
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 人力资源经理经理对酒店管理者(和求职者)的致辞

HR for Hospitality Managers (and Applicants)

Andrew Raul Nedelcu   2015年3月28日

  想象你在一家酒店集团中被提升到了一个管理职位;想象你需要做出一些艰难的决策,这些决策会影响到整个酒店集团的运行效率、酒店形象以及顾客对你们酒店的满意度;想象你必须领导一个专业团队来完成以上这些事情。然后,你需要量才取用,给每个人分配合适的职责 — 你可以想象一下,单是这项工作就具有多么大的挑战性!就更不用说还要招聘、培训和管理这样一个团队了。





  每一位管理者都要负责员工招聘、绩效管理和员工工作审查。因此,作为未来的管理者,我们必须了解在招聘过程中都存在哪些易犯错误和风险。例如,如果一位新招聘的员工没有留下来的话,会对财政和员工士气造成非常负面的影响。哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review)指出,80%的员工流失是由招聘者错误的招聘决策造成的。根据人力资源管理协会(SHRM)的一份研究,一次失败的招聘所耗费的成本是这个职位年薪的五倍。人力资源管理协会还发现,一个人的职位越高,在这个职位上待的时间越长,那么要取代他(她)所花费的成本也就越高。


  1. 确切地知道你想招聘什么样的人。对于一位管理者来说,你理想中的候选人是什么样子的,你必须在心中对其有一个大概的形象勾勒。在选择招聘某个人的时候,不仅要考量其人力资本,其个人品牌形象也要被考虑在内。顶级的酒店集团对雇员的个人品牌形象是极为看重的。因此管理者必须明白集团对员工的个人品质要求,然后寻找具有这些品质特征的雇员。


  2. 了解这份工作:酒店的工作类别很多,而且不同种类的工作其职责也各不相同,所以,深入了解每一个职位的工作要求和集团对这个职位要求的工作标准,这对于每一位酒店管理者都是很必要的。


  3. 聆听问题,而不要只把关注点放在答案上。每一位管理者都必须知道如何面试一位潜在的雇员。许多人力资源经理在面试时都会问,”你还有什么问题要问吗?“一位求职者所问的相关问题展示了其对这份工作的主动性和兴趣。

  对求职者来说:要提问!我在一次面试中被问到是否还有什么问题的时候,回答道:”没有了,谢谢您,没有什么特别的问题了。”结果不消说,我没有获得那份工作。因此我强烈建议求职者们在面试时尽可能多提问,这是一个好机会 — 你可以获得这个公司的第一手信息,同时向面试官展示出你对这份工作感兴趣。


  每一位酒店管理者的工作范围都包含人力资源,并且这部分工作责任重大。当这位管理者处在酒店这样文化多元化和充满活力的工作环境中时,情况尤其如此。管理者需要为所有的员工提供正确的指引、倾听他们的意见、督查并提高他们的工作品质 — 但最重要的是要为他们提供支持。正如人力资源部门这个名称所体现出来的:这部分工作管理的是集团中最有价值的资源 — 人力资本,同时某种程度上你还需要以一种充满智慧的方式工作并且为其他人提供支持。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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HR for Hospitality Managers (and Applicants)

by Andrew Raul Nedelcu 28 March 2015

Imagine you are promoted to a managerial position in a hotel company. Imagine having to make tough decisions that affect the overall productivity, image and customer satisfaction of your hotel. Imagine that you must manage a team of professionals in order to do this. Now try to imagine how challenging it will be to delegate the right responsibilities to the right people, let alone recruiting, training and monitoring all of them.

Welcome to HR for Hospitality Managers 101

A couple of months ago, I started taking my first Human Resource Management lectures in Glion. Just hearing the name, I thought I already had it figured out: a person sitting at a desk all day, hiring and monitoring employees and dealing with some paper-work. But I was wrong, HR isn’t the role of one department, it’s a part of every management position.

Hospitality is currently one of the world’s fastest growing industries and it is continuously evolving. With new jobs opening constantly and a high turn-over rate in operational jobs, finding “the right candidate for the right job” in hospitality can be harder than finding a needle in a haystack. So every manager needs to understand how to hire efficiently and correctly.

The Cost of Bad Hiring Practices

Every manager plays a role in hiring staff, monitoring performance and conducting reviews. So, as future managers, we must understand the pitfalls and risks of the hiring process. For example, the hiring process can have a very negative impact on finance and morale if the new hire doesn’t stay. “The Harvard Business Review points out that as much as 80% of employee turnover is due to bad hiring decisions. And according to a study by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), it could cost up to five times a bad hire’s annual salary. SHRM also found that the higher the person’s position and the longer they remain in that position, the more it will cost to replace him or her” (Yanger, 2013).

3 Keys to Hiring the Right Person (or Getting Hired for the Right Job) in Hospitality

1.Know exactly who you want. A manager must have an image for their ideal candidate. By choosing to hire somebody, they are investing in not only human capital, but also brand image. And top hospitality companies are very serious about their brand image. So managers must be aware of the qualities a company seeks and look for those qualities in future employees.

For the Candidate: Project the right image. The first-impression and professional image you present in an interview may be the most important factor to getting the job. Show up on time, well-dressed and smelling good. It can make all the difference.

2.Know the job. Hotels have a wide variety of jobs and responsibilities, so in-depth knowledge of each position’s requirements, and the company standards, is a must for every hospitality manager.

For the Candidate: (Also) Know the job. Take time to learn as much as you can about the job you are applying for and make sure you present your skills as they apply to your future role.

3.Listen to the questions, not just the answers. Every manager must know how to interview a potential candidate. Many HR managers will ask, “Do you have any questions for me?” A candidate who asks pertinent questions shows initiative and interest.

For the Candidate: Ask questions! I was asked if I had any questions once in an interview and I replied with “No, thank you, nothing in particular.” Needless to say, I didn’t get the job. So I highly advise job-seekers to ask as many questions as possible during their interviews, it’s a chance to gain first-hand information about the company and to show your interviewer that you are interested.

Every Manager has HR responsibilities

HR is part of every hospitality manager’s duties, and it’s a hand-full of responsibilities, especially if one is working in a multi-cultural and dynamic environment, such as a hotel. People must be guided, their opinions listened to, their qualities monitored and improved on – but most importantly support must be provided. As the name of the HR department suggests, it’s all about managing a company’s most valuable resources, its human capital, in an intelligent and supportive manner.


