
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂2014年回顾

Glion’s 2014 Year in Review

  格里昂高等教育学院    2014年12月22日



  在2014年一月份,侯嘉惠(July Hou)正式担任格里昂的校长。这是格里昂历史上第一位女性校长,引起来外界众多的关注和讨论,这可能还会影响未来酒店行业里的女性地位。关于格里昂博客,侯嘉惠在接受采访的整个过程中都有非常令人赞叹的表现(she gave us an amazing interview),我们也可以借此看到是哪些品质让她成为一名如此有影响力的领导人。


  格里昂MBA课程(Glion MBA)可以通过线上+线下的教学方式来修读
  十月份领导力、金融和市场方向管理资格认证课程(Executive Certificates)正式上线
  格里昂伦敦校区在10月份迎来第一批新生入学(took place at the Glion London campus in October


  过去一年,不少热心的格里昂校友通过我们跟大家分享了他们毕业之后的成功经历。我们把这些经历汇总成了14篇专题文章,发布在格里昂博客中(14 separate articles that were posted in the Glion blog)。统计显示我们的毕业生有67%的校友在酒店、餐饮和旅游行业工作,剩下的校友分布在不同行业,比如奢侈品行业、公关广告行业、金融业、房地产业等等。这证明了我们的毕业生不仅能胜任酒店相关的工作,还能把在格里昂学到的知识延伸到其他领域,这对于酒店专业的毕业生们来说无疑非常鼓舞人心,他们在职业的选择上充满可能性。


  2014年,格里昂邀请了90家公司在格里昂所有的校区进行参观和招聘。这些公司中有一些是我们新的合作伙伴,包括国际粮食基金组织(Food Fund International)、多哈W酒店(W Hotel Doha)、仲量联行(房地产)、欧特家酒店系列(Oetker Collection)和Zaya Retreats等。诸如彭博(Bloomberg)、摩根大通集团(JP Morgan)和Roger Dubuis奢华腕表这类公司的出席都展示出我们的学生们和毕业生们也获得了越来越多的酒店行业之外的公司的认可。


  过去一年,ESE专业的研究生们参与到多个欧足联(UEFA)的项目当中,包括2016年欧洲杯VVIP文化计划,该计划为欧足联中的显要人物和欧足联的合作伙伴专程设计了一系列的活动。研究生们还会参与到电子票务手机应用的设计项目当中,在这个项目中,他们为电子商务客户服务的经验将派上用场。同时在ESE年度大会( ESE “UEFA Hat-Trick” Conference)上正式宣布未来将在多个领域跟欧足联展开合作,我们的学生将会有更多机会在欧足联实习和工作。


  我们对格里昂的官网做了彻底的修改,这项修改计划于2014年11月开始付诸实施。感谢学生们和教职工们的全力配合和积极的反馈,新的格里昂网站反映出了格里昂在商业教育领域的高端品质,也展现出了这里是学生们梦想的平台,突出表现了学校的奢侈品专业和国际化的校园。我们还成功地把在线MBA课程也整合到了新的网站中。自从网站改版之后,点击虚拟之旅(Virtual Tour)游览校园的游客更多了,每月的游客量是以前的三倍还多。



  粉色盛宴 — 慈善舞会
  Vendanges deGeneve名酒品尝会
  莱森冠军公开赛(Leysin Champs Open event)(会展、体育和娱乐活动管理专业学生)

  详细信息请点击以下链接:Flickr 和 Glion Blog


  由于去年我们学生举行毕业典礼的场馆已经不再适用了,所以今年的毕业典礼在蒙特勒的Stravinski 礼堂举行。这里地理位置优越,为参加毕业典礼的学生和家长提供了卓越的体验。毕业生们的毕业典礼是进行现场直播的,线上的毕业典礼直播有超过400人观看,之后有1500多人观看了毕业典礼的录像。更多信息请点击:Read more about it



  参观五星级朗廷酒店(Langham Hotel)
  格兰瑟姆城市酒店(Urban Hotel Grantham)真实的商业项目
  历时1天的7家精品酒店之旅 — 分析酒店的经营理念、设计和服务
  在圣诞毛衣日(Jumper Christmas day)为CLIC Sargent慈善合作伙伴募捐


  今年在学校里举办了两次电视节目拍摄,格里昂深感荣幸:一次是意大利Class TV电视节目组(Italian production from Class TV),一次是上海国际频道(International Channel Shanghai)。感谢负责节目拍摄的工作人员和配合拍摄的学生们,电视拍摄在学生理论学习、实践学习、校园生活和学生之后的职业理想方面都采集到了非常好的素材。


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Glion’s 2014 Year in Review

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 22 December 2014

As we go barrelling towards the end of 2014, we would like to extend our warmest wishes for the holiday season and the New Year! A big THANK YOU to all our students, their families and sponsors, Glion staff and faculty, and our industry partners, alumni and friends, for all their gracious collaboration and support. Thanks to you all, we have more cool stuff to share than ever before. We hope you will share this joy in Glion’s accomplishments.


