
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 格里昂酒类研究俱乐部相伴:好酒好时光

Good wine and good times with the Glion Oenology Club

  格里昂高等教育学院    2014年12月22日

  无论是你是想在一家高档餐厅从事管理工作,亦或是想在晚宴或派对上成为众人的焦点,掌握扎实的酒类知识绝对会成为你的一项优势。虽然对于格里昂的学生而言,其酒店管理学位课程中有一部分内容就是品酒,但是在格里昂酒类研究俱乐部(Glion Oenology Club)中,你对品酒的知识掌握将达到一个全新的高度。


  Marc Herbin是俱乐部的社长,同时也是格里昂餐饮管理(Food & Beverage Operations)的课题组长,Marc说:“格里昂酒类研究俱乐部不仅仅是一个‘品酒’的地方,在这里学生会学到更多酒类研究的知识,或‘酿酒工艺学‘,包括学习什么酒搭配什么样的食材最适合、各种专业术语、品酒方法等。




  Francois Emmanuel Roche同学说到:“来格里昂之前我考虑过去专门的学校学习品酒,我未来想成为酒店的餐饮部门经理,良好的品酒技能绝对能为未来的求职加分。”Jeanne Mouchet同学则说:“我参加酒类研究俱乐部是因为想学习更多关于葡萄酒和葡萄栽培的知识。我了解到了不同的葡萄栽培品种以及不同的品种各自有什么特点。我觉得我现在在推广一种酒的时候能更轻松地用专业的术语来描述它了。”

  但是一个好的品酒师是可以教出来的吗?确实,品酒看起来是一门学问很深的艺术,学生们要学会分辨各种酒的不同之处。如Miguel Rojas Carulla所说,“我参加酒类研究俱乐部是因为我钟爱葡萄酒,并且当我看到有的人可以通过鼻子、嘴巴就可以感受到葡萄酒所有的风味并描述出它们时,我觉得非常地赞叹。令人高兴的是,我原来以为自己在品尝葡萄酒时永远不可能感受到的东西,现在都感受到了。”


  俱乐部每学期都会参加12次一流的品酒会,还有3-6次校外活动。这个学期,研究生学生们去格兰德瓦(Grandvaux)实地考察了Domaine Croix Dupleix酿酒厂,组织过一次“酒与芝士”派对。格里昂的学生们还去参观了Aigle酒博物馆,并受到当地酿酒商的接待。

  品酒会通常围绕着一个主题开展,比如某种类型的葡萄酒或某个特定的国家或区域:赤霞珠(Cabernet)、波尔多(Bordeaux)、甜葡萄酒(Sweet wines)、新世界(New World)、梅多克(Medoc)和西班牙(Spanish)等等,这些只是这个学期参加的一部分品酒会。新世界品酒会今年尤其受欢迎。俱乐部的成员们还参加了葡萄酒与食物搭配的晚宴,晚宴在校园内学生经营的Des Alpes酒店餐厅中举行,这场活动令人印象深刻,晚宴上清楚讲述了葡萄酒如何与不同的食物和调味料进行搭配。这个学期的主题品酒会中的讲师是一大特色,如下所示:

  葡萄牙葡萄酒 — 阿连特茹葡萄酒(Alentejo Wines),酒评家Rui Falcão对硕士班级授课
  葡萄酒&芝士 — Philippe Berthoud先生,沃州行政区Terravin授权和Terravin协会主席
  梅多克葡萄酒 — Florence Varaine夫人
  西班牙葡萄酒 — 西班牙大使馆



  圣·爱斯泰夫(Saint Estèphe),产自波尔多(Bordeaux)
  波美侯(Pomerol),产自波尔多嘉仙庄园(Chateau Gazin),
  Sierva,福斯蒂诺佳酿酒(Bodegas Carchelo),2011
  胡吉尔佳酿葡萄酒(Juan Gil Silver Label),2012


  科通查理曼(Corton Charlemagne)2002,产自路易拉图酒庄(Louis Latour)
  南非白诗南(South African Chenin blanc),产自卡诺酒庄(Kanu)


  阿斯蒂莫斯卡托(Moscato d’Asti)


  受理申请人:Marc Herbin,邮箱地址:marc.herbin@glion.edu

  俱乐部地点:酒类研究俱乐部目前只在格里昂原校区举办活动,面向2015年2月第2学期在读学生。在布勒校区,Byron Cathéchis开办了一个WSET(英国葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金会)培训认证中心(注:根据认证级别,认证费用可能会达到600瑞士法郎)。 

  活动时间:酒类研究俱乐部在每学期开学的第一周招收会员,在每学期的第3周 — 第18周期间大约每周举办一次活动。


  葡萄酒与芝士活动图片库链接:Wine & Cheese event
  去葡萄庄园实地考察的图片库:field trip to a Vineyard

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Good wine and good times with the Glion Oenology Club

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 22 December 2014

Having solid knowledge of wine is a definite plus, whether you want to manage a fine dining establishment, or just want an interesting conversation piece for dinner parties. Although most Glion students will taste wine as a part of the hospitality management degree program, some students take their knowledge to a whole new level with the Glion Oenology Club.

