
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 热情洋溢、充满活力的格里昂伦敦校区

Overflowing, lively Glion London

Lorraine Morisson-Couderc  2014年04月01日


  新生开学了,有第一学期的学生和研究生,他们很快就融入到了我们这个小集体中 — 因为我们现在都具备了如此丰厚的格里昂精神。他们三周前来到这里,但是我们感觉他们仿佛一直就在我们身边生活一样,因为他们这么快就可以融入到这个集体中,并且我们相处地如此融洽。我们一起游玩了伦敦的许多地方,但是如果要游览完这个城市剩下的好玩的地方,还要再花上一个学期的时间。


  格里昂又一次组织学生们进行伦敦之行了,这给了我们更多的机会获得新体验,并且可以打开我们的视野。几周前的时候我们获得了一次机会去观看太阳剧团(Le Cirque du Soleil)的演出:奇幻之旅(Quidam)。现场美妙的音乐和杂技演员精湛的演技改变了我之前对马戏团的印象:之前我对马戏团的印象一直局限于奇异的动物和涂满芝士蛋糕的吓人的小丑的脸。我们还在Kia Oval板球场见到了之前很活跃的格里昂学生。这次校友重聚然我们得以了解他们的工作经历,他们当前的职位,并向他们咨询建议,请他们为我们指引发展的方向。我们也向他们展示了我们的新校区。其中一些校友非常热情,他们来到罗汉普顿大学,非常热切地想要了解在这里成长起来的新一代格里昂学生。


Lorraine Morisson — 格里昂伦敦校区

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Overflowing, lively Glion London

by Lorraine Morisson-Couderc 1 April 2014

The second semester of Glion London is following its course, in our dear Roehampton campus, just right next to the centre of this wonderful and teeming city. We are now about half way through, and I can guarantee you that our little lives have been pretty busy.

New students arrived, semester one and postgraduates, and they became rapidly part of our little community, as we are filled with so much Glion spirit by now. They arrived about three weeks ago, but we feel like they have always been on our side, as they integrated so well and so fast. We have already discovered a lot of London with them, but it takes way more than a semester to know all about this restless city.

The era of internship searching has come, and our entire class is now in  complete turmoil. Some of the lucky ones already got their fate settled, some others have interviews coming up, and a lot of us are still, you know, working on it. Everybody has different rhythms but in any case, internships are flashing in every single Glion mind at the moment. We indeed have to decide in such a short amount of time the destiny of our next semester, it could be literally anywhere on this planet, and I have to say that this is actually very exciting, even though maybe a bit overwhelming and stressful. We could have taken care of our internships before, you would say, we were warned, yes we were, but a wise man once said you grow from making your own mistakes.

The farandole of London experience organized by Glion set off again as well, giving us more opportunities for new experiences to open our minds. A couple of weeks ago we got the chance to see a very impressive show from Le Cirque du Soleil, Quidam. The wonderful live music and clever acrobats changed the image I had of circus, which was for me at the time relatively limited to more or less exotic animals and scary clown faces full of cheese cake. We also had the opportunity to meet former active Glion students in the Kia Oval, a cricket stadium. This alumni reunion permitted us to learn about their experiences, their current position, receive advice and directions. We were as well able to present them our new campus. Some of them were so enthusiastic they went to Roehampton, eager to find out about the new generation of Glion students evolving there.

There you have an overview of our British lives, it is tea time soon so I am unfortunately going to have to leave you with these thoughts, but you can expect a new inspiring article very soon.

Lorraine Morisson – Glion London


