
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 在你毕业之前,格里昂在线MBA是如何改变你的职业生涯的?

How the Glion Online MBA can change your career before you graduate

  格里昂高等教育学院    2015年7月9日

  刚开始读在线MBA课程的时候,Darren Darwin在阿曼(Oman)一家酒店担任总经理。随后在读这个课程的一年半的时间内,Darren Darwin转而在俄罗斯开了一家酒店,隶属于Rezidor酒店集团。

  从MBA课程一毕业,Darren就被任命为安纳塔拉水疗度假村(Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas)总经理,于是Darren的新使命就是管理这家酒店的开业事宜。该酒店是中东地区地理位置最高的酒店,坐落在一个海拔3000米的悬崖边上。


  这个课程并不容易 …


  在线MBA …

  “让我对自己产生了强烈的信心并且在某种程度上增加了对自己的尊重 — 我获得了这所享有盛誉的学校授予的MBA学位,这种感觉太棒了!”



  “提高了我的沟通技能,我的写作水平也达到了一个更专业的层次。我以前会自信地和某个领域的副总裁讲话吗?可能吧,但一定不会像现在这么自信 … 并且我在接受建设性批评的时候心态也比以前更好了。”




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How the Glion Online MBA can change your career before you graduate

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 9 July 2015

At the start of the Online MBA, Darren Darwin was a general manager for a hotel in Oman. Then 1,5 years into the program, he changed positions to open a hotel for the Rezidor group in Russia.

Right after graduating he was appointed General Manager at Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas, Darren’s new mission is to manage the opening of the highest hotel in the Middle East, perched 3000 meters above sea level on a cliff edge.

Here’s what he thinks of Glion’s Online MBA, summarized for a 2-minute read:

It’s not easy….

“It was difficult in the beginning; it required a change of behavior and mindset, after 10 hours hard work it was tough to then study,” explains Darren. “The first couple of modules were trying. The program required discipline, organization, planning, and focus, I had to keep my eyes on the end goal. It is not easy, but it shouldn’t be easy because you are getting an MBA and it’s from Glion and Glion is the best university in the world.”

The Online MBA …

Gave me a real strong belief in myself and there is also a level of respect that goes with the fact that I have an MBA from a reputed school, which is really good.”

Changes the way you think. Now, I analyse everything, I question the status quo, I learned to think more strategically and longer-term.”

Allowed me to take a new role. Flexible online studies were the main contributing factor to help me decide to do it, I took a module break to arrange for my relocation which was time consuming. It took me 3 years in total, you can go back to it.”

Improved my communication skills: my writing is much more professional now. Would I have been confident to talk to an area VP before? Maybe but not to the level of confidence I have now… and I learned to accept constructive criticism better.”

Final word:

“I just accepted a wonderful job, and I am delighted, the MBA will give me the confidence to be successful in this job. I know how to follow through with my ambitions, I study all the time now, read articles, check websites. I did that before, but now I know how to look.”

The take-away: “the MBA stays with you forever, whatever changes occur in your life, the MBA will always be yours, it is a personal achievement of the highest form.”