What is Oenology?

According to the club leader, Marc Herbin, who is also the Subject Leader in Food & Beverage Operations, this is not just a “wine tasting club” because it teaches students the broader aspects of oenology, or “the science of making wines”, including the best combinations for pairing wine with meals and the terminology and methods used in wine tasting.

“The Oenology Club a voluntary activity to reinforce and improve wine knowledge acquired in first semester in a professional and personal perspective.” Marc says, “Club members participate in 12 wine tasting sessions with specific topics designed to build a better understanding of this multifaceted beverage and develop tasting skills under the guidance of experienced lecturers.”

Why join the oenology club?

Students join this club for many reasons, but they all share an interest in wine that precedes the club. Many of the members come from countries where wine making, and drinking, is a part of the culture, such as in France and Spain. Similarly, they all appreciate the value of wine knowledge in the hospitality industry.

As Francois Emmanuel Roche explained, “I got into the Wine Club because I wanted to do an oenology school before coming to Glion; when you want to be an F&B manager, it is better to have the wine knowledge. Similarly, Jeanne Mouchet said, “I participated in the wine club in order to increase my understanding of wines and viticulture. I learnt more about the different types and the characteristics of the “cépages”. I feel, today, I am more able to describe a wine in a professional way in order to promote it.”

But can good taste in wine be taught? Indeed, it appears that an appreciation of wine is a learned art and the students learn to tell the difference. As Miguel Rojas Carulla said, “I participated in the wine club as I love wine and I am amazed by people who can describe wines and feel all of those flavors in the nose, mouth and describe them. Happily, I can now feel what I thought I would never feel when drinking wine.”

Wine Tasting Sessions

Every semester, the club meets for 12 standard sessions and 3-6 external events. This semester, the postgraduate students took a field trip to a winery in Grandvaux, the Domaine Croix Dupleix, and organized a wine & cheese party. The Glion students went to the Aigle Wine museum and were received by local wine makers.

The wine tasting sessions are usually organized around a theme, such as a type of wine or a particular country or region: Cabernet, Bordeaux, Sweet wines, New World, Medoc and Spanish, are just a few examples from this semester. The New World wine session was a particularly popular event this year. Members also cited the Wine and Food Pairing Dinner at the student-run Hotel Des Alpes restaurant on campus as a memorable event which brought home the lessons about how to match wine with different meals and spices. This semester featured the following speakers:

Portuguese Wines – Alentejo Wines, master class guided by wine critic Rui Falcão
Wine & Cheese – Mr. Philippe Berthoud, President du Conseil Interprofesionel du Vacherin Mont d’orTerravin a delegation from the Canton of Vaud and the Terravin association
Medoc Wines – Madame Florence Varaine, Conseil des Vins du Medoc
Spanish Wines – Consejo Regulador de Jumilla, Spanish Embassy, Mr David Schwarzwalder

Top wines chosen by our Glion “enomaniacs” (wine-lovers):


Saint Estèphe, Bordeaux
Chateau Gazin – Pomerol – Bordeaux
Sierva, Bodegas Carchelo, 2011
Juan Gil Silver Label, 2012


Corton Charlemagne 2002 from Louis Latour
South African Chenin blanc oak aged from Kanu

Sweet Wines

Moscato d’Asti

How to Join the Oenology Club

Who: Apply with Marc Herbin at:marc.herbin@glion.edu

Where: The Oenology Club is currently held only on the Glion campus, open for students in Semester 2 starting in January 2015. In Bulle, Byron Cathéchis is running a WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust) certificate class (Note: certification may cost up to 600CHF depending on level).

When: The club forms every semester during the induction week, with approximately one event per week during weeks 3 -18.

Capacity & Cost: The capacity is limited to 25 members with a membership fee of 80.00 CHF. Memberships are attributed on a first arrived first served basis upon payment.

See the photo gallery of the Wine & Cheese event,or the field trip to a Vineyard.


