
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 格里昂:ESE专业与欧足联合作开展的“三连胜”会议

Sport Event Management “Hat Trick” with UEFA

  格里昂高等教育学院    2014年12月03日

  为了庆祝格里昂和欧洲足球协会联盟(UEFA)开展的越来越多的合作,此次的会展、体育和娱乐活动管理专业(ESE)专业会议主题定为“欧足联三连胜”(UEFA Hat-Trick)。这是2014年举行的第二次ESE专业会议,和往常一样,格里昂高等教育学院会展、体育和娱乐活动管理专业(ESE)的全体师生们共同组织了这次会议,会议地点在格里昂布勒校区。


  “三连胜”是指一名运动员在一场比赛中连续三次击中目标获得加分。ESE会议的组织者选中“三连胜”这个概念作为会议的主题出于以下两方面原因:首先,我们的演讲嘉宾在这次会议中谈论了欧足联三个快速发展的领域/新开拓的领域:女子足球、欧洲青年联赛(UEFA Youth League)和足球事业的可持续发展。



  我们的第一位演讲嘉宾是 Christina Neubrand:欧足联活动协调专员,以及欧洲女子冠军联赛(UEFA Women’s Champions League)2013年在里斯本(Lisbon)最终决赛中的贵宾客户服务协调专员。Christina Neubrand在演讲开始时先阐述了继1999年美国女足世界杯取得突破(breakthrough FIFA Women’s World Cup of 1999 in the USA)之后女子足球在全球范围内的关注度获得显著提高的过程。

  2014年欧洲女子冠军联赛(2014 UEFA Women’s Champion’s League)的目标是实现比赛场馆内座无虚席,并且为今后的赛事树立一个典范。在这个目标的激励下,2014年欧洲女子冠军联赛连创佳绩,决赛时观众人数显著增加。Christina谈论到了欧足联在如何做准备以提高女子足球赛事2015年的战绩并让这些赛事获得更多的关注。其中有一些话题还引起了争论:






  欧洲青年联赛(UEFA Youth League)

  接下来发言的是欧足联运营/活动中心交通和活动部经理Pierpascal Larotonda,他描述了欧洲青年联盟在第一次冠军半决赛和总决赛中取得的佳绩,参加这些比赛的青年团队(19岁以下)均来自欧洲最顶尖的俱乐部。这两次比赛均在瑞士尼翁(Nyon)的欧足联Colovray体育场举行,比赛时间分别为2014年4月11日和14日。


  你们中一些人可能已经提前在格里昂的博客中看到了,格里昂ESE专业的学生也参加了欧洲青年联盟在第一次冠军半决赛和总决赛,这是他们课程中的一部分内容。在ESE专业的学习过程中,观察和体验各种盛大活动扮演着非常重要的角色。作为观众和嘉宾,我们的学生们学到了 — 在经营一场盛大活动或在活动场馆的管理工作中,如果要为与会嘉宾提供其满意的体验,哪些方面起着至关重要的作用。


  当天的最后一位发言人是Neil Beecroft,2014年8月被任命为欧足联可持续发展经理。Neil现在承担的工作任务是欧足联的一个重要挑战:主要的赛事在可持续发展和社会责任问题上面临着越来越严格的审查。Neil指出,在表面上让一场赛事变得环保非常简单,只需要围绕着可持续发展这个主题做一些模糊的宣告即可,但是真正要完成一些改变却复杂地多。






  最后,ESE专业会议的气氛达到了顶点。整场活动都是由学生们在Mike Abson的带领下精心布置的,从在线课程、打印传单和胸牌,到发言人做展示的科技设施和环境布置,这次ESE专业会议充分展现了我们学生们在组织校园活动方面的能力。

  特别感谢我们所有的发言人,尤其是帮助我们与欧洲足球协会联盟联系的Thomas Junod和Damaris Papoutsakis,你们让这次会议得以顺利开展。


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Sport Event Management “Hat Trick” with UEFA

by Glion Institute of Higher Education  3 December 2014

In honor of Glion’s growing collaboration with the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), this Event, Sport and Entertainment (ESE) Conference was dedicated to the topic “UEFA Hat-Trick”. This second ESE Conference of 2014 was organized, as usual, by the students and faculty of the ESE program of Glion Institute of Higher Education, on the Bulle campus.

