
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂校友分享:旧时记忆 - 来格里昂的第一天

Memories of the old times: first day in Glion
格里昂校友分享:旧时记忆 - 来格里昂的第一天



  虽然我对瑞士已经很了解,并且我来自瑞士的邻邦 — 法国,但是对于我自己和我以前的生活来说这仍然是一个巨大的改变。






Olivia Prangey Amzalag

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Memories of the old times: first day in Glion

by Alumni    14 November 2013
I would like to write about something that all Glion students surely remember: their arrival at Glion upon the first semester. I will never forget that day and the apprehension I felt as I arrived.

Although I already knew Switzerland, and was coming from a border country, France, it was a great change for me and from my former life.

I remember that more than anything else I was freaking out at the idea of who I would share a room with. I had been raised well away from summer camps or pyjama parties, and had never shared my room! The general housekeeper of the school who welcomed my parents and me, told me the name of my roommate. I went straight to the board where the pictures of the students were hanging up to check what she looked like.

Afterwards I went to my room which was in the Club building, right at the bottom. No need for me to go to the gym after climbing the stairs every day!

After saying our goodbyes to our families, we had a meeting that afternoon with the faculty. Where should I sit in the room? Who should I sit next to? I discovered, while seeing students coming in, that two of my acquaintances from Paris were in my class. I felt relieved at that for sure. I do not remember the speech that was made by the director of the school but the thing I will never forget is that I understood I was entering a new life with new rules. I was only 18 and more used to wearing jeans and sneakers than skirts or high heels. But it was also the beginning of three years of a tremendous adventure in a multi-cultural environment with great people who became my friends and with whom I still share so much, and with great pleasure.

And you know where I really came to believe that I would love studying at Glion?

Down in Montreux, at the Mayfair (it was the trendy place at that time for Glionners), where we all met, randomly, to party on the first night like we still do today.

Olivia Prangey Amzalag