Judy Hou became the new CEO/Directeur General of Glion in January 2014. As the first female CEO of Glion, her arrival was heralded by many interviews and discussions about the future of women in the hospitality industry. For the Glion Blog,she gave us an amazing interview that provides insight into what makes her such a strong leader.

New Programs

In 2014, Glion has launched several innovative new programs.

Glion MBA is now available as a Hybrid Campus/Online or Professional Program
Executive Certificates in Leadership, Finance, and Marketing started in October
The first Residencies  took place at the Glion London campus in October
Multicampus Programs allow students to study in London and Switzerland
Glion London offers a new 3-week accelerated English Language program

Amazing Alumni Stories

Over the past year, Glion Alumni around the world have graciously shared their time to tell their stories creating 14 separate articles that were posted in the Glion blog. Our alumni data also shows that only 67% of our alumni are working in hotels, F&B or tourism. This result indicates that our alumni are branching out and entering new sectors, it’s encouraging news for hospitality graduates who want a career without limits.

Industry Partners & Sectors

In 2014, Glion welcomed 90 companies for recruitment visits across all campuses. Among these visiting companies, some new partners were present including Food Fund International, W Hotel Doha, JLL (real estate), Oetker Collection, and Zaya Retreats. The presence of companies such as Bloomberg, JP Morgan, and Roger Dubuis Luxury Watches shows that our students and graduates are attracting more companies from outside the hospitality industry.


Over the year, postgraduate ESE students worked on several projects in collaboration with UEFA such as the UEFA EURO 2016 VVIP Cultural Program which involved the development of appropriate activities for UEFA dignitaries and partners, the design of mobile applications for their e-ticketing guest experiences, and the  ESE “UEFA Hat-Trick” Conference.

Glion Website

The Glion website got a total make-over and was launched on November 8, 2014. Thanks to the valuable collaboration and feedback from students and faculty members, the new site reflects Glion’s refined, aspirational outlook in business education with a focus on luxury and the international campuses, and we’ve successfully integrated the Online MBA into the new site. Since the launch, the Virtual Tour saw three times more visitors in one month.

Students & Industry

With the help of our Student Ambassadors, we’ve assembled an astounding collection of photo albums, videos and blog articles that highlight the unique relationship that Glion students maintain with the industry:

The Pink Event – Charity ball benefitting
MBA Symposium on Sustainability, organized by students for industry speakers
TraVitality Conference on food and nutrition in “out of home” (OOH) situations
Les “Vendanges de Geneve” luxury wine-tasting event
Leysin Champs Open event (ESE students)

See them on  Flickr and the Glion Blog.

Glion Graduation
Our graduation ceremony outgrew its venue last year, so this year’s graduation ceremonies were held at the Stravinski Auditorium in Montreux. This amazing location offered a premium guest experience for the students and families in attendance. The graduations were watched on live streaming by nearly 400 viewers, and more than 1,500 people watched the recording.Read more about it.

Glion London

Things are really taking off at the Glion London campus which is now home to 41 students of 22 different nationalities. Here’s just a few of the things they got up to this year:

5-STAR Langham Hotel visit
Urban Hotel Grantham Live Business Project
The 1 Day, 7 Designer Hotels Visit – analyzing hotel concepts, design, and services
Experience Benihana Japanese Restaurant where the chefs cook and entertain
Macmillan coffee bake sale to support people facing cancer
Jumper Christmas day raised money for the CLIC Sargent charity
Professional Behavior Workshop
Fashion show organized by students
Learning & Development Forum with the Institute of Hospitality
The Careers & Networking Fair with 31 employers

Glion in the News

Glion was delighted to host two TV crews on campus this year, an  Italian production from Class TV and a team from International Channel Shanghai. Thanks to great support from both staff and students, the participants collected great footage on the theoretical and practical learning experience, life on campus and later career aspirations.

All in all, 2014 was an inspiring year for Glion and we look forward to what 2015 will bring!