What is a Hat Trick?

A “hat trick” is what happens when one player scores three goals in one game for a winning outcome. This triple-score concept was chosen by the ESE organizers for two reasons. Firstly, our guest speakers came to discuss three fast growing areas/new iniatives of UEFA: women’s football, the UEFA Youth League, and sustainability in football.

Secondly, this event is the third event marking Glion’s collaboration with UEFA. Thus far, our Postgraduate ESE students have worked on several projects for UEFA: the UEFA EURO 2016 VVIP Cultural Program which involved the development of appropriate activities for UEFA dignitaries and partners and the design of mobile applications for their e-ticketing guest experiences.

Women’s Football

Our first speaker was Christina Neubrand, Event Coordinator at UEFA and VIP Service Coordinator for the UEFA Women’s Champions League Final 2013 in Lisbon. She began by explaining how women’s football has grown in popularity notably since the breakthrough FIFA Women’s World Cup of 1999 in the USA.

With the objective of filling stadiums and leaving a legacy for future events, the2014 UEFA Women’s Champion’s League attained good results and increased the number of spectators who attended the finals. Christina discussed how UEFA will attempt to improve these results in 2015 and increase the attractiveness and visibility of the women’s football events. Some of the topics that sparked debate:

The strategy that pairs the UEFA Women’s Champion’s League with the Men’s notably in having both finals hosted in the same city.

The necessity to have more “superstar” football ambassadors in women’s football, the equivalent of men’s football’s Ronaldo, Beckham or Zidane.

The effect of pairing other entertainment with the women’s football matches to draw additional crowds, such as the use of a popular Portuguese song artist in 2013.

Ways to get more of the spectators and targeting families and women spectators

This first presentation proved to be highly interactive as ESE students and guests in the audience had so many pertinent questions and suggestions that the event organizers opted to bring in a suggestion box.

UEFA Youth League

Up next was UEFA Operations/ Events Centre Transport and Events Manager, Pierpascal Larotonda, who described the successes of the first UEFA Youth League championship semi-finals and finals involving the youth teams (Under 19) of the most prestigious European clubs. They were held at UEFA’s Colovray stadium in Nyon, Switzerland, on April 11th and 14th 2014.

This event filled the 4,000-seat stadium on all three match-days
Performances were done by children, an ideal fit for families and young spectators
The weather and ambiance were perfect
For next year, UEFA is looking at back-up plans if the weather is not as nice

As some of you may have read on the Glion blog earlier this year, Glion’s ESE students attended the semi-finals and finals of the UEFA’s first Youth League championship as part of their program. Observing and experiencing events is an important part of the ESE learning process; as spectators and guests, our students learn which aspects of an event or venue have the greatest impact on guest satisfaction.

Sustainability at UEFA

The final speaker of the day was Neil Beecroft, appointed in August 2014 as Sustainability Manager at UEFA. Neil is taking on an important challenge with UEFA; major sports events face increasing scrutiny on sustainability and social responsibility issues. Neil pointed out that it’s easy to “green wash” an event by making vague claims around sustainability, whereas implementing true change is much more complex.

For the EURO 2016, for example, UEFA is focusing on:

4 Social Priorities: Access for ALL, Anti-discrimination monitoring, Fan Embassies, Tobacco Free Environment

4 Environmental Priorities: Transport, Waste Management, Optimization of Energy & Water, Sourcing of Products and Services

By sticking to this plan and focusing on a limited number of priorities, Neil figures they have a better chance of meeting the objectives and executing plans efficiently. Indeed, these priorities are realistic, as Neil explained that many areas of an event are outside UEFA’s control, such as the stadium’s use of renewable energy sources. Better to focus on areas within his reach such as the use of recyclable materials, the organization of public transportation or carpooling, and reducing the use of electricity in temporary installations.

Conclusion, Links and Thanks-yous

In the end, the ESE Conference flew by at an amazing rate. The whole event was very well orchestrated by the students who in turn were guided by Mike Abson; from the online program, printed flyers and name tags, to the presentation technology and environment, this ESE conference was a credit to our students’ skills in organizing campus events.

A special thanks to all our speakers and especially to our relationship contacts within UEFA, Thomas Junod and Damaris Papoutsakis who made the event possible.

For more information about the event, speakers and topics, visit the website:www.glioneseconference.com.


