
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 葡萄酒、餐厅和行业联盟(WDC)

Wine, Dine & Connect

by Kaitlin Mulligan  13 May 2015
Kaitlin Mulligan   2015年5月13日

Wine, Dine & Connect (WDC) welcomes students to semi-formal lunches or dinners with guests from the local business community and local alumni. Through my position as a Campus Life Leader and ESE2 student, I created WDC to connect students with local professionals. The events are hosted at one of the two on-campus, student-run restaurants: Hotel des Alpes or La Résidence. The guest to student ratio is approximately 1:7 giving students and guests a chance to connect in a more intimate group size.
葡萄酒、餐厅和行业联盟(WDC)欢迎学生们与本地的商业合作伙伴及校友一同前来享用半正式的午餐和晚餐。我是体育、娱乐和会展管理专业的学生,我在第2学期担任了校园生活部领导,在此期间我创建了WDC,想通过这种方式把学生们和本地的职场专业人士联系起来。活动举办地点有两个选择:学校餐厅或学生经营餐厅 — Hotel des Alpes或La Résidence。来此用餐的客人中,学生大约占到了1/7的比例,在这样一个环境中,学生和其他客人有机会建立一个更亲密的私人关系。

Our first event was held on Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 at the Hotel des Alpes, with alumni guests Vanessa Basile, a meetings manager at The Fairmont Le Montreux Palace, a luxury hotel ; Fabian Kulzler, the associate and executive manager at Montreux Medical Center, a luxury health care company, and owner and head of design at Axon Studio, a digital marketing solutions company ; and Yury Volkov, a real estate agent dealing with large structures and special mandates. During a post survey of the event, both students and guests reported positive feedback, satisfaction and enjoyment from the event, and students reported that it was a helpful learning experience.
我们的第一场活动是在2015年3月15日举行,那天是周二,有很多校友客人光临:Vanessa Basile — 豪华酒店费尔蒙特莱蒙特勒宫殿酒店(Fairmont Le Montreux Palace)会议经理;Fabian Kulzler— 蒙特勒医疗中心(Montreux Medical Center)合伙人和行政经理,这是一家豪华的健康疗理公司,同时还是Axon Studio公司的拥有者和设计主管,这家公司提供数据化市场信息和市场营销方案;Yury Volkov — 一名房地产经纪人,负责处理大宗业务和特殊订单。在活动后的调查中,学生们和客人们都给出了积极的反馈,学生们还表示他们在这场活动获得的学习经验非常有用,他们感到满足和快乐。

WDC offers students a unique opportunity to meet and connect with local professionals from the industry, ask questions about their education and career, receive words of wisdom, and learn outside the classroom.
WDC为学生们提供了独特的机会 — 可以与本地的行业内专业人士结识。学生们可以向他们咨询教育或职业发展方面的问题,会得到充满智慧的答案,还会收获课堂之外的知识。

For more information on WDC, visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/WDCGlion or email me at kaitlin.mulligan@glion.ch to learn about how you can get involved.
更多WDC信息请访问我们的Facebook主页:www.facebook.com/WDCGlion;或者给我们发邮件:kaitlin.mulligan@glion.ch 以了解参与方式。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E


