
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 2013年格里昂MBA专题讨论会

Glion MBA Symposium 2013

Lyn Glanz        2013年11月14日  

MBA关于“愿景”的核心观念 — 2013年9月

  9月17日,MBA关于“愿景”核心观念的商业专题讨论会在格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)布勒校区举行,学校所有的MBA和研究生都参加了本次专题讨论会。这一系列专题讨论会是不同的学院和大学之间的合作,包括格里昂高等教育学院,因此这对学生们来说也是一个与其他学校的学生交流思想观点的机会。

  创造力 — 创新
  愿景 — 项目管理
  道德 — 价值观
  表现 — 结果


  活动组织者Dr Lyn Glanz和 Dr Zarina Charlesworth旨在为学生提供独特的机会向行业内世界核心专家学习行业实践经验。”学生们听到来源于真实生活经历中的故事时通常会倍受鼓舞。他们很重视这些直接从职场中提出来的问题和解决方案。“


Gilles Albaredes.Albaredes为伦敦奥组委(London Organising Committee)2012年奥林匹克运动会(Olympics)和残奥会(Paralympics Games)组织了一个工作小组专门督查数字影像的构思与执行工作。包括督查举办露天或场内活动时整个体育馆内的演出特效创新、屏幕动画内容、宣传片、吉祥物动画片、赞助活动和广播内容。

Mette Stannow of IBMStannow是一位经验丰富的领导,对多元文化的商业运营和管理感兴趣。她目前负责经营IBM新专家集成系统(IBM’s new PureSystem)(整合了IT系统)世界范围内的市场项目。

Vincent Perriard, HYT CEOPerriard谈论了他的新手表项目Extreme Alchemist的确立和发展。作为HYT知名的液压机械钟表技师,Vincent把乌托邦变成了现实 — 将机械和液体融合设计在机械手表中,并且该项目获得2012年手表最佳创新奖(Best Innovative Watch)。

Showmore娱乐Kees Rutgers 向学生们讲述了他的新探险 — 成为‘Grease’舞台版本的执行制片人。

欧洲原子能研究机构(CERN)Doris Chromek-BurckhartChromek-Burckhart是欧洲原子能研究机构的一名物理学家,欧洲原子能研究机构是总部设在日内瓦(Geneva)的欧洲高能物理研究实验室(European High Energy Physics research laboratory)。她是阿特拉斯小组(ATLAS collaboration)的长期成员。阿特拉斯小组致力于研究的振奋人心的大型实验之一是探索大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Collider)新物理学。

Mary Farmer,来自格里昂高等教育学院。Farmer领导格里昂高等教育学院在线课程的商业应用方面。

Hulya Kurt of Thompson Reuters,Kurt是一名项目经理,该项目是内部计费系统全球项目的一部分。她负责领导日内瓦办公室的员工资源团体(Employee Resource Group)。


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Glion MBA Symposium 2013

by Lyn Glanz      14 November 2013

MBA Key Concepts on ‘Vision’ – September 2013

On September 17th all MBA and PG students attended the MBA Key Concepts Symposium on ‘Vision’ in Business, held on the Bulle campus of Glion Institute of Higher Education. The Symposium Series is a collaboration between various institutions and universities, together with the Glion Institute of Higher Education, so this was also a chance for students to meet and share ideas with students from other institutions.

Each year, the Series explores one key area of importance for future leaders. The five subjects are:
• creativity – innovation
• vision – project management
• ethics – values
• sustainable development
• performance- results

The 2013 Symposium focused on what “vision” means, from the perspectives of key positions including those of finance, marketing, strategy, communication and human resources and brought together key players from business and academia to discuss and explore this question.

The event organizers, Dr Lyn Glanz and Dr Zarina Charlesworth aim to provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about industry practice from key experts in the world of work: “Students are always inspired to hear authentic stories from people with real life experience. They value hearing about issues and solutions that arise directly from the world of work”.

Although some speakers have hospitality experience, the net of speakers is cast wide, so that students are exposed to issues outside their main area of study and can get a broader perception on ‘vision’ in industry as a whole.

Keynote speakers included:

• Gilles Albaredes. Albaredes developed the team that supervised the conception and delivery of digital imagery to the London Organising Committee for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics Games. This included innovative stadia-wide special effects for the opening and closing ceremonies, screen animated content, promotional films, mascot animated films, sponsor activation and content for broadcasters.

• Mette Stannow of IBM. Stannow is a leader with great experience and interest in multicultural business and management. She is currently responsible for running marketing programs for IBM’s new PureSystems (Integrated IT systems) worldwide.

• Vincent Perriard, CEO of HYT. Perriard spoke about the development and launch of his new watch: Extreme Alchemist. Known as HYT’s Hydro-Mechanical Horologist, Vincent has turned utopia into reality – mixing mechanics and liquid within a wristwatch, and won the Best Innovative Watch in 2012 (Grand Prix de Genève).

• Kees Rutgers of Showmore Entertainment introduced students to his new venture as Executive Producer of the arena version of ‘Grease’.

• Doris Chromek-Burckhart of CERN. Chromek-Burckhart is a physicist at CERN, the European High Energy Physics research laboratory based in Geneva. She is a long term member of the ATLAS collaboration, one of the exciting large experiments which explores new physics with the Large Hadron Collider.

• Mary Farmer, from Glion Institute of Higher Education. Farmer leads the business side of the GIHE online programs.

• Hulya Kurt of Thompson Reuters. Kurt is a Project Manager and part of the Global Project on internal billing systems. She leads the Employee Resource Group within the Geneva Office.

Students used the conference to probe the industry experience of practitioners, and to boost their professional networks, which will help them in their studies and beyond.


