
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 会展、体育和娱乐管理专业学生组织的活动

Organizing Events in the ESE Program

Valeriia Marushchak    2015年5月21日

  格里昂会展、体育和娱乐活动管理课程(Event Sport and Entertainment Management program)的具体内容是什么?根据我的经验,人们总是很想知道这个学位最后能让我们有什么收获以及在学这个专业的时候我们实际上都做了哪些事情。这篇文章会对这些问题全部进行解答。


  我们组织的第一场活动是“我爱星期一”( I Love Mondays),这项活动在俱乐部举行,主要是让新生参加以便大家都熟络起来。通常情况下,在这个时候组织这种联谊活动是很合时宜的。活动主题由现场装饰、食物、饮料和现场举行的各种活动来烘托。



  自从体育、娱乐和会展管理专业的学生组织了格里昂达人秀活动之后,这项活动又被举办过多次,在很多地方都举办过。最近几个学期是在蒙特勒一个叫“黑珍珠”的夜猫俱乐部举行,这家俱乐部在学生群体中无人不知。策划这场活动的目的是为了让学生们在其他同学面前展示出自己的才能,然后由老师评判。观众数量通常有300-400人左右。在我看来,整场活动中最能产生效益的步骤是推广宣传:我们需要吸引更多的人过来,卖出更多的门票并确保这个活动可以盈利 — 就像运营一个真实的商业项目一样,要确保盈利。


  最后一项活动是完全的跨校区活动,名字是“莱森冠军”,这是一场滑雪比赛,每年举办一次,举办地点在莱森镇,观众有两千多人。我们分工合作,一起为这场活动忙了3天。一些同学负责贵宾区,服务重要的访客,为其安排观赛位置。一些同学负责市场宣传和推广,其他人在夜猫俱乐部酒吧吧台上忙活 … 与我们之前组织的活动不同,这场活动给我们展现了会展活动行业真实的样貌:你和真正的管理者们一起工作,你要对你做的事情完全负责。这次的经历让我们收获了自信,我们感到我们正在成长为成熟的职场人士。


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Organizing Events in the ESE Program

by Valeriia Marushchak 21 May 2015  

What is the  Event Sport and Entertainment Management program in Glion about nowadays? In my experience, people are often wondering what the key segments of this degree are and what we are actually doing. This article will answer all those questions.

To start with, we ESE students also have to put our knowledge into practice and, as we all know, this period is called CBL (craft-based learning) or applied learning. As a part of our applied learning, we organize different events both internal and external. I will tell you about all the events ESE students have to do from the beginning of the semester 1 till the second internship, in semester 5. After that internship, both ESE and hospitality students are busy with the core business classes of the degree, so we don’t organize any events during the final year of studies.

The first event we did was I Love Mondays; this event is held in the Club and is primarily made for new students in order to break the ice. Usually, the buddy system of introduction is in place at this time. I Love Mondays always has a theme, which is supported by decorations, food, drinks and activities.

The second step in the ESE ladder is the Glion Champs event, it’s a sporting event like a small Olympic Games held in the big gym, mainly for Glion campus students and faculty. The volume of work for this event is larger and students have to manage the tasks in a group, trying to find common language and mutual understanding. As it is a sports event, they should always be ready to solve problems on the spot. The most common problem that we faced was that many participants who signed up did not show up and we had to make constant changes in the games schedule, it was not very easy to do.

The next huge steps are the biggest events for semester two, which are Glion’s Got Talent and the Inter Campus Sport Day. Both of these events have a larger scale of tasks in terms of administration. They demand more effort from students in many areas such as marketing, HR, communication with external people, and budgeting. These events are still internal but they attract people from both campuses, Bulle and Glion. The class is divided into two groups according to sport or entertainment preferences.

Since ESE started the Glion’s Got Talent event, it has been hosted in many places, but the last couple of semesters it was held in Black Pearl, a Montreux night club which is a well-known to all students. The event is created for students to show their talents in front of others and to be judged by the teachers. This event usually has around 300-400 spectators. In my opinion, the most significant part of this event is promotion, we had to attract people, sell tickets and make sure the event turned a profit, like an actual business.

As for the Inter Campus Sport Day, this event has a sport concept and is always held in the Bulle Sport Centre, which is located not far from Bulle Academic Centre. The event is famous for its indoor and mostly outdoor competitions, but the greatest part is a delicious open-air barbeque. The key factor for this event is good weather, so there is a back-up day for this event in case of bad climate conditions.

The last event is fully external and is called Leysin Champs, it is an annual Ski and Snowboard competition which takes place in the town of Leysin, and it attracts more than 2,000 spectators. We worked on this event for 3 days in different departments. Some of my classmates worked in the VIP area, organizing the services and areas for important visitors, some did marketing and merchandizing, and others worked in the nightclub on the bar.. This event is very different from what we did before because it shows you the real world of events; you work with real managers and are completely responsible for what you are doing. This experience brought us self-confidence and the feeling of being mature workers.

To sum up, I hope this article gives you a little insight into what ESE students do. To be honest, each event for us is like a baby who we are nurturing for a certain period of time and after we obtain satisfaction or disappointment from the results we get. Students do each event from the beginning till the end and the decisions and responsibilities are theirs. ESE faculty is great supportive team, which is able to share both success and failure with students. All our events represent a huge united community which is called Glion Spirit.


