作成果,Mike Abson讲到了格里昂与欧足联的合作为学生们提供了在真实的实践中学习的机会,具有重要的作用,他还说到:”当我们知道我们ESE专业的学生们有机会和欧足联一起工作,并可以参与他们的VIP文化项目时,我们非常兴奋,学生们参与这次活动的意义不可小觑。这样的合作也使得我们的学生可以把他们学到的理论知识付诸实践,并且是在2016年欧洲杯这样令人激情饱满且富有盛名的活动中实践。我们期望看到学生们展示出来的工作成果!“


Lyn Glanz

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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GIHE students watch and learn at UEFA Youth League Finals

by Lyn Glanz 24 April 2014

As a result of the academic collaboration that UEFA has with Glion, Glion students and Faculty were invited to attend the semi-finals and finals of the UEFA Youth League involving the youth teams (Under 19) of the most prestigious European clubs.

Glion has recently joined forces with UEFA in that PG ESE students will work next semester with UEFA representatives on academic projects prior to EURO 2016. Initially the projects will include exploring the E-guest experience and VIP cultural programs at tournament locations.

Glion students and Faculty travelled to UEFA’s Colovray stadium in Nyon on 11th and 14th April. ESE students attending the semi-finals were not just there for the spectacle of the prestigious football matches…they were also there to work on assignments set on the basis of experiencing events of this nature to provide background for their studies.

The Faculty member supervising their studies, Mike Abson, spoke of how important the relationship with UEFA is to bring authentic learning into students’ studies. He said “We are thrilled that our ESE students’ will have this opportunity to work with UEFA on their VIP Cultural program, the impact can’t be understated. This partnership enables our students to put into practise what they have learned in theory and with an event as prestigious and exciting as the EURO 2016. We look forward to showing what our students are capable of doing!”

On 14th April, a separate group headed off to the sold out stadium from the Bulle campus to see Barcelona take the title against Benfica, 3-0.

Lyn Glanz


